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Topic:- Employee Management System


Employee Management system is a distributed application .developed to maintain the details of

employees working in any organization. Also to override the problems of prevailing in practicing
manual system. It maintains the information about the personal and official details of the
employees to the managers. helps them plan and manage their work hours in order to cut costs
and boost productivity. It gives appropriate direction and supervision for employees


We are motivated to do these system because we saw the management. And it is difficult to
handel the human resources in an organization.

Statement problem

Challenges are faced when handling employee record manually. This is evident in many
organization where an employee is required to fill in a form which may take several time to be
approved , another problem is observing and recording the attendance of the employees in the
organization using book and due to that an employee can put wrong time that he/she arrived at
the organization. The use of paper work in handling some of these processes could lead to human
error. Another challenge is the most of the Organization have their employee records kept at big
file room in the admin block of the organization making it difficult to access the employee
information remotely when needed at short notice

The above problems can be resolved using employee management system. The system will store
and maintain employee record in a database with privacy only accessed by the admin. The
system makes it easy for the admin to monitor the attendance of employees. And employees can
only sign using password protected system.


Our objective is targeted to modernized the occurring traditional system of mining records of
employees particularly the rural governmental office and most of the campuses under
government are still unfamiliar with the modern way of keeping records of working employ.
They are wasting a lot of time in managing the records manually. Moreover while searching the
records the difficult are faced more


We discussed in group and came to conclusion to develop management system which can
represent real world problem of many organizations.
Prior to the development of the system we went through a previous completed project on the
management system. We also saw a lot of various online sites and discussed and decided
complete the management system. we design and develop this system using java programming
language with object oriented and we assume there is a data base system.

Scope and limitations

The proposal mainly focus in solving the difficultly caused by manual/ traditional employee
management system.our project will have a function like MAIN MENU, ADD EMPLOYEE,

As we are making a proposal for employee management system we encountered a lot of

limitations that are unwillingly implemented in the system through we wanted the software by
doing best of all we can. Even though we lack the complete knowledge regarding the course. As
a limitation we are planning to making the management system that can be used in a location like
companies, stores, hospitals, schools ...etc that is a management system all in one. We minimized
our scope and limited the employee management system.

Another limitation was the lack of actual or tangible source rather than personal and
organizational sites.

Application result

After implementation the outcome of proposal can benefit every organization the application
may be more apparent in an organizations that uses traditional system. But less feasible in rural
locations due to some problems.

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