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TAROT OF THE Ou Parn A Hanppoox oF Femate Wispom InsTRUCTION BY Howanp Ropway ISBN 978-3-905021-40-0 Howard Rodway/Urania Verlag AG First published in 1990 by Urania Verlags AG © 1990, 2012 AGM-Urania/Koenigsfurt-Urania Verlag DE-24796 Krummwisch, Germany All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec- tronic or mechanical, including photocopy, with- out permission in writing from the publisher. Reviewers may quote brief passages. INTRODUCTION The Tarot dates from the fourteenth century. In a standard deck there are seventy-eight illus- trated cards which are divided into two groups - the Major and the Minor Arcana. The twen- ty-two Major cards present the main experiences and dramas in our lives, whilst the Minor, which consist of four suits similar to standard playing cards, tend to reflect our working, professional and social situations in society. Read correctly, the cards help to put the past and present into focus and act as a strong guideline for the future. ‘The Tarot can therefore be thought of as a key to destiny. In the hands of an expert, these cards of knowledge mirror a region of the mind which would normally remain hidden-illustrating just how sensitive the Tarot is as a medium of psy- chic expression. Keeping this in mind, the Tarot should always be treated with respect. The Tarot of the Old Path has emerged in re- cognition of the many card readers who are witches and initiates of Wicca, often referred to as the Craft, the Old Religion or the Old Path. In fact, no witch is truly a witch without a good working knowledge of these ancient symbols. 3 Witchcraft, to use a popular term, should not be confused with Satanism or black magic. It is a beneficial, nature-based religion and philosophy which aims to improve the quality of life. Some of the most articulate voices in the movement have come together to act as contrib- utor -advisers for the Tarot of the Old Path. The group of consultants for this Tarot is as follows : Margot Adler USA Lois Bourne UK Patricia Crowther UK Janet and Stewart Farrar UK Aislinn Lester UK Pauline Newbery UK Kim Tracey UK N.P. Our coven of eight have provided card descriptions, meanings, symbolism, verse, an Old Path Tarot ritual and advice on numerous aspects of the Tarot including correspondences -the astrological and elemental influences that affect a particular card. Thus they ensure that this is an authentic Tarot of the Old Path. All of the above-mentioned contributions are to be found in my companion to these cards-the Tarot of the Old Path Instruction Book. In this booklet, consultants’ names appear un- der the titles of the Major Arcana cards to which they have provided specialist information. Artist Sylvia Gainsford, a member of the Fel- lowship of Isis, has contributed her own card in- terpretations together with the language of flow- ers, which aptly complements the cards. Sylvia has also dedicated The Lovers card to romantic novelist Barbara Cartland. The flower interpre- tations and the full story of the dedication are to be found in my instruction book. Readers will also find there profiles on each of the above- named consultants. Howard Rodway Conyer Kent January 1990 a ABOUT THE ARTIST Sylvia Gainsford’s contributions to the Tarot of the Old Path have been immense. It would have been difficult to find another artist who had the combination of artistic skill, sensitivity, and a rapport with the subject that is necessary for a project such as this. Sylvia has provided all these requirements in abundance, on top of which, she has contributed the beautiful language of flowers, an addition that gives extra depth to the meanings of the cards, at the same time empha- sizing the important place that flowers and herbs have always held within Wicca. Overall, the magic of her pen and brush has produced a level of sensitive expression that is quite unique in the field of Tarot card art. Sylvia P. Gainsford NDD (BA) ATD, has been a full-time professional artist since 1974. Her work covers a wide variety of both subject and media, with a bias toward a close observation of nature. She has exhibited at the Royal Academy and her paintings have sold in Europe and Ameri- ca, including a commission for a Beverly Hills foundation. Her work has been reproduced by the Medici Society, and she is contracted to a