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FAQs About UpToDate®

Evidence-Based Decision Support
What makes UpToDate an evidenced-based How does UpToDate decide which evidence
solution? to use?
The editors of UpToDate have a systematic UpToDate follows a hierarchy of evidence
process for identifying, reviewing and consistent with most evidence-based
synthesising new clinical evidence as it resources and we always use the highest
applies to a clinical question. More than quality clinical evidence available.
50 in-house physician deputy editors, all of
whom receive training in clinical epidemiology, To create and update the clinical topics in
oversee the integrity and consistency of our UpToDate with new clinical evidence, our
editorial process. editorial staff performs comprehensive
reviews of the medical literature and considers
the quality of the study, the hierarchy of
evidence, and its clinical relevance. When
What is Evidenced-based Medicine (EBM)? current, high-quality systematic reviews are
available, UpToDate topics and recommendations
The standard definition of EBM — from Dr. David Sackett,
rely heavily on these reviews. When such
who is well-known as a pioneer in the field — is: reviews are unavailable, UpToDate summarises
the key studies bearing on the clinical issues
“The judicious use of the best available evidence in making
at hand. Systematic reviews and the design
decisions about the care of the individual patient.” of primary studies (e.g., randomised trials,
observational studies) are often identified
BMJ 1996;312:71-72 (13 January) explicitly in the text, with the relevant data
provided. However, in cases where either the
type of study or the data are not stated explicitly,
While other clinical decision support users can click on the reference and bring up
solutions may use — or claim to use — the Medline abstract to obtain this information.
the best available evidence, UpToDate Evidence is derived from a number of resources,
considers new evidence in the context of including but not limited to:
existing best practices to make actionable
recommendations for care. We are uniquely • Hand-searching of more than 420 peer-
positioned to accomplish this because more reviewed journals
than 7,100 world-renowned experts, with
extensive patient care experience, assist in • Electronic searching of databases including
interpreting the impact of new evidence on Medline, The Cochrane Database, Clinical
specific patient care situations. Evidence and ACP Journal Club
• Guidelines that adhere to principles of Because recommendations for care need to
evidence evaluation described above account for all of the factors cited above,
many evidence-based solutions avoid
• Published information regarding clinical making specific recommendations for
trials, as well as other sources of information patient care. UpToDate has taken a different
produced by government agencies within approach. It is the policy of UpToDate to make
various countries, and guidelines from specific recommendations for patient care
recognized international leaders, such as whenever possible.
the World Health Organization
Recommendations in UpToDate are based on a
• The clinical experience and observations synthesis of evidence, including that obtained
of our authors, editors and peer reviewers from clinical trials as well as clinical experience.
And, whenever possible, the evidentiary basis
Are the recommendations in UpToDate based for recommendations is stated explicitly. When
on evidence or expert opinion? there is no published systematic evidence
UpToDate makes clinical recommendations available (e.g., prednisone dosing regimen in
that are always based on the best available pulmonary sarcoidosis), recommendations
evidence. Unsystematic clinical observation are based on the unsystematic clinical
(i.e., clinical experience) is the weakest form observations of our experts and reviewers,
of evidence, but it is evidence nonetheless. and on pathophysiologic rationale. Our
A critical component of our recommendations multiple layers of peer review prevent
is that we are transparent about the quality individual opinion from becoming a part
of the evidence and the strength of each of any recommendation in UpToDate.
recommendation. In instances where there is
poor, limited, or no data available, we still feel How does UpToDate create treatment
compelled to answer a clinical question based recommendations?
on clinical experience or pathophysiologic Each recommendation in UpToDate is structured
reasoning rather than avoid answering it around a specific clinical question that clearly
altogether. Most clinical solutions do not have defines the patient population of interest,
the depth of expertise from their contributors the alternative management strategies,
that UpToDate has, and therefore cannot and the outcomes of importance to patients
adequately answer clinical questions that (PICO format: Population, Intervention,
don’t have a strong evidence base (which Comparators, Outcomes).
accounts, unfortunately, for a substantial
proportion of clinical questions). Our treatment recommendations identify
situations in which treatment may vary based
Our world-renowned physician authors and on patient values and preferences. It is up to
editors use their expertise to understand the clinician using UpToDate to evaluate the
the impact of new evidence on existing best recommendations in light of the individual
practices. Their clinical knowledge enables circumstances of his or her patient.
UpToDate to apply new evidence to specific Nevertheless, UpToDate feels that providing
situations that arise during clinical practice. recommendations based on a sophisticated
This does not mean that they express opinions understanding of the clinical issues, the
that supersede the available evidence — their best available clinical evidence, and
experience simply makes them better qualified a consideration of patient values and
to interpret new findings in the context of preferences, allows clinicians to make
patient care. more informed management decisions.

