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BÌNH THUẬN Năm học : 2018-2019

Ngày thi : 18/10/2018
Đề này có 06 trang Thời gian : 180 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề )

Chú ý : Học sinh làm bài trên PHIẾU TRẢ LỜI và nộp lại ĐỀ THI kèm theo PHIẾU


Part I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. (30 pts)
1. I don't see any _____ in arriving early at the theater if the show doesn't start until 9 o'clock.
A. cause B. aim C. reason D. point
2. My brother and I used to _____ a coin to decide everything when we were kids.
A. throw B. toss C. hurl D. cast
3. I'm sure you will reconcile with Kathleen eventually. After all, time _____all wounds.
A. cures B. treats C. remedies D. heals
4. I’d like to say _____ the whole group that we wish you well in your new job.
A. on behalf of B. on account of C. instead of D. in terms of
5. That sofa takes up too much _____in the flat.
A. place B. size C. area D. room
6. The dentist gave me an injection that took _____almost immediately, and I didn't feel a thing.
A. effect B. action C. force D. influence
7. The things she says _____little relation to what she actually does.
A. offer B. bear C. hold D. connect
8. Students sometimes support themselves by _____ of evening jobs.
A. ways B. methods C. efforts D. means
9. When Mary told me the news, I was _____for a moment.
A. taken in B. taken up C. taken aback D. taken over
10. You may borrow my laptop _____ you are careful with it.
A. unless B. as long as C. otherwise D. though
11. Get him to sign the contract before he has second _____ .
A. ideas B. intentions C. plans D. thoughts
12. If I were you, I'd accept the job. It might not be the best job for you, but a bird in the hand is worth two in the ___.
A. tree B. bush C. plant D. sky
13. She's completely dedicated _____ her work.
A. with B. at C. to D. for
14. I’ll be _____ Peter at the next meeting while he’s on holiday.
A. standing in for B. making up for C. coming up to D. making allowance for
15. I _____ shifts with John so that I could go to my cousin's wedding.
A. transformed B. altered C. switched D. varied
16. I’d rather you _____ anyone what I said.
A. won't tell B. didn't tell C. don't tell D. shouldn't tell
17. As a boss, you have to _____responsibilities to your staff.
A. delegate B. assume C. appoint D. discharge
18. The teaching staff are _____ in their intention to improve examination results.
A. depressed B. resolute C. curious D. suspicious
19. John had the answer on the _____ of his tongue, but Anne said it first.
A. point B. end C. tip D. peak
20. The children in the orphanage _____ had it not been for the benevolence of the nuns.
A. might have starved B. will starve C. would starve D. should have starved
Part II. Complete each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets. (15 pts)
Đề thi chọn HSG lớp 12 cấp tỉnh – Năm học 2018-2019 – Môn Tiếng Anh – Trang 1
Binh Thuan welcomed 4 million tourist arrivals in first nine months
The number included (1. approximation)_____ half a million foreigners, mostly Russian and Chinese,
up 13 percent year on year, according to the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The
province earned about 9.5 trillion VND (404.5 million USD) in revenue from (2. tour)_____ , up 20 percent.
The province has 468 accommodation facilities, (3. offer)_____ more than 14,600 guest rooms,
including 129 hotels rated 1 – 5 star. Some 390 tourism projects, worth more than 59 trillion VND (2.51
billion USD), are being operated in the province. These include 23 foreign projects with total (4. invest)_____
of 13 trillion VND (553.5 million USD).
In recent years, Binh Thuan has made efforts to make tourism a key local industry. The province has
added more tourism services in terms of transportation, shopping and underwater sports to serve the (5.
increase)_____ demand of holidaymakers.
It has also ramped up activities to promote local tourist (6.attract) _____ and expand cooperation with
other popular destinations in the south central coast and Mekong Delta.
Inspections have been (7. intense)_____ on tour operators and lodging providers to ensure they comply
with related regulations while more lifeguards and fire fighters have been employed to ensure (8. safe)_____.
Binh Thuan is among Vietnam’s top tourist destinations thanks to its long and stunning beaches,
friendly (9. locate)_____ and safe environment.
The province’s most popular beach is Mui Ne in the (10. coast)_____ city of Phan Thiet, which is set
to become the main resort centre of Binh Thuan by 2025.
This year, the province aims to receive about 5.75 million visitors, including 670,000 foreign
travellers, and generate 12.85 trillion VND (547.1 million USD) in tourism revenue.

