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Salesforce Training By Mohan - VLR Training Institute ||| Contact: +91-6301332114


Topic: Inner class


* Inner class is helper/utility class, keeps code lean and clean

* Can't declare static methods and variables in inner classes

* If you write an apex class inside another apex class then that written class is called as inner class .

* We can use inner classes as wrapper classes in VF Pages to combine different datatypes.

* How many ways we can call innser classes

1. from main class

2. from outside the class

3. from other inner class of the same main class


* Generic Syntax to access the inner class from any where:

ParentClassName.InnerClassName Variable = new ParentClassName.InnerClassName();



public class Oct30_MainCls {

public string stdName = 'John';

public integer batch ;

public Oct30_InnserCls in1 = new Oct30_InnserCls();

public Oct30_MainCls(){

batch = 4;

system.debug('Main class constructor===>' + batch);

public class Oct30_InnserCls{

public string studentNAme = 'Raj';

public string country ;

public integer batchNum;

public Oct30_InnserCls(){

country = 'India';

system.debug('inner class constructor===>' + country);

public void updateStdDetails(){

batchNum = 5;

system.debug('inner class Method===>' + batchNum);


Oct30_MainCls oc = new Oct30_MainCls();



public class Oct30_MainCls {

public string stdName = 'John';

public integer batch ;

public Oct30_InnserCls in1 = new Oct30_InnserCls();

public Oct30_MainCls(){

batch = 4;

system.debug('Main class constructor===>' + batch);


public class Oct30_InnserCls{

public string studentNAme = 'Raj';

public string country ;

public integer batchNum;

public Oct30_InnserCls(){

country = 'India';

system.debug('inner class constructor===>' + country);

public void updateStdDetails(){

batchNum = 5;

system.debug('inner class Method===>' + batchNum);


Oct30_MainCls oc = new Oct30_MainCls();

Ex-3) Calling Inner class from another apex class


public class Oct30_MainCls {

public string stdName = 'John';

public integer batch ;

public Oct30_InnserCls in1 = new Oct30_InnserCls();

public Oct30_MainCls(){

batch = 4;

system.debug('Main class constructor===>' + batch);

public class Oct30_InnserCls{

public string studentNAme = 'Raj';

public string country ;

public integer batchNum;

public Oct30_InnserCls(){

country = 'India';

system.debug('inner class constructor===>' + country);

public void updateStdDetails(){

batchNum = 5;

system.debug('inner class Method===>' + batchNum);


public class Oct30_SecondCls {

public Oct30_SecondCls(){

//mainclassname.innerclassname variablename = new


Oct30_MainCls.Oct30_InnserCls ins = new Oct30_MainCls.Oct30_InnserCls();

system.debug('ins before==>' + ins); = 'India outside';

ins.batchNum = 45;


system.debug('ins after==>' + ins);


Oct30_SecondCls oc2 = new Oct30_SecondCls();

Ex-5) Call main class from inner class


public class Oct30_MainCls {

public string stdName = 'John';

public integer batch ;

//public Oct30_InnserCls in1 = new Oct30_InnserCls();

public Oct30_MainCls(){

batch = 4;

system.debug('Main class constructor===>' + batch);

public class Oct30_InnserCls{

public string studentNAme = 'Raj';

public string country ;

public integer batchNum;

public Oct30_InnserCls(){

country = 'India';

system.debug('inner class constructor===>' + country);

Oct30_MainCls ocMain = new Oct30_MainCls();

ocMain.stdName = 'student name from inner class';

ocMain.batch = 60;

system.debug('main class calling from inner class===>' + ocMain);

public void updateStdDetails(){

batchNum = 5;

system.debug('inner class Method===>' + batchNum);



Oct30_MainCls.Oct30_InnserCls oc = new Oct30_MainCls.Oct30_InnserCls();



Salesforce Training By Mohan - VLR Training Institute ||| Contact: +91-6301332114


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