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An unexpected companion

Many people often go on trips with friends, but I don’t think many experienced
what I have last summer. I was going rock climbing with my friend Tin on the
slopes of Velebit. We had done this several times and have always done it just
us alone. But this time, we had a strange uninvited guest.
We’d already planned a route before we arrived at the mountain. We caught
the first bus and were feeling excited, as this was one of the longest climbs we
had planned. We were climbing for about two hours and were feeling
exhausted, so we took a break on a little flat clearing.
We sat had been sitting there for roughly fifteen minutes when we heard a
sound resembling shuffling of footsteps above us. “Do you hear that?” Tin
asked with a slight tremble in his voice. I shrugged and stood up to check out
the strange sound. When I looked up, it wasn’t what I was expecting. It was a
small black puppy. He was stuck on a ledge and couldn’t get down. I quickly
climbed up and brought him down. Luckily, he wasn’t hurt.
The puppy accompanied us on the rest of our journey up the mountain and Tin
even took the puppy home with him. We were both amazed how we found
this dog up in the mountain, but I think the dog was happier to be found than
ever before.

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