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Kalian, Margosatubig, Zamboanga del Sur

1ST Quarter Exam in COMPUTER -1
SY 2022-2023

Name: ____________________________ Year and Section: ____________ Score: _______

Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer then write the letter of your
choice on the space given before the number.

______1. It gives instructions that tell the hardware on what to do,

a. software b. ports c. memory d. CPU
______2. Which of the following are types of computer hardware
a. Microsoft windows and processor b. Firefox and RAM
c. keyboard and hard disk d. applications and mouse
______3. Windows, mac OS, and Linux are examples of,
a. web browsers b. mobile devices c. internet service providers d. operating systems
______4. Which of the following is NOT a good way to handle cyberbullying?
a. ignores or block the person b. tell your parents or teacher
c. gets into a fight with the person at school d. save the messages as evidence
______5. Which of the following is an appropriate application for a super computer?
a. Word processing b. Weather forecasting c. 3D gaming d. Payroll Processing
______6. Which of these is the most appropriate computer component to store data in electronic form for
future use? a. Hard disk b. RAM c. Laser printer d. Mouse
______7. The brain of the computer that does the calculation, moving, and processing of information.
a. CPU b. RAM c. motherboard d. hard disk
______8. Program that controls a computer's basic functions is called ______________.
a. Hard Disk b. Motherboard c. Operating System d. CPU
______9. If you want to delete a text, select it then press ________
a. Delete b. Enter c. Cut d. Shift
______10. To find any documents, music, or folders you can use ________
a. Search box b. Title bar c. Menu bar d. Task bar
______11. The following are computer’s ability, EXCEPT
a. performs extremely complex tasks b. simulate nuclear power experiments
c. predicts the development of climate change d. decision making ability
______12. Most powerful computer that has been used to model COVID- 19 simulations
a. ETA- 10 b. Frontera c. Cray-1 d. Fugaku
______13. Which of the following is a characteristic of PC (Personal Computer)?
a. used in stock market for managing online currency b. designed for personal use
c. used in big organizations like banking d. single- use computer
______14. Expansion slots, ports, memory chips, motherboard are hardware components of _____
a. secondary storage b. system unit c. output devices d. communication devices
______15. Main function of system software, EXCEPT
a. allocating system resources b. managing storage space
c. provides users with tools d. providing security
______16. What is a virus?
a. blocking access until money is paid b. when someone steals your computer
c. Sends information covertly d. A piece of code that can copy itself and attack a computer
______17. A computer uses ________ to organize all the different files and applications that it contains.
a. Folder b. Icons c. Trash Can d. Applications
______18. Why is it important to keep the operating system up to date?
a. To impress your friends b. To avoid buying a new one
c. To protect your computer form malware c. Because it's the law
______19. Which is not the function of the Operating System?
a. Memory management b. Disk management c. Application management d. Virus Protection
______20. Who can be referred to as cyberbully?
a. a person who sends mean, vulgar, or threatening messages or images
b. a person who pretends, to be someone else to make that person look bad
c. a person who posts sensitive, private information about another person
d. all the above

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