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Subject code & Name CC08_CIII Coach and work with people

Units of competency BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others

Assessment type/Tools Knowledge Tests

Course Name SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery

Name of Assessor Date of Assessment

Name of Student ID:

Please use this booklet to answer assessments’ tasks

Before you upload your answer’s booklet you must do the following:

 Save as YOUR STUDENT ID_BSBWOE203_1st attempt.

 Use BSBWOR203 submission button only to upload your answers.

Assessor to complete
Assessment outcome & Assessor feedback.
Overall Feedback to student

Assessor name: Assessor Signature

Date :

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Instructions For students:
Please answer the following questions. You may reference the learning content
and/or conduct your own research.
You must answer all of the questions ensuring sufficient responses to demonstrate
reflection and knowledge of each question.
Responses that are too short or do not sufficiently demonstrate knowledge or
genuine reflection will be marked as incorrect.
You should attempt every question and review your answers, before submitting your
work for marking.
Each question is graded out of 1 mark.
When you have completed all questions, you will need to press “Save and Submit”
to send through for grading.
By submitting your work, you are declaring that the material contained within your
submissions is your own material, written and developed by no other person except
where due reference is made. False declarations may lead to withdrawal of any
qualification or subject.
For assessors:
The assessor must consider all aspects of the UoC when making a judgement. For
your guidance a Sample Answer/s and Rubric have been provided to give clarity on
the evidence required and to maintain a consistency of judgment.
The assessor should offer constructive feedback across the assessment. In the first
instance, if insufficient evidence to meet criteria is presented, the assessor must
offer feedback and allow the student the opportunity to resubmit.
Feedback comments must be provided in red text.
Range and Conditions  Online
 Students must work through this assessment independently
Decision Making Rules Students must answer all of the questions ensuring sufficient responses to
demonstrate the required skills and underpinning knowledge to complete each
question. Answers must be correct to achieve a Satisfactory response.
Answers will be assessed against prescribed marking criteria.
Where a student achieves a “Not Yet Satisfactory” result, they will be provided an
opportunity to resubmit their work.
Pre-Approved There are no pre-approved adjustments for this assessment. Adjustments will be
Reasonable made on a case by case basis. The Assessor must record details on the Student’s
Adjustments Profile Record.
Rubric A rubric has been assigned for each question. As a principle, if the following
responses are given by the student, then the assigned mark is a zero.
 Blank
 Nothing written in space provided
 No attempt to answer assigned question (e.g. responses: “I don’t know”)

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BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others with others
Knowledge Test
Q1. You work as the manager of a bar in the Righteous Inn hotel. List three examples of
organisational standards that you may be responsible for in your role.
Be on time
Great personal presentation
Be respectful
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q2. Why is it important for you to carry out these standards within your role?
Work as example for other staff, Lift up the team standard, motivate team morale
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q3. As a manager, you must ensure that staff follow organisational policies when on shift. List three
examples of policies that you might need to monitor.
Alcohol and drug policy
WHS procedure
Dress code
Bully and harassment policy
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q4. What are four ways you would make information regarding work responsibilities and duties
available to your team?
Job induction section
Job description document
Formal meeting
Informal interview
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q5. How do your own personal work responsibilities impact on the rest of your team?

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Working as an example gives staff a good attitude, will encourage them to perform with a higher standard, the team will
be more effective and get benefit from it
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q6. List three ways that the organisational responsibilities and duties of your team may affect you
doing your job.
1. provide training if you find the gap between skill required and current skill level
2. motivate the encourage staff to create positive working environment
3. be clear with team responsibility and duty
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q7. In your own words describe and explain the techniques you would use in sequence to help
resolve workplace conflict.
Identify the reason of the conflict
Find a private place to talk
Listen and let both parties to talk
Investigate the case
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q8. When leading a function or event, what are four examples of basic information that you should
provide your team on the event run sheet so they have a clear understanding of the event details and
their role within it?
Number of the guest
Special dietary requirement
Task allocation
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others

Practical tasks
Task 1.Case Study
Instruction for students:
To complete this assessment, please read the Case Study and then answer the following questions. You may reference the
learning content and/or conduct your own research.

