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The cranberry juice used comes from the non-American species, it is one of the main components

of the study cocktail, it can be observed that the components of biological interest are: vitamin C,
fiber, minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and calcium, tannins, oxalic and
malic, vitamins A, B and E.

Among its properties that are attributed to this product is its antioxidant power, regulation of
intestinal transit, improvement of peripheral circulation, it has antibacterial properties and acts by
reducing the union of bacteria. It should be noted that the chemical composition can vary
according to the species and the different state of ripeness of the fruit, the table of chemical
composition of natural cranberry juice given by (Garrido, 2014) is presented below.

Table of the chemical composition of the natural blueberry juice taken from (Garrido, 2014)

Therefore , it can be considered a functional food, since records of its different uses have been
known, in addition to being a food as a healing, antidiarrheal, diabetes management given its high
concentrations of beneficial active ingredients for humans.
worth noting the presence of anthocyanins , which are responsible for the red color of the berries,
which together with the flavonoids have antitumor, antiulcer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
properties. (VISKELIS, 2009), in the same way the presence of proanthocyanidins allows them to
have the property of helping to prevent urinary tract infections produced by adhesion of
uropathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia . coli , which said organic molecules inhibits cell
adherence of this type of bacteria.

Another system that benefits from the consumption of blueberries is the cardiovascular system
since, according to studies carried out in pigs, the constant consumption of this fruit allows a
reduction of cholesterol levels between 20%-22%.

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