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Hum, (A large Cross on Hill.

Go to the west of town with outgoing road

and go up switchbacks to the paved path to top). 3. Long, boring hike
along a busy road with no shoulder (or easy drive, Zita of hostel Nina
offered to do it for 5€) leads to a full view of Mostar sans old bridge and
some of the southern part of town (a bit of a downward scramble through
loose rock and potentially unexploded mines leads to that). Head west
from the cathedral, then cut left at the white mosque. Follow that to a
Muslim cemetery then up through a catholic cemetery to the inevitable
switchbacks. Mine warnings are all over and no joke, there looked to be
a somewhat recently triggered mine at the summit (slightly above cross
just outside of what looked to be a dug-in fortification). Appreciation of
view limited by history of use as sniper/artillery post during the
independence war and knowledge that construction of this massive
religious icon came soon after the end of the conflict.

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