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TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi tentang taking a history dengan sesama
teman atau dosen.
 Peserta didik mampu bertanya dan menjawab untuk mendapatkan informasi
tentang taking a history.
 Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang diberikan dan dapat menggunakanya
dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
 Peserta didik dapat menggunakan simple past tense dalam percakapan secara

a. Dialogue

Read the dialogue together with the lecturer

Situation : The doctor made a conversation with Mrs. Aisyah
Doctor : Come in Mrs. Aisyah. Come and sit down here. I’ve had a letter from your
doctor and she tells me that you’ve been having pain, pain in your chest.
Patient : Yes, and in my arm, and also tingling in my fingers and...
Doctor : Yes, now when did you first notice this pain?
Patient : Er, well I suppose about six month ago
Doctor : And can you remember when it first come on?
Patient : Yes, well I remember, I got a bad pain in my chest when I was shopping. It
was so bad I couldn’t breathe and...
Doctor : And where, in which part of your chest did you feel the pain?
Patient : Well, right cross my chest
Doctor : And how long did it last?
Patient : Oh, about ten minutes.
Doctor : And what did you do when it hapened?
Patient : I had to stop and wait it to go away
Doctor : So, have you had this, then pain again since then?
Patient : Yes, I often get it when I overdo things.

b. Vocabularies

Chest : dada
I couldn’t breathe : saya tidak dapat bernafas
tingling in my fingers: kesemutan di jari-jariku
first notice : pertama merasakan
since then : sampai sekarang
suppose : mengira
right cross my chest : dada sebelah kananku
first come on : pertama kali datang
overdo things : aktifitas berlebih
how long did it last? : sudah berapa lama
in good shape : dalam keadaan baik
free of charge : gratis
get rid of : musnahkan
out of reach : di luar jangkauan
untreated : tidak diobati
sneeze : bersin
a couple days : beberapa hari
applicant : pelamar kerja
hospitality : keramahan
resign : mengundurkan diri
reservation number : nomor pemesanan
steward : pramugara

c. Expression

Stretch out your tired legs and relax : rentangkan kakimu dan rilekslah
I’m very sleepy : saya sangat mengantuk
Do you feel drowsy? : Apakah engkau merasa mengantuk?
My heart bleeds! : Oh, aku ikut bersedih
I’m sure he will understand : Saya yakin dia akan mengerti
I hope you make it : Saya harap kamu berhasil
We did it : Kita berhasil
Please accept my apologies : terimalah permintaan maafku
Say sorry to her : katakan padanya aku menyesal
I’m sorry that I was angry with you : maaf, saya marah padamu
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that : maaf, saya tidak bermaksud seperti itu

d. Grammar focus

Simple Past
Used for action which took place in the past and are finished by the tme of speaking.
It is also used for habitual actions and states in the past, in the same way as the simple
present is used habitual actions and states in the present.
 Last year I studied medicine
 I always went to Palestine for visiting my family
 She was on an early shift everyday last month.

It is used with such words as: yesterday, last night, the other day, a few days ago, last
week, last month, a few moments ago, long time ago.

+ The nurse took him on at once to the hospital

- The nurse did not take him at once to the hospital ?
? Where did the nurse take him at once? To the hospital

e. Tasks

1. Role play the dialogue above with your partner

2. Change the following sentences into simple past tense orally
a. We are very tired (last night)
b. She injects antibiotic to Mr. Syaiful (two hours)
c. I don’t take his blood sample from Mr. Hanif (yesterday)
d. Is she off duty until 2 p.m? (last week)
e. Hasti has to work late (this morning)


QS. Al – Kahf : 30

Sungguh mereka yang beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan. Kami benar-benar

tidak akan menyia-nyiakan pahala orang yang mengerjakan perbuatan yang
baik itu.

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