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Day 1

Subject: [firstname]: Thanks for signing up!

Dear [firstname],

Thanks for signing up to this short e-course on how to become an influencer. Over
the coming days I'm going to be sending you a LOT of information; be sure to check
your inbox every day and to mark my messages as “important”. You might also want
to set some time aside each day to read my messages and act on the information they

Specifically, we're going to talk about the different social media platforms you
should target to get noticed, why your blog is important, ways to share your
knowledge so people come to regard you as an authority (and thereby seek you out)
and a whole lot more besides. Of course if you want to get a head start on all
this, I've put together a no-holes-barred manual that covers everything in detail.
You can find out all about it here [link to sales page].

So what is Influencer Marketing and why should you care?

Wikipedia defines it like this: “a form of social media marketing involving

endorsements from influencers, people and organizations who possess an expert level
of knowledge and/or social influence in their respective fields.” You can read the
full definition here: .

What it all boils down to is the simple fact that if people regard you as an expert
on a particular subject, they'll listen to what you say. An expert's opinion
counts, so when he or she endorses a product or service, other people are inclined
to buy it. It's a form of social proof that removes barriers to making a purchase.
However, becoming an influencer isn’t as easy as it appears to be. It requires
consistent effort and a ton of patience, but (as you'll discover over the coming
days) it's certainly doable, and potentially, highly rewarding.


[Your Name]

PS. Tomorrow I'll cover the most important decision you'll need to make on the road
to becoming an influencer. Get this wrong and you're guaranteed to fail. Be sure
to check your inbox tomorrow.

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