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You must answer all of the questions ensuring sufficient responses to demonstrate reflection and knowledge of each
question. Responses that are too short or do not sufficiently demonstrate knowledge or genuine reflection will be marked as
incorrect. You should attempt every question and review your answers, before submitting your work for marking.

During your first few days at ‘The Righteous Inn’ you are trying to establish a good working relationship with your
new team mates. You understand that doing this will help you fit in and become a trusted and accepted member
of the team.
While your efforts are going well, and you seem to be developing a good rapport with most of the team you are
experiencing a few problems with personal values and beliefs that are different to your own. For example:
 The owner has said they value charging the right price for everything sold above everything else you do, and you
believe customer service is the most important thing.
 The Team Leader has told you they believe the workplace is a serious place and is no place for fun, and you
believe there is room to have some fun and enjoyment at work.
 One team member has said due to peer group pressure from within the team they do not speak out about issues
they feel strongly about such as safety issues and poor service standards, and you are a person with strong
opinions, and you aren’t afraid to voice them.

Q1. Define what is meant by a ‘personal belief’.

Idea or thought that a person believe in true or correct

Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q2. What are four ways a person might acquire a ‘personal belief’?
Personal experience
Been told by someone you trust
Read from some sources you trust

Result ☒Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q3. In your own words explain what is meant by a ‘personal value’.

Principle to guide the way to live base on personal believe
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q4. Give three reasons why it is important to be aware of the personal values and beliefs of those you work with?
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Build a better relationship with other
Predict other people's decision making
Influence people to behaving, responding, speaking out of habit, not out of malice or other reasons
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q5. What are four things you can do when interacting with co-workers to respect their personal values and beliefs
which are different to your own?
No argue, no challenge
Not making fun of them
Show interest of people's believe
No judging
Try to cooperate with other different value and believe

Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q6. What are four potential downsides that could flow from your failure to respect differences in personal values
and beliefs of your team members?
Lack of trust
Deliberate to ruin your work
No teamwork/ no cooperation
barriers in communication
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Task 2. Research project 1

‘The Righteous Inn’ has been experiencing staff problems because some staff have been misunderstanding
and/or misinterpreting their communications and exchanges with people from different countries and cultures.
You have noticed it as you go about your daily work, customers have made comments to you about it, and now
management have approached you regarding the issue.
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As an up-and-coming employee the manager has asked you to look into what can be done to address this
situation, and you are eager to take on this job because you know that The Righteous Inn would stand to benefit
hugely if this problem could be overcome.
Talk to the staff about the issue they are experiencing regards to the miscommunication
Read employee profile or just ask staff to find out their country of origin and language spoken
Observe interaction between staff
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect

Q1. How might you go about identifying the specific linguistic and cultural differences that occur at The Righteous

High staff turnover

No teamwork
Low level of customer service
Increase conflict
More tension at work
No trust with others
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect

Q2. What are the possible outcomes of allowing this situation to continue?

Q3. What would you recommend to another worker who approached you looking for advice on how to better
communicate with a worker from another country or culture?
Show interest and show respect for other culture and personal value
Be patient and tolerant
Apologise for possible misunderstanding of accidental offence on other culture

Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


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Task 2. Research project 2
Learner Instructions
For this assessment, you are to read the scenario information and then:
 Identify three groups with differences in their linguistic and cultural communication styles that you are familiar
with or think you are going to need to work with.
 Conduct necessary research to allow you to respond authoritatively to the Research Tasks listed below.
Your workplace research has identified that staff at The Righteous Inn predominantly come from three groups.
You have decided to use this knowledge as the basis for addressing the identified problem with communication
between employees in the workplace.
Q1. List, describe and differentiate between each group you have identified.
Do research on 3 groups of people about
- religions
- values and believe
- history
- communication habit
- world view
- social organisation
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q2. Identify and describe the situations in which difficulties may arise for these people when they communicate with
people from a different country or culture.
When try to seek information
when ask question
When ask for help

Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Q3. Describe the strategies you would suggest to management they should put in place at The Righteous Inn to
address the identified problem.

