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Positive thinking

Positive thinking, or an optimistic attitude, is the practice of focusing on the good

in any given situation. It can have a big impact on your physical and mental health.
That doesn't mean you ignore reality or make light of problems.
Positive thinking is important because it can have a beneficial impact on both
physical and mental well-being. People who maintain a more positive outlook on
life cope better with stress, have better immunity, and have a lower risk of
premature death. Positive thinking is just one strategy that can increase positive
emotions and improve wellbeing, but it is not the only one. There are many other
strategies that can optimize mental health, and people vary in the extent to which
each strategy is beneficial. This is especially important at such a difficult time,
when our country is fighting for independence and freedom. We must not lose
heart and believe in the best, this is, in victory.

A list of my strong points:

 I have victories in sports and intellectual competitions;
 I dance well;
 I learn different languages, I know English quite well;
 I study well;
 I have qualities like reliability, creativity, discipline, patience, respect for
others, punctuality and diligence.

A few tips from

 Be happy even when you
have few opportunities;
 Have a good time, even
when things don't work
 Rejoice in someone else's
 Have a positive vision for the future, no matter how bad your current
circumstances are.

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