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Base Concept

1: Introduction/ Credentials

2: Concept premise

3: Discovery of the concept

4: Examples of this in History x2

How this is detrimental to our performances

1: Cheat code to status at an early age

2: The overdependence on magic for status

 1,000 tricks
 Putting down the audience
 Sole example of our personality

Examples of how it looks and works X2

1: Magic (status) dules

2: Different forms of status

 Education, Wealth, Notoriety, Influence, Appearance, Skill,

3: I know how its done example X3

 Magician claims status

 Person is not fooled
 Therefore they have higher status to their friend than magician and all around
 This lowers the status of EVERYONE except the person who clams they know how its done

4: Penn & Teller’s fool us

5: Trading Status for Money

 “I could show you other tricks, but I cant show you better”
 Demising return

6: Summery and Closing Remarks

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