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THINGS T VE LEARNED «conics ) 1: TM Size of a panel shod fe bosed an ic teaderic lokcat Soid Panel. That's why gay panels RSIS] are ofler oblong 2: Try to plot out Speach bubbles belore you crow in the choraclers. AVOID hoving 0 Speech bubble infronk of Some one's lace! 3: Try fo avoid hating heavy amounts of Zoom tn ponels. Nin ko get the ENTIRE character in he Grame as much as possible. na challenges You 5 an avhct and Opens Up Toor for interesting angles. 4: Create a "Flow with Your Panels. The is where dhumbnarling the hore. Story Comes é Smal’ boxes With Stick figures every helps. a: The Characters inside the panels car hole a Sense of “Flow too. You Can use Khe characters fo trove the Peaders eye Lo the werd porel. You don'k Weed this | every parel though. (Tse arent rales, Use the aes F You Want. | =| | oe BASIC PANEL, ITS TUEN I PANEL THAT WE’ ISUALLY SAW IN COMIC/MANGA 4, TILTED PANEL TILTED PANEL MANIPULATE PEADERS TO MOVE ALONG WITH THE PANEL, USUALLY USED FOR ACTION SCENE, TILTED TO THE FRONT MAKE THE SCENE ALSO MOVE FowAeo, THE WAY PANEL TILTEO CAN MAKE DIFFERENT EFFECT TO THE SCENE IT CAN MAKE THE CHARACTER: FEEL SMALL OF INTIMIDATED, bttps:// y <) ; i) iN) \ 2) O, SLANTED PANEL MAKE THE SCEN FEEL PUSHED TO THE GUT ITS ALSO CAN MAKE THE CHARACTER LOOK INTIMIDATING AND BIGGER. ITS DEPENDS WITH HOW YOU GOING TO USE IT, AND HOW YOU GOING TO MAKE THE READERS FEEL. Ss. INTERCEPT PANEL A PANEL WHERE SOME Of AWHOLE OBJECT DRAW OUTSIDE THE PANEL. THIS USED TO MAKE 3D. EFFECT. IT CAN BE USE TO MAKE THE CHARACTER ecu HAVE MO} aA bites: // Archie ( f \ speech bubble tips 4 — r@-, Y HEE ©. D)MERE'S CUR SKETEN OF AN PLOSION, Lets Surpase THE sexPr NPICATES THE SOUND EFFECT “EAWMCOM @ 2014 NATE PIEKOS - BLAMBOT.COM -—-~. A, f ’ 4 2 Pe ale Normal oy sli acs shout ell C3 sare i corrupted evil scaved . Here's a correction of the Original rough sketch placement of the characters. ; ed, Arranging the points in the The points are so scatter . you can't tell where you're drawing supposed to look. makes it easier to read.

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