London publisher for illustration work. Sylvia and her husband Leon had their first book, Food from the Countryside, published in the Summer of 1989 by Bishopsgate Press, Lon- don. This illustrated work is based on their ex- periences of living off the land in the seventies. Sylvia and Leon are currently raising funds from the sale of their prints in order to contin- ue with the sponsorship of a native American Yankton Sioux youngster who lives with his mother in South Dakota. THE MAJOR ARCANA 0 THE FooL Lois Bourne Divinatory meaning: Adventurous quest. A choice of possibilities. Foolhardiness. Thought- lessness. Lack of attention to detail. Naiveté Reverse meaning: Faulty evaluation. Apathy. Lost opportunities. Bad choice. 1 THE MAGICIAN Lois Bourne Divinatory meaning: Creativity. Great confi- dence. Willpower. Translating thought into ac- tion. Authority. Control. Skill. Reverse meaning: Weak of will. Concentrating one’s energies for a negative purpose. Abuse of power. Lack of skill. Deceit. Il THe High PRiEsTESS Lois Bourne Divinatory meaning: A wise woman. Intuition. A positive, guiding force and influence. Natural forces. Artistic gifts. Sometimes showing cruelty or a vindictive nature. Reverse meaning: Ignorance. Faulty judgement. Shallow. Egotistical. Decadence and immorality. 8 II] THE EMprEss Janet and Stewart Farrar Divinatory meaning: Fruitfulness. Fertility. Creativity. Attainment. Maternal. Female wiles. Protective. Reverse meaning: Sterility. Infidelity. Material loss. Wasting resources. Possible complication with a pregnancy. IV THE EMPEROR Lois Bourne Divinatory meaning: Leadership. Patriarchal. The head ruling the heart. Wealt. Overcoming past difficulties. Reaching goals. Reverse meaning: Immaturity. Impotence. Loss of wealth. Loss of authority. Weakness of char- acter. V THE HIGH Priest (HIFROPHANT) Kim Tracey Divinatory meaning: Revelation. Explanation. Enlightenment. Conventional. The bridge be- tween the world of the flesh and the world of the spirit. Compassion. Kindness. Reverse meaning: Non-conformity. Unconven- tional. Rejection. Indecision. Weakness. 9) VI THE Lovers Sylvia Gainsford Divinatory meaning: Love. A possible ro- mance. Beauty. Loyalty. Trials overcome. Putting to the test. Equality between male and female. Reverse meaning: Disloyalty. A possible part- ing. An unsatisfactory relationship. A love affair suffering from parental or outside interference. Sexual frustration. Vice. ‘The Lovers has been dedicated to romantic nov- elist Barbara Cartland by artist Sylvia Gainsford. For the full story see the Tarot of the Old Path In- struction Book. VII Mastery (THE CHARIOT) Kim Tracey Divinatory meaning: Quarrel. Overcoming ob- stacles. Travel. Conquest. Victory. Greatness is within reach when mental and physical powers are kept in balance. Controlling the direction of life. Reverse meaning: A lack of control. A lack of vision causing uncertainty of direction. Defeat. Failing to face reality. A loser. 10 VII STRENGTH Janet and Stewart Farrar Divinatory meaning: Spiritual and/or mental strength. Courage. Willpower. Mind over mat- ter, The strength to overcome obstacles and dif- ficulties. Love triumphing over hate. Reverse meaning: The lower self’ taking con- trol. Weakness. Obstinacy. Abuse of power. Poor health. IX THE Wise ONE (HERMIT) Kim Tracey Divinatory meaning: A search for truth and wisdom. Counsel. Sound judgement. Discretion. Solitary soul. Soul-searching. Enlightenment. Reverse meaning: Stubbornness. A closed mind. Bad advice. Isolation. Foolish and/or im- mature behaviour. X WHEEL OF FORTUNE Sylvia Gainsford Divinatory meaning: Destiny. Fate. Wealth or poverty. Good or bad omen. Light at the end of the tunnel. The law of Karma (cause and effect). Inevitability. ll Reverse meaning: Failure. Bad luck. Unexpect- ed negative situation. Interruption due to un- foreseen events. XI Justice Kim Tracey Divinatory meaning: Fairness. Justice. Proper balance. Harmony. Just reward. Someone who does not take unfair advantage. Reverse meaning: Prejudice. False accusations. Abuse. Severity. XII THe Lone MAN (THE HANGED Man) Janet and Stewart Farrar Divinatory meaning: A pause in activities. A changing situation. A changing style of life. Abandonment. Renunciation. Self-sacrifice. Conquering material temptation. Reverse meaning: Selfishness. Materialistic. Ego gratification, Failure to find the true mean- ing in one’s life. XIII THe Cross (DEATH) Sylvia Gainsford Divinatory meaning: Change. The end of an emotional relationship. 