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Star Trader Q&A

Q : Where exactly do players put their ships arriving at a spaceport in a given system ?

A : Anywhere inside the circular white boundary for each planet is in the planet's space port *except*
for those specific areas/boxes labelled Ship Yard, On Planet and Safe Berth.

Q : Where are warehouse and factories placed on the Warehouses & Factories track ?

A: Warehouses are placed in the upper part and factories in the lower part.

Q : On the Reputation Level Summary chart, should it be be -2D or -3D when firing on ship avoiding
interception ?

A: -3D

Q : How is a ship missile strength computed ?

A : It is simply the sum of the missile values from pods. The base combat strength of a ship is only used
for standard combat.

Q : Are outbound ships liable to interception ?

A : No. Combat can occur under two circumstances :

- Passive player ships “in system” can attempt to intercept active player ships hyperjumping
from other worlds.
- Active player ships can automatically intercept passive player ships “in system” either by
moving there (either from Spaceport/planet or through hyperjump from outside) or by
starting their turn in system (should be a rare occurrence).

Both type of intercepts are subject to Reputation loss rules.

Q : Some systems don’t have a price marker for some commodities. Does that mean that you cannot
buy/sell the missing commodities in that system ?

A :Yes

Q : Are players buying info from other player over a News Chit allowed to “take” the chit during the
opportunity phase ?

A: No. Only players having paid the 5 HTs cost to examine the chit may use the chit.

Q : Can warehouses be sold to the market ?

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