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Elevator Speech Script

Hello! My name is Christi Grewohl and I am an English teacher at a Catholic high school in
Glendale, CA.

I am the Junior/Senior English teacher as well as the ASB Moderator and Fashion Club
Moderator. I teach two college prep English classes as well as two AP English classes.

It feels as if I have spent my whole life teaching some form or another. Throughout middle and
high school, I taught Sunday school at church. In pursuing my Bachelor of Arts in Teaching, I
completed well over 150 hours of teaching/observing in local public schools. Of course, in
completing my Masters in Teaching I was tasked with student teaching at a public school in
Pasadena. Honestly, the last 3 years have been a steep learning curve and I have really learned
how to be flexible and zero in on my goals for each day’s lesson because you never know what
is going to happen!

I believe I have really grown as a teacher leader because we have a lot of new faculty that
started this year. Many do not have high school teaching experience so I have had to advise
them on best practices and instruct them in particular events and policies that are unique to our

I would say that one of my strengths is building connections with students. I work very hard to
find at least one thing I can discuss with each student. Whether it is talking about a sport they
like or a band they listen to or even a favorite genre of a movie. I do my best to make them feel
as though they are individuals in class and are known by their teacher.

I believe this ties into how I have positively impacted student learning. I wholeheartedly believe
that if a student feels cared for by their teacher, they are much more motivated to work hard.
Because I try to build these connections, my students feel safe asking me questions which
allows them to achieve much more and truly master the content.

Thank you!

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