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#Activity 8.

10, Entering 2 numbers

Num1=float(input("Enter the first number"))
Num2=float(input("Enter your second number"))
if Num1!=Num2:
print("Both the numbers are not equal")
if Num1>Num2:
print("number 1,",Num1,"is greater than",Num2)
if Num2>Num1:
print("number 2,",Num2,"is greater than number 1",Num1)
if Num1<Num2:
print("number 1,",Num1,"is less than number 2",Num2)
if Num2<Num1:
print("number2,",Num2,"is less than number 1",Num1)
if Num1==Num2:
print("Both the Numbers are equal")
Num3=float(input("Enter the third number"))

(((((((((((((((Complete it at home))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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