In fact, a fundamental principle of evidence- UpToDate commonly uses the terminology

based medicine — as described by Dr. Gordon “We recommend...” or “We suggest...” when
Guyatt, who is credited with coining the term describing recommended courses of action
and is a thought leader in the field of EBM — is because our recommendations generally
“Evidence alone is never sufficient to make a reflect a consensus of the author(s) and editors
clinical decision. Decision makers must always of a topic. When there are disagreements,
trade the benefits and risks, inconvenience, and this same wording is used; however, the
costs associated with alternative management recommendations are those of the author(s),
strategies, and in doing so consider the and the disagreement among experts is
patient’s values.”1 Expertise is thus required discussed within the text.
to move from evidence to recommendations.
Are all recommendations in UpToDate graded? a benefit. In this case, UpToDate makes a weak
Since 2001, UpToDate has worked extensively recommendation for anticoagulation based on
with Dr. Guyatt to improve the clarity and high-quality evidence.
transparency behind the clinical evidence we
use and the strength of our recommendations. Strong recommendations based on low-quality
Dr. Guyatt is a founding member of the GRADE evidence most often occur when there is high or
Working Group, which was created to develop moderate-quality evidence for either benefits
“a common, sensible and transparent approach or harms of a therapy but not for both. For
to grading quality of evidence and strength example, we have moderate to high quality
of recommendations.”2 Many international evidence that a number of different classes of
leaders, including the World Health Organization, antihypertensives are similarly effective, and
Cochrane and the British Medical Journal, low-quality evidence that ACE inhibitors are
collaborated in the development of this harmful in pregnancy. In such a situation, we
system and have adopted it. 2 The GRADE would make a strong recommendation based
system and its modifications have become on low-quality evidence not to treat hypertensive
the most widely used clinical recommendation pregnant women with ACE inhibitors.
grading systems in the world.
The GRADE system allows transparency in all
In 2006, UpToDate began grading of these situations.
recommendations using the GRADE format.
This is a continuing process, with thousands Why doesn’t UpToDate grade diagnostics?
of graded recommendations in the program. UpToDate only grades recommendations about
Graded recommendations appear in the treatment or screening because we feel that
Summary and Recommendations sections of no existing system for grading diagnostic
each topic. recommendations works well enough to be
useful to clinicians. Rather than grade
UpToDate dedicates considerable resources diagnostic recommendations, UpToDate
to ensuring that our recommendations are describes the evidence underlying such
clear, complete, and correct. In addition to our recommendations in the text of the topic.
routine peer review process, our Co-Executive UpToDate is participating in efforts to create a
Editor and/or Deputy Editors review all clinically useful system for grading diagnostic
assigned grades to confirm that they recommendations.
accurately reflect the quality of the evidence
and the strength of the recommendation. In How often is UpToDate content updated?
addition, Dr. Guyatt comes to the UpToDate UpToDate is updated daily following a continual
office in Massachusetts regularly to continue comprehensive review of the resources listed
to educate our physician editors about on the second page (peer-reviewed journals,
evidence-based medicine and grading. clinical databases, etc.). Topics in UpToDate are
revised whenever important new information
It is important to understand the difference is published, not according to any specific
between grading evidence and grading time schedule. Updates are integrated
recommendations. UpToDate does both, carefully, after extensive peer review, with
which makes it unique among point-of-care specific statements as to how the new
solutions, which typically grade only the quality findings should be applied to clinical practice.
of evidence or even just individual studies.
However, there are occasions when strong Updates that are deemed particularly important
recommendations may be made in the face of by our authors and editors (i.e., those that
low-quality evidence, or weak recommendations may change practice, drug alerts, etc.) are
in the face of high-quality evidence. For example: highlighted in our “What’s New” section and a
subset that are considered practice-altering
Weak recommendations with high-quality are featured in our “Practice Changing
evidence occur when individual patient values UpDates” section.
and preferences make a decision a close call.
For example, we have high-quality evidence
that lifelong anticoagulation after idiopathic
1. Guyatt, GH, Rennie, D, Meade, MO, Cook, DJ. Users’ Guides to
DVT reduces the risk of recurrence, but many the Medical Literature: A Manual for Evidence-based Clinical
patients are unwilling to accept the ongoing Practice, 2nd ed, McGraw-Hill, New York 2008.
burdens of warfarin therapy in return for such 2.
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