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rajma by anne

(for 1 can of pre cooked kidney beans; you can use dry kidney beans and do all the soaking
overnight nonsense but I haven’t tried that yet so)

- canned kidney beans
- 1 big red onion
- 4-5 medium fresh tomatoes (you can used canned but doesn’t go as hard as fresh)
- 2-3 cloves garlic (depending on how much garlic you like)
- shredded ginger (same amount as garlic)
- mustard seeds, cumin seeds (1 tsp each)
- vegetable oil or ghee (ghee based)
- tamarind
- 3 green chilis
- spinach (not usually in rajma but I like it idc)
- rajma masala, red chili powder, salt, pepper, coriander powder, turmeric, garlic
- coriander for garnish

to do:
 leave some (ill show you in person) tamarind to soak in ½ cup water
 wash kidney beans (don’t use the nasty starch water)
 cut and mash tomatoes
 fry mustard seeds and cumin seeds in ghee until they start popping
 add diced onion & green chili, cook till fragrant (but still slightly raw)
 add garlic & ginger, cook for longer
 add 2 (all tbsp should be heaping) tbsp rajma masala, 1 tbsp chili powder, salt &
pepper & garlic powder to taste, ½ tbsp turmeric, 1 tbsp coriander powder – cook till
 add tomatoes
 add 1 cup water and bring to boil
 add rajma when half the water’s gone
 squish the juice out of the tamarind and sieve the big bits out (use only the water)
 add tamarind water & shredded spinach and cook/simmer until gravy thickens
 garnish with coriander & serve (w yoghurt is must)

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