Part III. In most lines of the following text, there is one unnecessary word. It is either grammatically
incorrect or it does not fit in with the sense of the context. For each numbered line, find the unnecessary
word and then write it in the space provided. Some lines are correct. Indicate these with a tick (√).
Numbers 0, 00 and 11 have been done for you. (15 pts)
Situated in the north of England at one of the most narrowest parts of the country, Hadrian's 0. most
Wall is arguably the most important monument built by the Romans in Britain. Construction of 00. √
the wall began in 120 A.D. on the orders of Emperor Hadrian, who he wanted to mark the 1. …..
northernmost boundary of his Empire. The 117-kilometer wall was manned by thousands of 2. …..
troops, who kept watch from much numerous turrets and milecastles, and who lived in a series of 3. …..
forts were situated at strategic locations. 4. …..
In the centuries following with its abandonment around 400 A.D., its stones were used by local 5. …..
people to build houses, walls, and even if churches. Nevertheless, spectacular stretches of the 6. …..
wall remain and a number of forts and museums along its length can be visited, providing that a 7. …..
fascinating glimpse into the lives of the Roman soldiers who patrolled it. Although built of stone, 8. …..
the wall itself is vulnerable to erosion and visitors are discouraged from not walking on it. 9. …..
Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987, Hadrian's Wall ranks alongside some of the 10. …..
more famous architectural treasures in the world. 11…√…

Part IV. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (20 pts)
The picture of IR 4.0 is still quite fuzzy and it is difficult to accurately predict (1) ___ lies ahead.
(2)___ the industrial revolutions in the past, IR 4.0 will create new jobs, and will also eliminate some of the
existing jobs.
It is predicted that routine activities including monitoring will be entirely or (3)___ taken over by
machines. For example, IBM Watson has developed AI-based expert system (4) ___ can replace junior
lawyers. AI system has also been developed, having potential to replace basic-level medical practitioners. This
may mean fewer jobs for entry-level professionals in these areas, specialist jobs may remain though.

