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Question on Financial Documentation

The objective of the visa officer is to ascertain the financial strength of your family in India. It
is important to show that your family has an annual income, their investments and they also own
property(s) in India.

The threshold is to show the first one-year of expenses only and that can be shown with the
combination of savings and investments etc.

Annual Income:
 Employment in India
 Tax returns – last 3 years.
 Salary Slips etc.

Saving & Investments

 Saving accounts – 6 months of print out or complete pass book
 PF
 FD
 Insurance Policies
 Post office Investments
 Etc.

By showing the family’s annual income and property you are indicating that your family can
support your education by their saving and investments without compromising on their life style.

Property Documents
Copies of Property documents
Showing property(s) would indicate ties to your home country

According to the US embassy – students are required to show funds to cover the first year of
expenses only – NOT double the amount or 1.5% of the I-20 amount.

Chartered Account Statement

(CA Report) is not required – it is optional – if you want you may get it prepared by your CA –
but it is not an Embassy requirement.

Evaluation of Property
NOT REQUIRED – carrying property documents is to show that your family has strong ties to
your home country.

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