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Organisational anti-discrimination policy
Organise event to introduce multi-culture in workplace, to encourage staff to learn different language, culture, value
and believe
Buddy up people from different culture to work together
Result ☐Correct ☐ Incorrect


Task 3. Role-plays
The following Role-plays require you in various roles within the Righteous Inn to demonstrate your skills and
knowledge regarding managing conflict between employees. All relevant scenario information and criteria for
success are provided for you to complete the task.
Your assessor will observe you in these role-plays, playing various roles you interact with.
General instructions to Learners
This task requires you to participate in the role-play below.
Your Assessor and/or other learners will play people you interact with during this role-play; they will have certain
things they are required to do or say in order to make the Role-play effective and relevant.
Your Assessor will observe and record your demonstration of competency on the structured Role-play Checklist
provided. You are advised to review this checklist to see exactly what they will be looking for. This Role-play
 Role-play 1: Seeking assistance when faced with a workplace problem.
 Role-play 2 Manage conflict between employees.
 The Scenario for each Role-play - and undertake any research necessary to be able to provide information
required as part of the Role-play.
 The ‘Role-play instructions to Learner’ for the Role-play.
 The Role-play Checklist for the Role-play.
Please treat this Role-play seriously and participate as if you were an employee in the situation described for
the Role-play.
Criteria for success

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The decision-making rules that will be followed are:
 Learners must complete all tasks and answer all questions in a way that demonstrates understanding of
the key actions and requirements.
 All tasks and answers must be correct to achieve a satisfactory result.
Where a learner does not complete tasks or questions correctly, they will be provided an opportunity to repeat
the Role-play or observation at a later date.

Role-play 1 Seeking assistance when faced with a workplace problem.

Role-play instructions to Learner
For this Role-play you are required to demonstrate:
 How you would seek assistance when faced with a workplace operational problem.
 How you would explain the situation you are faced with to those who you are seeking help from.
 How you would advise them how you became aware of the problem.
 Your appreciation of the flow-on issues created by this problem.
 Participation in trying to find a resolution to the issue – what suggestions could you make to fix this
 How you would answer questions asked of you as best you can: “I don’t know” can be an acceptable
 How you would try to quieten and placate the noisy patrons while maintaining high levels of customer

The Assessor may stop the assessment on occasion to:

 Ask questions or to get you to repeat an action.
 Ask you to explain what and why you are doing something.
 Tell you when to continue with the assessment task.

You must complete all tasks in the required time limit which for this Role-play is two minutes.
The assessment will take place in a simulated public bar service counter environment with customers present
and two other bar attendants behind the bar.
All competencies in the Role-play Checklist must be observed to complete this assessment.
If a competency is not observed during the time period, the Assessor will create an opportunity to repeat the
Role-play (or part of it) or undertake an alternative form of assessment such as questioning or demonstration.

You are working as a bar attendant in the public bar of The Righteous Inn.
The bar is full because it is 6pm on a Friday evening and everyone is looking forward to a long weekend.
Suddenly you notice the beer you are pulling is starting to flow from the tap slowly and more slowly. Instead of
being able to chain pour three schooners in a row in 30 seconds you are finding it impossible to fill one in a
You look around at the other bar attendants and all the beer taps they are using seem to be working fine.
You realise this issue needs some sort of attention, but you don’t have any cellar experience, and you don’t
have any idea what could be causing the problem.
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The bar supervisor is unavailable, so you figure you need to talk to two of the other bar attendants to see what
they think.
You realise this will need to be a very brief discussion because the customers appear pretty thirsty tonight!
For more information, instructions and assessment criteria, please read the assessment information booklet.
Please follow your assessor guidance on how to complete and submit this role play
Assessor to use the below observation checklist to capture student performance evidences.