12 Clearing out the old to make way for the new. Destruction. Illness. The possibility of physical death. Reincarnation. Reverse meaning: Catastrophe. Stagnation. Avoiding a serious mishap or even death. XIV THE GUIDE (TEMPERANCE) Sylvia Gainsford Divinatory meaning: Moderation. Temper- ance. Self-control. Compatibility. Strengthening the spirit through moderate behaviour. Positive influence. Reverse meaning: A bad combination. Dishar- mony. Intemperance. Emotional unbalance. XV TEMPTATION (THE DEVIL) Sylvia Gainsford Divinatory meaning: Greed. Lust. Perversion. The left-hand path. Violence. Malevolence. Temptation. Self-destruction. Bad temper. Reverse meaning: The rejection of materialistic values. Rescue from a possibly dangerous situ- ation. Overcoming obstacles. Awareness of the needs of others. 13 XVI THE TOWER Janet and Stewart Farrar Divinatory meaning: A traumatic change that will lead to new awareness. Ending a relation- ship. Chaos. Downfall. Ruin. Transition, Free- dom/liberation only gained at some cost. Reverse meaning: Stagnation. Caught in a neg- ative situation. Imprisonment. Mental outlook stunting further growth and development. XVII Tue Star Janet and Stewart Farrar Divinatory meaning: Hope. Spiritual illumina- tion. Truth unveiled. Psychic or spiritual gifts. Good opportunity. Harmony. Good mental and physical health. Reverse meaning: Unfulfilled hopes. Restric- tion. Disharmony. Mental or physical illness. XVIII ILLUsion (THE Moon) Sylvia Gainstord Divinatory meaning: An illusory situation. Fraud, Entrapment. Solitude. Hidden enemies. Imagination. Development of psychic powers. Reverse meaning: Small deceptions. Overcom- ing serious temptation. A mystery solved. Upset emotions. 14 XIX Tue SuN Patricia Crowther Divinatory meaning: Achievement. Satisfac- tion. Material happiness. Emotional happiness. Success in the arts. Freedom. Love. Reverse meaning: A project cancelled. A cloud on the horizon. Unhappiness, Loneliness. A warning of fire. XX KarMa (JUDGEMENT) Patricia Crowther Divinatory meaning: Reaping what you sow. The result of past actions. A matter of con- science. Inner prompting. Another chance. Spiritual progression. Liberation. Reverse meaning: Regret. A time of reckoning. ‘The bad outweighs the good. Re-balancing a karmic debt. XXI THE WORLD Patricia Crowther Divinatory meaning: Successful completion. Achievement. Victory. Cosmic consciousness. Liberation. A voyage. Reverse meaning: Inertia. Earthbound. Obsta- cles in’ the way of travel. Lacking in vision. Dis- appointment. 15 THE Minor ARCANA Rops ACE Divinatory meaning: Birth. Beginning. Start- ing a project. Invention. Reverse meaning: Spiritual deprivation. Unre- alized goal or objective. Decadence. Calamity. Two Divinatory meaning: A ruler. A strong, domi- nant personality. Influence over another. Success in one’s field of endeavour. Reverse meaning: Sadness. Trouble. Restrains caused by others. Lack of faith. THREE Divinatory meaning: Plans are made, but help is needed to see them realized. Organizing abili- ty. Business skill. Talks or negotiations. Reverse meaning: Treachery. Guard against of- fers of help. Cessation of adversity. 16 Rops Four Divinatory meaning: Well-established home and financial life. A satisfying partnership. Har- mony. Romance. Reverse meaning: Financial position must be guarded. Continued alertness is essential for success. Insecurity. Unfulfilled romance. FIVE Divinatory meaning: Conflict and tension in business or connected with a project. Wishes and ambitions have not matured. Struggle. Ob- stacles. Reverse meaning: Trickery. Caution required. Guard against loss of material goods. Contra- diction. Six Divinatory meaning: Triumph after a struggle. Diplomacy and discussion bringing victory. Ad- vancement. Good news. Reverse meaning: Falsehood. Winning without gain. Fear. Disloyalty. 17 Rops SEVEN Divinatory meaning: Effort and courage are needed in the face of difficulties. Surmounting challenges. Victory. Gain. Reverse meaning: Taking on more than it is possible to cope with. Anxiety. Indecision. Per- plexity. EIGHT Divinatory meaning: Swift travel to new sur- roundings. Activity. Possible movement. A quick response. Reverse meaning: Cancellation of a journey or appointment due to arguments. Quarrel. Jeal- ousy. Stagnation. NINE Divinatory meaning: Preparedness. Antics paring problems. Strength in reserve. Being on guard to ensure success. Reverse meaning: Mental or physical illness. Physical injury. Obstacles. Adversity. 