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According to Hall (2015), PepsiCo's market performance has recently been impacted by a variety of

challenges that management must consider in order to improve the company's long-term viability in the
current competitive market. Any of these concerns are signs of more severe structural issues that may
jeopardize the company's existence. And one of those is the reduced in revenue.

According to the company's financial records, the company's revenue in 2016 was $ 62.799 billion, a
decrease from the previous year's figure. The decline in sales is a sign that there are issues in the
industry that need to be addressed. Another issue is that the business has been targeted by
environmentalists, especially in India, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Many of these
environmental organizations have expressed concern about the company's excessive water use, which
seems to be in total disregard of local residents' basic water needs in the areas where it operates.

It has also been criticized for the enormous contamination caused by the plastic bottles used in its food
packaging. Health experts have also expressed concern about the potential health implications of using
any of the cola products sold by this company on a regular basis. These concerns will have a huge effect
on PepsiCo's ability to continue to operate sustainably around the world.

PepsiCo is in a position where it must contend against new competitors who are providing alternatives
that are gaining traction in the market. Some of these replacement products are marketed as healthier
alternatives to cola beverages. PepsiCo faces strong competition from Coca-Cola Company both
domestically and globally, in addition to these new companies in the global market. Coca-Cola Company
has successfully built a powerful reputation in the industry, forcing PepsiCo to devise strategies to
counteract the rival brand's increasing popularity.

PepsiCo has yet to come up with creative solutions to a variety of environmental issues, both locally and
globally. The company has been chastised in India, the United States, and the United Kingdom for its
wasteful use of water at the expense of locals who depend on the same resource for their daily needs.
The company has been unable to come up with creative ways to produce goods that will enable them to
reduce their water consumption.

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