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I'm not sure that we have free will, at least not in the sense that we usually mean, as a subjective

of being that allows us to apportion praise and blame.

I think that we exist and that people who question this maybe have not fully developed or maybe they
are broken experientially. You can't question your awareness of your awareness if you are aware.

I am a proponent of panpsychism, the idea that everything material has an element of consciousness.
Not that it is necessarily aware that it is aware, but possesses rudimentary awareness.

I hypothesize that certain instantiations of that awareness in the form of a brain provide the extra layer,
the awareness of our awareness.

This doesn't mean that we possess free will in a literal sense, but that we exist as free observers, and are
perhaps able to make inferences about the way the universe works which we call logic even if we are
not able to act freely.

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