18 Rops TEN Divinatory meaning: Determination to suc- ceed when under extreme pressure. Burdened. Eventual success. Reverse meaning: Intrigue. Difficulty. Vigilance concerning lawsuits. PAGE Divinatory meaning: A blonde, blue-eyed young man. A youth who is faithful, trustwor- thy, and full of good intentions. Messenger. Communicant. A loyal individual. Reverse meaning: Illness. Bad news. Indeci- sion. Uncertainty concerning a project. KNIGHT Divinatory meaning: A fair-haired, blue- eyed young man. An impulsive opportunist. A change of situation or residence. Departure. Travel. Absence. Reverse meaning: A person who falls to temp- tation, Quarrel. Unexpected change. 19 Rops QUEEN Divinatory meaning: A red or auburn-haired woman with green or hazel eyes. A loyal woman who is sincere and charming. A person capable of strong friendship. Warm. Practical. Reverse meaning: A mistrustful woman. Jeal- ousy. Possibly unfaithful. KING Divinatory meaning: A fair, blue-eyed man. A father figure. A married man with a family. One who is wise, educated and intelligent. Mature. Noble. Reverse meaning: One who is dogmatic and critical. Intolerant. Il|-natured. 20 CAULDRONS ACE Divinatory meaning: The dawning of great joy, love and spiritual understanding. Happyness. Fertility. Birth. Sincere friendship and love with- in the family. Reverse meaning: Unhappiness. Emotional up- set. Instability. Sterility. Two Divinatory meaning: A man and woman who share mutual love and understanding. Union. Love. Affinity. Friendship. Reverse meaning: Separation. A troubled ro- mance. False friendship. Opposition. THREE Divinatory meaning: A happy celebration. Ful- filment. Healing. A problem resolved. Satisfac- tory result. Reverse meaning: Sex without love. Pleasures in excess. Illness. Loss of prestige. 21 CAULDRONS FouR Divinatory meaning: An offer of help from a powerful source. A different approach to old problems. New possibilities. New relationships. Reverse meaning: ‘The loss of a great opportu- nity because of resentment of help offered. Wea- riness. Disappointment. FIVE Divinatory meaning: Preoccupied with misfor- tune and regret. Disappointment. No true love in marriage. Imperfection. Reverse meaning: Optimistic outlook. New al- liances. A friend will soon return. Six Divinatory meaning: A love that is innocent and undemanding. A reunion with an old friend. Nostalgia. Memories. Reverse meaning: An inability to adapt to new situations. A reluctance to mature. Events from the past which have not been exorcized. 22 CAULDRONS SEVEN Divinatory meaning: A number of options be- come available, but a decision is difficult, as all seem excellent. Attainment through determina- tion and willpower. You have made the correct choice - don’t change your mind. Reverse meaning: Self-delusion blocks the path. Illusion. Wishful thinking. EIGHT Divinatory meaning: The satisfaction of per- sonal accomplishment - but an upset in a loving relationship causes a move to seek something higher in life. Discarding the old ways to make way for the new. Travelling on to something new. Reverse meaning: Making positive moves to seek happiness and enjoyment. Joy. Festivity. Merry-making. NINE Divinatory meaning: Revelling in the good life. Abundance. Material success. Well-being. Reverse meaning: A danger of over-indulgence in food and drink. Material loss. Errors. A false sense of security. 23 CAULDRONS TEN Divinatory meaning: A person who has re- mained steadfast in love and has come through misfortune to find security and happiness. Hap- piness in the home. Friendship. Attaining one’s heart’s desire. Reverse meaning: Unhappiness in the home. A family dispute. Opposition. A child may run away. PAGE Divinatory meaning: A young man or girl with light brown hair. A quiet intelligent youth. One who is studious and meditative. Talented in the arts. An offer of service. Bearer of news. Reverse meaning: A charming person, but one who is inclined to be idle and critical. Bad news. Selfishness. Deviation. KNIGHT Divinatory meaning: A young man with light brown hair and hazel eyes. One who is imagina- tive, artistic