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Hi Rafa,

How are you? Recently, I’ve returned to aiming for soccer after 2 years without

I'm playing for the Penya Barcelonista Sant Vicenç dels Horts. My current club
started many years ago and is one of the oldest teams in town. Actually, I first heard
it when my friend Juan joined the team and asked me to join as well. Since I joined
the team, the coaches have been supporting me a lot to recover my physique to
return to play at a good level and now it is my turn to give the team good results.

Basically, we’re a team that is the first year that the players have played together and
we don’t know each other well enough to reach the positions at the top of the
ranking. Although we’ve great coaches who train us very well, we also have an
excellent captain, Juan, who is a great leader on the field and a player with a lot of
experience in soccer. Anyway, in this beginning of the league we’re undefeated, with
a win and a draw.

Honestly, this has been one of the best decisions I’ve made this year. While I was
training the other day, I remembered that this summer I said that I wasn’t going to
join soccer again. How wrong I was. But that is life, never say never, because that
thing can happen and in the end it can end up being a positive impact for you, as is
currently happening to me with soccer.

Anyway, although I’m very excited about football, I cannot forget about my studies,
since it is the last year of ESO and you have to make an effort to get the best

Speak soon!


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