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I. Put a cross (X) on the letter A,B, C or D in front of the most appropriate anwer!

1. Ten + twenty =
a. Eleven
b. Twelve
c. Thirty
d. Twenty two
2. I have ... fingers
a. Ten
b. Nine
c. Five
d. Seven
3. A cow is …. Feet
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
4. Six , twelve, eighteen, twenty four, ...
a. twenty five
b. thirty
c. twenty eight
d. thirty four
5. 10 – 5 =
a. ten times five equal five
b. ten divided by five equal five
c. ten and five equal five
d. ten less five equal five
6. X : ... ?
Y : “My name is Emmy”.
a. What is your name
b. Where is your name
c. Who is your name
d. When is your name
7. Father and mother are my ...
a. parents
b. teacher
c. friends
d. family
8. The colour of bananas are ...
a. red
b. white
c. blue
d. yellow
9. Their hobby is playing football. They are playing in the ...
a. farm
b. field
c. garden
d. road
10. Its colour is white. We use it for writing on the blackboard. It is ...
a. cupboard
b. table
c. pencil
d. chalk
11. My mother cooks in the ...
a. kitchen
b. garden
c. garage
d. bed room
12. The colour of the sea is ...
a. black
b. grey
c. white
d. blue
13. Ariel goes to school everyday. He is a ...
a. doctor
b. student
c. farmer
d. soldier
14. The colour of our flag is ...
a. red and white
b. black and white
c. red and black
d. red and blue
15. There is a pencil. We use it for ...
a. reading
b. cooking
c. writing
d. Eating

II. Make the sentences like the example!

16. My uncle is 48 = My uncle is … years old.
17. My Aunty is 44 =My aunty is … years old.
18. My mother is 51 =My mother is … years old.
19. My grandfather is 72 =My grandfather is … years old.
20. My elder brother is 27 =My elder brother is … years old

III. Find the new word:

21. Swim =.........................................................
22. Sunday =.........................................................
23. Monday =.........................................................
24. Friday =.........................................................
25. Cook =.........................................................
26. Sleep =.........................................................
27. Bedroom =.........................................................
28. Living room =.........................................................
29. Bathroom =.........................................................
30. Library =.........................................................
31. Garden =.........................................................
32. Kitchen =.........................................................
33. Clean =.........................................................
34. Tidy =.........................................................
35. School =.........................................................
36. Lesson =.........................................................
37. Lamp =.........................................................
38. Wardrobe =.........................................................
39. Pillow =.........................................................
40. Chairs =.........................................................

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