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What is adaptive change?

Adaptive organization change refers to the process of changing an organization's structure,

processes, or culture in response to internal or external changes in the environment. This type of
change is often characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and unpredictability, and requires
organizations to be flexible and responsive to shifting circumstances.

Adaptive change can take many forms, such as adopting new technologies, entering new markets,
responding to shifting customer preferences, or adjusting to changes in the regulatory environment.
It often requires organizations to develop new skills and capabilities, and to adopt new ways of
working and thinking.

To successfully implement adaptive change, organizations must be able to sense and respond to
changes in the environment, engage all stakeholders in the change process, and be willing to
experiment and learn from failures. Effective communication and leadership are also critical, as is a
culture that supports continuous learning and improvement.

Overall, adaptive organization change requires organizations to be agile, resilient, and proactive, and
to continuously adapt and evolve in response to a rapidly changing environment.

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