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Aim : Write a program to implement IPv4, check validity of IP address and find out

mask, network id, host id, first host of network, last host of network, no. of host per network,
broadcast address.

Program: -
import java.util.*;
class IPclass{
private char class_alpha;
private String networkid = "";
private String netmask = "";
private String hostid = "";
private String firsthost = "";
private String lasthost = "";
private String broadcastid = "";
private String application;
private int hostno;
private int n;
IPclass(String[] ipoctets){
private void setN(int n) {if(class_alpha=='A'){
n = 1;}
else if(class_alpha == 'B'){
n = 2;}
else if(class_alpha == 'C'){
else {
n = 0;}
this.n = n;}
private void setClass_alpha(char class_alpha , String[] ipoctets) {
int a = Integer.parseInt(ipoctets[0]);
if(a<=127 && a>=0){
class_alpha = 'A';}
else if (a<=191&&a>127){
class_alpha = 'B';}
else if(a<=224 && a>191){
class_alpha = 'C';}
else if(a<=240 && a>224){
class_alpha = 'D';}
else {
class_alpha = 'E';}
this.class_alpha = class_alpha;}
private void setNetmask(String netmask) {
if (class_alpha == 'A'){
netmask = "";}
else if (class_alpha == 'B'){
netmask = "";}else if(class_alpha == 'C'){
netmask = "";}
else {
netmask = "not applicable";}
this.netmask = netmask;}
private void setHostid(String hostid, String[] ipoctet) {
if (n!=0) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
hostid += "0";
hostid += ".";}
for (int i = n; i < 4; i++) {
hostid += ipoctet[i];
if (i < 3) {
hostid += ".";} }}
else {
hostid = "not applicable";}
this.hostid = hostid;}
private void setNetworkid(String networkid, String[] ipoctet) {
if (n!=0) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
networkid += ipoctet[i];
networkid += ".";}
for (int i = n; i < 4; i++) {networkid += "0";
if (i < 3) {
networkid += ".";} }}
else {
networkid = "not applicable";}
this.networkid = networkid;}
private void setHostno(int hostno) {
if (n!=0) {
hostno = (int) Math.pow(2, (double) (8 * (4 - n))) - 2;
}else hostno =0;
this.hostno = hostno;}
public void setFirsthost(String firsthost) {
if (networkid=="not applicable"){
firsthost = networkid;}
else {
String[] x = networkid.split("\\.");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
firsthost += x[i];
firsthost += ".";}
firsthost += "1";}
this.firsthost = firsthost;}
private void setBroadcastid(String broadcastid) {
if (networkid=="not applicable"){broadcastid = networkid;}
else {
String[] x = networkid.split("\\.");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
broadcastid += x[i];
broadcastid += '.';}
for (int i = n; i < 4; i++) {
broadcastid += "255";
if (i < 3) {
broadcastid += ".";} } }
this.broadcastid = broadcastid;}
private void setLasthost(String lasthost) {
if (networkid=="not applicable"){
lasthost = networkid;}
else {
String[] x = broadcastid.split("\\.");
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
lasthost += x[i];
lasthost += ".";}
lasthost += "254";}
this.lasthost = lasthost;}
private void setApplication(String application) {
if(n!=0){application = "Unicast";}
else {
application = "Multicast";}
this.application = application;}
public char getClass_alpha() {
return class_alpha;}
public int getN() {
return n;}
public String getNetmask() {
return netmask;}
public String getNetworkid() {
return networkid;}
public String getHostid() {
return hostid;}
public String getFirsthost() {
return firsthost;}
public String getLasthost() {
return lasthost;}
public String getBroadcastid() {
return broadcastid;}
public int getHostno() {return hostno;}
public String getApplication() {
return application;} }
public class CNLAB9 {
//check if theres a mixture of binary & dotted decimal
static void nobinarynocheck(String[] ipoctets){
for (int i=0;i< ipoctets.length;i++){
boolean flag = false;
for (int j=0;j<ipoctets[i].length();j++){
flag = true;} }
if(ipoctets[i].length()>3 && !flag){
System.out.println("Validity Check : Entered IP Address is invalid");
System.out.println("Error : A mixture of Binary and Dotted Decimal notation is not allowed");
System.exit(0);} } }
//check leading zero error
static void leadingzerocheck(String[] ipoctets){
for (int i=0;i< ipoctets.length;i++){
if(Integer.parseInt(ipoctets[i])==0 && ipoctets[i].length()>1){
System.out.println("Validity Check : Entered IP Address is invalid");
System.out.println("Error : Leading zero error");
else {
if (Integer.parseInt(ipoctets[i])!=0 && ipoctets[i].charAt(0)=='0'){
System.out.println("Validity Check : Entered IP Address is invalid");
System.out.println("Error : Leading zero error");
System.exit(0);} } } }
//check if no.of octets is 4
static void noofoctets(String[] ipoctet){
if (ipoctet.length>4){
System.out.println("Validity Check : Entered IP Address is invalid");
System.out.println("Error : There cannot be more or less than 4 octets");
System.exit(0);} }
//check value of a octet is in range 0-255
static void octatevalidity(String[] ipoctets){
for (int i=0;i< ipoctets.length;i++){
if (Integer.parseInt(ipoctets[i])>255 || Integer.parseInt(ipoctets[i])<0){
System.out.println("Validity Check : Entered IP Address is invalid");
System.out.println("Error : Value of octet can only be in range of 0-255");
System.exit(0);} } }
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("--------------------IPv4 Addressing------------------");
System.out.print("Enter IP address : ");
String ip = sc.nextLine();
String[] ipoctets = ip.split("\\.");
System.out.println("Validity Check : Entered IP Address is valid");
IPclass ipaddress = new IPclass(ipoctets);
System.out.println("IP address - "+ip);
System.out.println("Class - " + ipaddress.getClass_alpha());
System.out.println("Network mask - "+ipaddress.getNetmask());
System.out.println("Network ID - "+ipaddress.getNetworkid());
System.out.println("Host ID - " + ipaddress.getHostid());
System.out.println("First Host ID - "+ipaddress.getFirsthost());
System.out.println("Last Host ID - " + ipaddress.getLasthost());
System.out.println("Broadcast Address - " + ipaddress.getBroadcastid());
if(ipaddress.getN()!=0) {
System.out.println("No. of Host per network - "+ipaddress.getHostno());}
System.out.println("No. of Host per network - "+"Not applicable");}
System.out.println("Application - "+ipaddress.getApplication());
sc.close();} }
Validity checks
A.) Leading Zero checks

B.) Number of octets check

C.) Value of octets in range 0-255 check:

D.) Mixture of binary and double dotted decimal notation check:

Class classification: - 1.)
Class A:

2.) Class B:
3.) Class C:

4.) Class D:
5.) Class E:

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