and poetic. An invitation. Proposi- tion. Opportunities may arise. Reverse meaning: One who promises the earth but is out of touch with reality. Carefully consid- er any propositions. Duplicity. Drugs. Vice. 24 CAULDRONS QUEEN Divinatory meaning: A woman with light brown hair and hazel eyes. A kind, generous, warm-hearted woman who is interested and talented in the arts. An imaginative, intuitive woman with a gentle manner. Gifted psychically. A perfect wife. Good mother. Reverse meaning: Inclined to have a moody nature. Unreliability. Psychically out of balance. Dishonesty. Vice. KING . Divinatory meaning: A man with light brown hair and hazel eyes. An authoritative, responsi- ble, ambitious man. An expert in the arts, sci- ence or law. Someone who is interested in the intuitive arts. Reliable. Reverse meaning: Artistic temperament. Scan- dal. Dishonesty. Violence. The lefthand path or black arts. 25 SwoRDS ACE Divinatory meaning: The start of a struggle in aid of a good cause. Power. Success. Prosperity. Fertility. Reverse meaning: Disaster. Fury. Infertility. Victory gained at a high cost. Two Divinatory meaning: Stalemate. A dead-locked situation. Balanced force. Harmony. Friendship. Reverse meaning: A time for new friendships and a change of routine. Falsehood. Disloyalty. Lies. THREE Divinatory meaning: A time for sorrow and tears. Absence. Separation. Delay. Reverse meaning: Old sorrows tend not to fade. Disorder. Alienation. Loss. 26 Sworps Four Divinatory meaning: Retreating from the out- side world in order to gain physical and emo- tional rejuvenation. Retreat. Refuge. Period of convalescence. Reverse meaning: Getting back into the main- stream of life. Caution. Economy. Five Divinatory meaning: Momentary triumph through the use of strength and severity-a sit- uation which may become humiliating. Loss. Dishonour. Reverse meaning: A storm ahead . Weakness. Enticement. Impotence. SIx Divinatory meaning: Crossing water to find a better location. A barrier to travel removed. Spiritual search for an answer. Success following anxiety. Reverse meaning: A move postponed. Staying in aggravating surroundings. No immediate solution to current problems. 27 Sworps SEVEN Divinatory meaning: Theft without remorse. Mistaken confidence caused through greed. Taking more than required. New schemes. Reverse meaning: Dwelling on past mistakes inhibits the development of new projects. Pessi- mism. Unsound advice. EIGHT Divinatory meaning: A lack of confidence pro- ducing a feeling of self-imprisonment. Restric- tion. Crisis. Reverse meaning: Negative attitudes fade. Growing self-confidence. Freedom. NINE Divinatory meaning: Worry. Suffering. Anxie- ty. Unhappiness. Trials and tribulations. Reverse meaning: Suspicion. Doubt. Someone of doubtful character. Disgrace. Imprisonment. TEN Divinatory meaning: Complying with other people’s ideas and methods will result in defeat and ruin. Bitter disappointment and pain. Tears. Jealousy. 28 Sworps Reverse meaning: A situation improves. Bene- fit. Profit. The courage to rise again. PAGE Divinatory meaning: An active, dark-haired and brown-eyed boy or girl. A young member or inmate of some institution, e.g. school, reform- atory or military establishment. Messenger. Per- ception. Vigilance. Reverse meaning: A person who is a threat to one’s safety. An unforeseen situation. In an un- prepared state. KNIGHT Divinatory meaning: A dark-haired and brown-eyed young man. A young man who is bold, fearless and confident of success. Bravery. Strength. Chivalry. Opposed to evil. Reverse meaning: Absorbed with self-interest. A conceited braggart with little regard for oth- ers. Extravagance. Craftiness. 29 Sworps QUEEN Divinatory meaning: A dark-haired and brown-eyed woman. A woman who is always on guard. A widow. Separation. A sad woman. Reverse meaning: A spiteful and malicious per- son. One intent on hurtful gossip. Bigotry. Nar- row-mindedness. KING Divinatory meaning: A man with dark brown hair and brown eyes. A powerful person of great determination. Authoritative. Forceful. A judge or a member of the legal profession. An officer in the armed forces. A high-ranking govern- ment official. Reverse meaning: A vengeful, sadistic person- ality. Cruelty. Caution in legal affairs. 