Đề thi chọn HSG lớp 12 cấp tỉnh – Năm học 2018-2019 – Môn Tiếng Anh – Trang 2
In this context, it is vitally important to impart appropriate education to the future workforce. Based on
the trends so far, researchers predict that IR 4.0 will necessitate profound changes in major aspects of
education: content, delivery/pedagogy, and structure/management of education.
IR 4.0 demands changes in the contents of not only technical education, but also education in (5)___. Across
disciplines, new emphasis will have to be (6)___ on certain skills and new contents have to be added. So, new
educational programmes will have to be developed to (7)___ changing demands.
In the era of IR 4.0, jobs that require creativity are likely to stay. Irrespective of discipline, Education
4.0 must be able to produce highly creative graduates with the ability to (8)___ critically.
Graduates must be innovative and entrepreneurial, and have cognitive flexibility to deal (9)___
complexity. Many of them will be co-working not only with Man, but also robots.
The need for better communication and collaborative skills will be (10)___ more important than ever.
Graduates must acquire self-learning skills to remain relevant in the era of rapid changes.
Part V. Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) bets fits each gap. Write
your answer in the numbered box. (15 pts)
Sports As a Way of Life
At no other time in history have sports (1)___ such a dominant role in daily life. Thanks to the
prevalence of the internet and television, adults and children (2)___ consume sports at an astonishing rate.
When we are not physically (3)___ in sports, we play them via video games or in fantasy leagues, and we
watch them on TV. The celebrity status of top athletes speaks to the importance we attach to sporting events.
Athletic endeavors, both amateur and professional, (4)___ a tremendous economic, political and
cultural influence on our society. Watching and playing sports provide ways to escape the stress of our daily
lives and come together as a community. Hosting sporting events can (5)___ tourism and revenue for a city.
Sports in society can even influence our understanding of gender roles and socio-economic issues, and they
can help frame city-, state- and national (6)___.
Sports’ immense effect on culture is (7)___ evident among those who may not enjoy playing or
watching sports–these people often still know the names of key players, and they may still take national
(8)___ in Olympic medals. No matter your individual involvement, sports generally provide everyone in a
society with some form of a shared story and a shared goal.
In fact, sports in society are so vital that the United Nations (UN) has declared them a human right: “Sport
and play are human rights that must be respected and (9)___ worldwide; sport has been increasingly (10)___ and
used as a low-cost and high-impact tool in humanitarian, development and peace-building efforts.”
1. A. kept B. played C. made D. took
2. A. alike B. like C. as D. similar
3. A. devoted B. keen C. involved D. concerned
4. A. have B. do C. give D. provide
5. A. rise B. offer C. give D. boost
6. A. personality B. picture C. identity D. power
7. A. especially B. considerably C. dramatically D. quickly
8. A. feeling B. emotion C. pride D. impression
9. A. carried B. circulated C. rotated D. enforced
10. A. realized B. recognized C. considered D. applied
Part VI. You are going to read an article about a graduate looking for her first job. For questions 1 – 7,
choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think best fits according to the text. (14 pts)
Today’s graduates are entering one of the toughest job markets in decades.
Sylvia Morgan writes about how she finally landed that crucial first post.
I was by no means typical among my peers, but I feel I was well organized in my approach to job
hunting. Even before graduation, when many of my friends were enjoying what they termed their “final year
of freedom”, I was attending my career fairs and getting an idea of which companies were hiring in my chosen
field – publishing. I had some sit-down meetings with representatives at the fairs and distributed my CV, but
even then there was a feeling of “let’s wait and see”. Nobody wanted to commit and none of the companies
Đề thi chọn HSG lớp 12 cấp tỉnh – Năm học 2018-2019 – Môn Tiếng Anh – Trang 3
seemed sure they would even have jobs to offer in the summer, assuming I graduated with the degree my
lectures expected from me.
I did, but found myself back home in July feeling I was starting again from square one. Although I had
taken a short holiday straight after leaving university, I had spent it looking through newspaper job
advertisements and online job sites. There had been very little movement in the publishing field and when I
got home and found that none of the companies I had contacted before graduating were prepared to make a job
offer, I made the pragmatic decision to widen my focus considerably.
I approached job hunting, as much as possible, as a job in itself. Monday to Friday, I put in nine-to-five
days (with a break for lunch) filling out online application forms, sending out CVs and following leads. If
something looked promising, I was prepared to work overtime in order to exploit the opportunity fully. When
I got an interview, I did my homework as a sales representative on a business trip would: researching the
company, plotting a sales strategy and trying to put myself in the potential employer’s shoes by asking myself
questions such as “What are they looking for?”
So the interviews did start coming. There would have been many more, however, if I hadn’t a strict
rule; I refused any that even hinted at working as an unpaid intern. These positions are becoming more and
more common in the UK, which I think is an extremely damaging trend. Not only do young people nowadays
get into debt to obtain a degree, but they also have to be prepared to work for six months or a year without
remittance, in the hope of a position with a salary at the end of it. Certainly, you gain experience in the good
positions of this kind, but in many you may end up as a gloried coffee maker.
Rejection is something you have to prepare yourself for mentally. First of all, because you will, in all
likelihood, receive many of those dreaded emails (or letters, occasionally) before you get the break you are
looking for. Secondly, because no matter how strong your self-confidence is, those brief polite sentences will
eventually dent it. I strongly advise you not to walk that path alone. Compare notes with university friends and
you will find many are going through the same thing. Without my friends, I would have felt like a failure and
then I’d never have got a job.
Because I did, eventually, find someone who was prepared to overlook my lack of experience and
appreciate my qualifications, I was offered a job and I accepted it. It was after 139 applications – I kept careful
count. The starting salary isn’t wonderful, but it’s a young, fast-moving company with good opportunities for
promotion. Three months on, I could look back at my six months of unemployment as a waste of time, but I
prefer to see it as a learning curve and a growth experience. This is the real world and the more leisurely life of
academic development, careers counseling and self-discovery at university is over.
1. From the first paragraph, we understand that
A. Sylvia feels like she missed out on a lot of opportunities at university.
B. many of Sylvia’s fellow students didn’t focus on job-hunting before graduation.
C. the job fairs Sylvia attended led to some promising possibilities.
D. Sylvia wishes she had done more to obtain a job pre-graduation.
2. What does the phrase “by no means” mean in the first paragraph?
A. by not any means of transport B. unlikely C. not at all D. with no help of
3. After returning home from her holiday, Sylvia
A. decided to start applying to publishing.
B. realized that she had been applying for jobs that she wasn’t qualified for.
C. immediately began searching newspaper and websites for jobs.
D. switched to a more realistic approach to job-hunting.
4. What point is Sylvia making in the third paragraph?
A. Sales jobs are very often the hardest ones to get.
B. Your approach to finding a job must be professional.
C. You should be prepared to do overtime even when unpaid.
D. How you find job shows how well you will do in it.
5. What does the word “remittance” mean in the fourth paragraph?
Đề thi chọn HSG lớp 12 cấp tỉnh – Năm học 2018-2019 – Môn Tiếng Anh – Trang 4
A. qualifications B. experience C. pay D. duties
6. When a job application ends in rejection, Sylvia believes you should
A. share the experience with people who can empathise.
B. not allow it to do the slightest damage to your self-image
C. treat as a valuable lesson in self-reliance.
D. be prepared to examine your preconceptions about yourself.
7. How does Sylvia feel about the time she spent looking for work?
A. nostalgic about her university days B. determined never to let it happen again
C. disappointed it didn’t lead to a better job D. positive that it taught her a valuable lesson

