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Grammar and Vocabulary

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Common adjectives
Bad: Awful
Fun: Enjoyable
Good: Excellent
Great: Tremendous
Horrible: Terrifying
Important: Serious

Common nouns
Film: Footage
Restaurant: Cafeteria
Hotel: Resort
Book: Novel
Museum: Gallery

Common verbs
Like: Admire
Think: Assume
Visit: Stay
Enjoy: Appreciate
Agree: Admit
Exercises about modal verbs

1. We have a lot of work tomorrow. You should be late. 2. You mustn’t tell anyone what I just told
you. It's a secret. 3. The museum is free. You must pay to get in. 4. Sorry I’m late. I had to finish my
Math test. 5. I should have started saving money years ago! Why didn’t I do it? 6. Lucy should have
left earlier. She missed her flight. 7. It's not obligatory to take a tie. You don´t have to wear one. 8.
Slow down or we're going to have an accident. You shouldn´t drive so fast. 9. Where's the toilet? I
must go. 10. When I was a child, I had to get up early to arrive on time at school.

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