30 PENTACLES ACE Divinatory meaning: Spiritual blessings be- stowed in the material world. Riches. Attain- ment. Ecstasy. Bliss. Reverse meaning: ‘The misuse of money and wealth. Prosperity without happiness. The evil and negative aspect of money. Spiritual starva- tion. Two Divinatory meaning: Care is needed to make effective use of time and energy. Difficulty in launching projects. Problems. Trouble. Worry. Reverse meaning: Instability caused by change. An inability to handle two situations simultane- ously. False or artificial enjoyment. A letter. THREE , Divinatory meaning: A period of apprentice- ship or training. Artistic ability. A craftsman. A trade skill. Mastery. Reverse meaning: A haphazard attempt to reach a goal. Mediocrity. Lack of effort. Unorig- inal ideas. 3. PENTACLES Four Divinatory meaning: A preoccupation with money precludes involvement in other areas. A miserly, materialistic person. A love of material wealth, status and power. Inability to share, Reverse meaning: Monetary loss. Anxiety caused by depleted savings. Opportunities mis- handled. FIVE Divinatory meaning: Destitution and hard- ship. Seeking material and spiritual comfort and guidance. Loneliness. A broken marriage or ro- mance. Reverse meaning: A period of material and spiritual impoverishment is at an end. Avoiding ruin. Money from an unexpected source. Avert- ing the collapse of a marriage. Six Divinatory meaning: A generous nature com- bined with good business sense. Material gain. Philanthropy. Sincerity. Reverse meaning: Poor financial organization leading to unpaid bills, debts and loans. Selfish- ness. Money that is expected may not appear. 32 PENTACLES SEVEN Divinatory meaning: Financial reward re- sults from hard work and effort. Perseverance. Wealth. Growth. Reverse meaning: Wasted energy. Unprofitable investments. Impatience. EIGHT Divinatory meaning: Craftsmanship. Skill. The financial rewards of personal effort. Modesty. Reverse meaning: Commercialism. Poor crafts- manship produces mediocre work. Laziness. Vanity. NINE Divinatory meaning: The attainment of wealth bringing material comfort and luxury. Accom- plishment. Fulfilment. A love of nature. Reverse meaning: One's safety is threatened. Theft. Loss of friendship. Dissipation. TEN Divinatory meaning: Security in family and fi- nancial life. Happiness in the home and at work. Prosperity. Inheritance. Ancestry. 33 PENTACLES Reverse meaning: Money worries causing problems within the home. Loss of inheritance. Loss of friends or family. Discord. PAGE Divinatory meaning: A dark-haired, black- eyed boy. Someone with ambition for his future. An opinionated youth who is serious and schol- arly. Respect for knowledge. Desire to learn. Reverse meaning: A person with unrealistic and illogical views. Failure to recognize the ob- vious. Dissipation. KNIGHT Divinatory meaning: A black-haired, black eyed young man. A capable, dependable, dili- gent person who is highly trained in his field of endeavour. A methodical person who tends to be materialistic. Responsible. Reverse meaning: A careless and idle person. A lack of determination and direction. Inertia. 34 PENTACLES QUEEN Divinatory meaning: A woman with black hair and black eyes. A cultured, intelligent and ele- gant woman whose interests lie in the arts and civic affairs. A person who is financially and emotionally stable. Opulence. A female bene- factor. Reverse meaning: One who is suspicious. Evil. Neglected responsibilities. Someone marrying for material gain. False prosperity. KING Divinatory meaning: A black-haired and dark- eyed man. A person who has found success in his vocation or business. A shrewd, sensible. well-established man, Intellectual aptitude. A loyal friend. Reverse meaning: Someone not to be trusted . A person who will use any means to achieve the desired end. Fraud. Vice. 35 Tue CELTIC Cross SPREAD Instructions, with a diagram, will guide you in the spreading and interpretation of this lay- out, and after a number of practice readings you should begin to feel at home with the sys- tem described on the following pages. Before attempting to use the Tarot, thoroughly famil- iarize yourself with the images and meanings of each card in the deck. This necessary prelimi- nary procedure will both acquaint you with this particular Tarot and enable you to put your own “signature” upon the cards. The Tarot should be an extension of yourself and, because the cards are so personal, never let anyone other than the questioner handle or touch your Tarot deck. Keep the cards in a safe place, away from curious eyes, preferably wrapped in the traditional square of black silk. The cards, when laid out for a reading, should face the reader and not the questioner. If a dis- proportionate number of cards are reversed, a fresh start should be made. The question or questions to be asked at a consultation should never be voiced aloud. If this is done, it will in- fluence your reading and prejudice the psychic level of communication. 