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Script of the IDR interview

Q1. Aarna: As one of the newcomers. How did it feel?

A1. Sarthak: It felt great. Of course at first it was very nerve wracking but as I went on it kept getting better
and better.

Q2. Aarna: When you were asked to be an actress in the movie DIDI, how did you relate to that character?
A2. Sarthak: I could relate to small incidents in the movie as it is almost identical to my story. It is a girl from
Spain who wants to be an actress, who wants to (Pause) achieve her dream.

Q3. Aarna: When you were a child, did you ever think that you would work with the most famous directors in the
Spanish industry?
A3. Sarthak: When you dream of something, you never know what is going to happen. You just work harder
and harder to um (Pause) achieve your dream.

Q4. Aarna: I think it's safe to say that you already made it in Spain, but was it difficult to make it into Hollywood?
A4. Sarthak: Yes it was a quite hard for me to make it into Hollywood because of my accent. My accent was
not very much Spanish which is why directors did not usually give me a Spanish character. But now I have
improved the accent by focusing on it.

Q5. Aarna: What do you have to say about your new book? STRONG
A5. Sarthak: I think that this book is very important for a strong body and mind. This book is about all the things that
you need to do for a healthy life. Many people might say that this is all impossible while being a parent but with the correct
diet and the right amount of exercise and also motivation, I feel like anyone can do it.

Q6. Aarna: ¿fue usted a construir una nueva tribu de amigos a su alrededor? (How did you go to build a new tribe of
friends around you?)
A6. Sarthak: byron bay es una comunidad bastante pequeña y la gente es muy amable. Tan pronto como nos
mudamos a la zona, ¡fueron realmente acogedores! Hay muchos mercados, festivales y actividades para niños que nos
permiten reunirnos con varias personas de esa zona. (byron bay is quite a small community and the people are
very friendly. As soon as we moved to the area, they were really welcoming! There are many markets, festivals
and activities for children that allow us to meet various people from that area.)

Q7. Aarna: Ahora tienes cuarenta y tantos. ¿Se ha vuelto más fácil enfrentarse a los desafíos de la vida a medida que
envejece? (You are now in your forties. Has it gotten easier to cope with life's challenges as you get older?)
A7. Sarthak: con seguridad. aprender de los errores de la vida y de todas las experiencias que he vivido me ha hecho
más sabio. Ahora estoy más preparado cuando la vida me presenta desafíos. Sigo pensando que estoy aprendiendo y
cometiendo errores, pero estoy creciendo a partir de ellos. (Safely. learning from the mistakes of life and all the
experiences that I have lived has made me wiser. I am now more prepared when life presents me with challenges. I still think
that I am learning and making mistakes, but I am growing from them.)

Q8. Aarna: ¿Qué buscas en los roles de actuación? (What do you look for in acting roles?)
A8. Sarthak: Normalmente me atraen los personajes Fuertes, las mujeres que marcan la diferencia y que luchan por
lo que quieren. Después de hacer la serie de netflix 'tidelands', también me di cuenta de que crear personajes malvados es
realmente interesante desde la perspectiva de la actuación. (I am usually attracted to Strong characters, women
who make a difference and who fight for what they want. After doing the netflix series 'tidelands', I also realized that
creating evil characters is really interesting from an acting perspective.)

Q9. Aarna: Hablemos de carrera: has tenido tanto éxito, tanto en España como en Hollywood, ¿cuál es la clave para un
éxito duradero en la industria del entretenimiento? (Let's talk about your career: You have been so successful, both in Spain
and in Hollywood, what is the key to lasting success in the entertainment industry?)
A9. Sarthak: No hay una clave para el éxito. Siento que todo puede pasar con trabajo duro y un poco de suerte, así que
cuando llegue ese momento de suerte, tienes que estar listo y preparado para ello. (There is no key to success. I feel like
anything can happen with hard work and a little bit of luck, so when that lucky moment comes, you have to be ready and
prepared for it.)

Q10. Aarna: ¿Qué pasa con la alimentación y la nutrición? ¿Sigues una filosofía de alimentación en particular?
(What about food and nutrition? Do you follow a particular food philosophy?)
A10. Sarthak: Realmente no. Siempre me ha gustado comer sano y un poco de todo. Siento que es importante escuchar
a tu cuerpo y ver qué es bueno y saludable para ti. (Not really. I have always liked to eat healthy and a little of everything. I
feel that it is important to listen to your body and see what is good and healthy for you.)

Aarna: Thank you so much for the interview Elsa and good luck on the rest of your journey. It has been a pleasure!

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