Assessor Observation Checklist

Observation: Role play 1: Seeking assistance when faced 1st 1st 2nd 2nd Comment
with a workplace problem Att att att Att
The Learner observed demonstrate the following? em em em em
pt pt pt pt
Seeking assistance when faced with a workplace problem. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Sought assistance in an appropriate manner: Promptly - ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Described the problem being experienced appropriately ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
and Quickly.
Using suitable communication techniques. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Providing proper explanation of the problem and ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Detailed the ultimate result experienced. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Advised co-workers they were aware of the difficulties the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
malfunctioning tap was causing – which may include:
Slower service. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Dissatisfied customers. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Decreased revenue. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Indicated they were aware that the discussion being held ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
was compounding the problem that already existed.
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Took part in trying to resolve the situation – by ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
contributing options for action:
Use another tap or bank. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Serve packaged beer in the interim. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Contact relevant person to investigate and remedy cellar ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
problem as soon as possible.
Responded to questions asked in the expected way – that ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
is: promptly and honestly apologising where appropriate.
Promptly. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Honestly. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Admitting lack of knowledge where and when ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Apologising where necessary. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Made suitable efforts to quieten and placate the noisy ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
patrons while maintaining high levels of customer service:
Using appropriate verbal language. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Using appropriate non-verbal language. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Assessor name: Assessor Signature:


Role play 2 – Manage conflict between employees.

Role-play instructions to Learner
For this Role-play you are required to demonstrate:
 How you would seek assistance when faced with a conflict between employees in the workplace.
 What you would say and how you would say it in this type of situation.
 How you would approach and raise the issue with relevant others.
 Your role in trying to identify the cause of the conflict.
 What you would do in terms of trying to resolve the situation.
 You can consult and collaborate with others when addressing and trying to resolve the situation.
 Your ability to generate a viable solution to the problem.
The Assessor may stop the assessment on occasion to:
 Ask questions or to get you to repeat an action.
 Ask you to explain what and why you are doing something.
 Tell you when to continue with the assessment task.

You must complete all tasks in the required time limit which for this Role-play is five minutes.
The assessment will take place in a simulated office or staff room environment with just simulated co-workers
present. All competencies in the Role-play Checklist must be observed to complete this assessment.
If a competency is not observed during the time period, the Assessor will create an opportunity to repeat the
Role-play (or part of it) or undertake an alternative form of assessment such as questioning or demonstration.
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As a food waiter in the bistro at The Righteous Inn you have become aware that two employees (John and
Jane) who also work in the bistro seem to be in conflict with each other and you are concerned this tension is
adversely affecting the guests and the other employees in the room.
You noticed what you thought might be this problem about a week ago and you have been monitoring the
situation ever since.
You have come to the conclusion the situation is real and appears to be getting worse, not better.
You decide something needs to be done about the problem and elect to discuss it with a couple of team
members at the next break you have.

For more information, instructions and assessment criteria, please read the assessment information booklet.
Please follow your assessor guidance on how to complete and submit this role play.
Assessor to use the following observation checklist to capture student performance evidences.

Assessor Observation checklist

Role play 2: manage conflict between employees. 1st 1st 2nd 2nd Comment
The Learner observed demonstrate the Attempt S attempt attempt Attempt
following? NS S NS

Sought assistance for team members: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Explained the situation clearly. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Asked for help or suggestions on how to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
resolve the situation.
Described what had been noticed regarding ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
the situation.
Communicated appropriately: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Used appropriate language and comments. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Used a constructive and collaborative ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Refrained from any negative or inflammatory ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Introduced the issue appropriately: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Used sensitivity and tact. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Was supportive and positive in attitude. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Took a proactive position in regard to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
identification of causal issues:
Commented on possible causes. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Suggested techniques to identify causes in the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Tried to involve the others in the issue. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Took action regarding trying to resolve the ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
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Made suggestions about what to do and/or ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
what could be done.
Showed initiative, sensitivity and respect for ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
those involved.
Demonstrated consultation and collaboration: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Worked with the others to generate a ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Listened to and factored in what they said. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Developed a possible solution: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Suggested or worked with the others to ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
develop a viable solution to the conflict.
Identified or participated in identifying a plan ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
to put the solution into effect.
Role-play 2 Result: ☐ Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor name: Assessors Signature:


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