36 The Celtic Cross Spread is a traditional and popular layout for answering an enquirer’s spe- cific question. ‘The reader selects a court card known as the significator. The choice of card is governed by the sex, age and physical color characteristics of the enquirer, for example: A king A queen A knight A page Rods Cauldrons Swords Pentacles represents a man represents a woman represents a young man represents a young man or woman represents blonde hair and blue eyes or red or auburn hair and green or hazel eyes represent light brown hair and brown or hazel eyes represent dark brown hair and dark eyes represent black hair and dark eyes After the significator has been chosen, it must be placed face up on the reading table. 37 The enquirer, whilst concentrating on the question, shuffles the pack three times with the card images face down. The reader then shuffles or cuts the cards again before laying them out, one card at a time, in the sequence described below and as illustrated in the diagram. As each is placed, the reading proceeds to a conclusion. 1. Turn over the first card from the deck and place it on top of the significator, saying, “This covers you.” This first card reflects the atmos- phere or mood relating to the enquirer and the question. 2. Turn over the second card and place it across the first, saying, “This crosses you.’ This card points to the type of forces, negative or pos- itive, opposing the enquirer or question. 3. Turn over the third card, placing it above the significator, and say, “This is above you.” This card expresses the enquirer’s ideal wish in rela- tion to the question. 4. Turn over the fourth card, placing it below the significator, and say, “This card indicates the foundation of the subject under discussion” 38 5. Turn over the fifth card, placing it on the left of the significator. Say, “This is behind you.” This card represents the enquirer’s past. 6. Turn over the sixth card and place it on the right of the significator. Say, “This is before you” This card represents the enquirer’s future. 7. Turn over the seventh card, positioning it to the right and below the cross formed by the cards which are already in place. Say, “This an- swers you.” This card provides the answer to the question which was the reason for the reading. 8. Turn over the eighth card and position it di- rectly above the seventh, say, “This strengthens you.’ This card stands for individual influences which could help the enquirer. 9. Turn over the ninth card, placing it directly over the eighth. Say, “This describes you.” This card describes or expresses the personality of the enquirer. lo. Turn over the tenth and last card, placing it directly over the ninth. Say, “This is the con- clusion.” In the event of an inconclusive answer to the query, use the tenth and final card as the significator for a fresh reading, repeating the se- quence as before. 39 THE CELTIC Cross 41 COMPREHENSIVE RANGE AGM-Urania offers a large range of classis Tarots, Tarots for women, love and relationship, mysticism and Shamanism as well as artist’s Tarots and beginners’ sets. But it does not always have to be Tarot, fortune telling and divination cards (e.g. Mlle Lenor- mand) as well as rune cards, angel cards and other esoteric cards are part of the range. Please visit our website and/or online shop: or Ingrid Zinnel, Peter Orban & Thea Weller SYMBOLON NEW POCKET VERSION This deck reaches the memories of the soul, Astrology, personal insights, and symbolism in daily life are revealed through the cards. Con- stantly changing combinations of cards disclose the whole range of human experience. 78 cards (59 x 91 mm) and instruction booklet English Edition: ISBN 978-3-03819-402-6 43 AGM URANIA mm AGM-Urania/Koenigsfurt-Urania Verlag Koenigsfurt 6 D-24796 Krummwisch Germany 44

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