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Having strong memory is something unusual specially in our society and the number of that people is

few. Many people want to improve their memory and make it long-term.
There are various ways to extend the ability of memory. So, this essay will shed the lights on two ways
that people can do to develop their memory.

Moreover, memory can be improved by learning new skills. It gives our mind's cells full energy because
it makes them work perfectly to save things and solve any problem. Therefore, the memory will be
stronger and gives mind the ability to gain knowledge. There are many ways to improve the memory,
Such as, reading new books with different topics, play games, for instance, chess,puzzle and creative
activities.When you follow these step will make your brain with long-term memory

Healthy lifestyle is the easiest way tohave healthy memory. Nowadays, anyone can do physical exercise
even at home, such as, walking,running,swimming,cycling and dancing. Each one will have a major
impact on your mental health,Also, it can relieves stress and improve the memory. In addition , having
healthy diet which consists of several types of foods such as, fish,nuts,avocado,leafy greens, fresh fruits
and vegetables can effect positively on your brain.Finally,Doing daily exercises and eating healthy foods
will be impactful on your memory.

To summarize, memory is important in human’s life. People have different choices to develop their
memory. So, If you build your special lifestyle with healthy habits and have the passion to try new skills
even though playing games which are strange and challenging, your memory will be improved.
Moreover, as much you follow this steps your brain will be strong and wider.

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