Part VII. You are going to read an article in which four writers talk about the first book they wrote. For
questions 1-13, choose from the people (A-D). The people may be chosen more than once. Mark your
answer on the separate answer sheet. (26 pts)
A. Marla Delangelo
You might have seen the film that was based on my first novel, Chasing William, although quite a few
changes had been made to the book before it was turned into a film. When I wrote the first draft, it wasn't
much like the version that was eventually published; my editor told me I would have to make some changes to
the hero, William, because he wasn't interesting enough. Naturally, I was pretty offended at the time, but I am
glad to say I had the good sense to listen to my editor, who was completely right. The problem was that I had
based the whole story on the real adventures of my uncle, William Hargreaves, simply describing my uncle's
character. When you write a work of fiction, you have to make the main character intriguing, but describing a
real person isn't always the best way to do that. Funnily enough, in the short stories I had published before
that, I never tried to use real people. I'm glad my editor talked me out of doing it in the novel.
B. John Hopkins
I learnt a few important lessons from my first book, one of which is that you have to leave certain
things to the publisher. For instance, the editor gave me a lot of advice about how to structure my book. It was
a work of history, a study of the Industrial Revolution, and he suggested how the chapters should be arranged,
basically. I was a bit hesitant in the beginning, but then I decided to follow his advice and I haven't regretted it.
It was the same with the artistic work on the cover, which I really hated at first. But in the end, the book was
very successful, and I suppose the design must have been right. The other lesson I learnt on my first book was
about working methods. I'm quite an impetuous person, and I don't like being tied down to fixed ways of
doing things. I discovered I had to be strict about how long I would work for and not write any more than that,
even though it meant the book took me half a year to write. If I didn't set myself this time limit, I simply
wouldn't stop writing until midnight, I then I'd be exhausted for days.
C. Marcia Onslow
My first book was quite successful, although to be completely frank, looking back, I think I was very
lucky. I attended a Creative Writing course at university, intending to concentrate on short stories for
magazines, which is quite a lucrative market. As a project in my final year, I was asked to write a long work of
fiction, and I decided to write a love story set in America during the California gold rush. I knew I was
running the risk of including inaccuracies setting the story in a country I had never been to. Anyway, I'd been
advised to establish a strict schedule, so I would write ten pages every morning and correct them every
evening. All this was when I was 22. Then I left university, started writing stories for publication, and I more
or less forgot about the book for about ten years, until my publisher suggested I might try writing a novel. So I
just handed it to her, all finished, and she published it right away.
D. Harry Holden
I remember the first book very clearly: I suppose every writer does. But I also remember it because I've
changed so much since then. My first published work was a biography of the Duke of Wellington, which I had
been asked to write by a friend of mine, a publisher, who knew I was very interested in the subject. I'd had no
experience of writing, and I had no access to a word processor, which meant the simple task of writing took
far longer than necessary, not to mention all the revisions I had to do. I have to say the book was actually quite
good. In fact, I was awarded the General Haig Memorial Prize for the book the year it was published. By the
Đề thi chọn HSG lớp 12 cấp tỉnh – Năm học 2018-2019 – Môn Tiếng Anh – Trang 5
time it was finally finished, I was completely exhausted. I'd been working on it more or less full time for five
years, and I vowed I'd never write a biography again. So since then, I've concentrated on detective stories.
They're far easier!
Which of the writers …
0. wrote Chasing William ? A
1. has seen the book made into a film?
2. produced a certain amount of writing each day?
3. revised the manuscript because the main character was boring?
4. wrote for a set amount of time each day?
5. wrote short stories before the first book?
6. might have wrong information in his or her first book?
7. took six months to write the book?
8. was upset at something his or her editor said?
9. did not like part of the book design?
10. did not use a computer?
11. had written the book years before it was published?
12. has never written that kind of book since then?
13. won something for the first book?

B. WRITING (65 pts)

Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. (15 pts)
1. You mustn't use the cellphone during class.
-> It is ……………………………………………………………..
2. I don’t intend to apologize to either of them.
-> I have ………………………………………………………. .
3. We were all shocked by his reaction.
-> His reaction came…………………………………………………………
4. My boss doesn't mind what time I start or finish the work.
-> It makes ………………………………………………………..
5. It wasn’t clear to us at the time how serious the problem was.
-> Little… ……………………………………………………….
Part II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. (15 pts)
1. I imagine it was difficult for you to refuse their invitation. (turn)
-> It must …….…………………………………………………….
2. The moment I saw the filthy state of the restaurant chicken, I no longer felt hungry. (soon)
-> I lost ……………………………………………………………………………….
3. He did the puzzle in two minutes. (solution)
-> He …………………………………………..
4. She has always had a good relationship with the children. (got)
-> She ……………………………………………………
5. Tom's mother was angry because he was rude to her. (temper)
-> Tom's rudeness made ………………………………………..
Part III. In about 200 words, write about one of the most popular festivals in your culture.(35 pts)

(Cán bộ coi thi không được giải thích gì thêm)

Họ và tên thí sinh:……………………………………… Số báo danh:………………………….

Đề thi chọn HSG lớp 12 cấp tỉnh – Năm học 2018-2019 – Môn Tiếng Anh – Trang 6

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