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1.- ___Homer__ is the tallest.

2.- ___Bart___is shortest.

3.- ___Barney___ is the fattest.

4.- ___Mr. Burns___ is the thinnest.

5.- __Mr. Burns__ is the oldest.

6.- __Bart__ is the youngest.

7.- bart is _the_ _shortest__ and the _youngest_.

8.- Mr. Burns is _the__ _thinnest_ and _the_ _oldest_.

Write 8 comparative sentences with the picture.

1.-Bart is shorter than Homer

2.-Homer is taller than Barney

3.-Mr. Burns is thinner than Homer

4.-Barney is fatter than Homer

5.-Bart is younger than Barney

6.-Mr. Burns is older than Homer

7.-Mr Burns is shorter than Barney

8.-Homer is taller than Barney


EXAMPLE: My cousin Luis is older than his brother Pedro.

My sister is shorter than me.

My brother is taller than My dad.
My sister is skinnier than My mom.
My dad is fatter than My brother.
My sister is naughtier than My brother.
My grandma is poder than My mother.
My mom is younger than My dad.
My mom is more creative than My dad.

Write 6 sentences in superlatives.

Comparison of living in the countryside and the city

1.-The field is quieter than the city and you have a life more calm
While in the city, everything is more agitated and there is more

2.-In the field there are many vegetation and this clean air without
while in the city there are many pollution and there is very little
3. The place is more spacious and you can move more easily.
While in the city space is very small due to the population.

4.-In the field not there's so much traffic on the streets.

Instead in the city there is too much traffic.

5. In the field you can relax and have a little bit of loneliness and
remove you the stress.
While in the city you can not relax due to the environment of much
stress that occurs.
1.-In the city there are more means of transport due to the
On the other hand is more difficult to find means of transport.

2.-In the city much more urbanisation. While in the field there is
very little.

3 - In the city there are many stores which go

On the other hand in the field there are very few shops.
4 - In the city there is access to more media and technologies.
While in the field is more difficult to have access to these media.
5.-In the city you can find entertainment venues either recreational
parks, fair, etc.
In the field hardly find these places or there is no.

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