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“Like the hard-core radial voyeurs in Jennifer Haley’ etfs Pay The Nether’ you wort want to leave the Hidesway" Variety “Tapping io the post-11 fears and discusion surrounding privacy and human righty, The Nether forces audiences to contemplate the consequences ofthese issues even inthe moet repellent ses” —TheaterMania “Big-budger theater rarely has this kindof hip aco and hardly ever adresses ess in eatng- ecg technology with ws much. ‘ophistation as we ee here” SLA Weekly The Nether a daring examination of moral respons in viru word, opens ‘sith a famiar interrogation scene given a technological twist As Decne Moe 15 an online investigator questions Mr Sims about hs activities in a rolep ying realm so realistic it ould be lif she fide herell on slipery ete grou cme ‘anges forthe freedom 19 explore even the mose deviant omnes of ou imagination Morris hos that we cannot fesh out our malign fanase without coneucton ‘The cash of wile leads to an outcome nether could have imagined. Suspenetal, ingeniously constructed. an erey intelligent, Haleys play forces ua o condone deeply disturbing question about the boundaries of realty, JENNITER HALEY won te 2012 Suan Sith Backbur Pz for Te Nether, The play's ‘remit by the Cener Tete Group atthe Kirk Dongle Therein Los oye ne ‘even 2013 vation Aad icing Paywring- Her thes plas alae Neghdorhoes 4 Requiation of Dao and Breer, Her werk as ben developed she gente ‘hea La, the Eugene OTN Theatr Centers National Poywriges Consens eek rk Play Development Cntr She 2a mabe sf New Dare ‘ie cpr © Caer Tet Gioup LO i nensrssciwena THE NETHER JENNIFER HALEY oth ©2015 by Jr ae Pb Ind Sms by Notes arn Pe leigh: see Profit and mre ae bly orm rr art bong yp ‘Set andr he Cpa La of he cpr (Cyl Age cg bot oe {Eady pen nse ear bd nd ein (tne nd the igh ef conse trap ngage iy eed A ingens efecomer ior ply ch eed ch ane Arr Ay Leg fen Ye loge New 3 14 fag} 27 a drcallzonae sles ade moe "team ey nae og ee eewsreostr a0 pr) aN sre} Sek? (eet) tina ForNel CONTENTS Production History fe The Nether 1 Preition Notes 74 | | | PRODUCTION HISTORY ‘he Nether had ts world premiere on March 24, 2013 at the Kil Douglas Theatre in Los Angeles, Clornia,prodaced by Center The- ‘are Group (Michael Ritchie artistic director Edward LR, manag ing dzeco; Dovglr C. Baker, producing director; Nausea Stergou, several manage) It was directed by Neel Kelle, with scenic design by Aastan W. Jone costume design by Alex Jaeger lighting design by ‘Chester Kuhl and sound design by John Zalewok., The cat was a0 fellows sins Robert by Doyle akin Matthews Mors Jeanne Sygua Woodase ‘Adan Hs Henter Be righ leing ‘The Nether received its European premiere on July 17, 2014, a the Royal CoureThestre, London, in # co-production between Hesdlon (remy Herrin, anisiedirsctor: Henny Finch, exscitive producer) sand the Royal Coare Theatre (Vicky Featherstone, aztiste dieser, Leu Davies exccutive producer) Ie was dieced by Jeremy Herrin, with et design by Es Devin, costume design by Christina Cusning- amy lighting design by Poul Pyant, sound desig by lan Dickinson, covginal music by Nick Powell, and video design by Lake Halls The cast was follows Sims Staney Townsend Doyle Davi Bares Moc Amand Hale Woodaet Tran eremiah ee Zoe Brough abel Pappas (CHARACTERS Sins/ Papa succes businessman ‘Moris a young female devective Doyle middle-aged since teacher Irs. a shining Ue git Woodnut a fresh-faced guest Time Peri: Soom ‘Setting: An isertogaton room andthe Hienway Nether ream 1 Anobe wld for mth creatures, 2 Den werd 5. dimension of lo Imegiion —urbandictionarycom " SCENE INTERROGATION ROOM [sis sits across a wide table from merecrve mona.) soe: want ga boue onus: Which home? sms: need to speak with ny family ora: Which family? sus: don’ noe what you geting a. want my phone ell ‘Monn: Thee are things we wat too snus: My lawyer ‘owns: Which lawyer? orsis: You ate free o catact whomever you wish, Me: Sims We havea terminal here if you'd ate to log it owns: imagine your wife is worried by now. sng: Leave he out of his | aeons: Bur ifr does, wel rescind your login, Mr Sims You will omnis: Your children never have sees toa terminal agin sins: don’thave ny children ss [slight pause: Who dd you say you ae? onus: This ean invertigaive unit ofthe Neher Ia an in-world von: hates Mesineiean eton | OMT a ner a ‘country lane Children on dhe front porch in long stockings and ‘sll capa, Saraby: Donald. Antonia. Is. Such quaint names, ‘ss: Ihave business in the Nether. ll of my connections. You ant From an era associated with. noses | expel me. sins: [have a brownstone. My wifes sterile. You've got the weong Monn: You havea tare forthe oi feshioned. Think of ia. return uy 1 to simpler times. ornis [consulting @ report: Soliton. Rape. Sodomy. Musdes sons: This is wiolaton of my sights. My lawyer are the best inthe ‘Theve are hewy charges, Me Sims Feld. You woe’ hep me ot fo ang, sans: Are you charging me? | oun: Long enough to lost and desi your chien. ‘worn: The repetitive nature ofthe offenses The amount of money | is you've made onus: What's wrong, Mr Sims? ss: you te not charging me sis Mons: We know shout your account in Burkina Taso ren styent upg oe ne ; | ‘oun: Oh, you'r fre tg ‘monn: We sent someone undercover to your rem to make sare ses fveto go? ‘our charges were grounded Bonuse you've programmed itso chat ssonnis; We ahold you bere without charging you, That wold be a ae aa ees E against the law [consulting «report After undergoing a metislovs security scan of my login, ezeating my character fom ast of prescribe ook, and passing a Draconian manners tutorial dsuading maser ter rinology, emer the Hideaway. snus: Okay Then I'm going 0. ous: We att controle pezons body Yours ere to wall out dhe oor Theis thing I experience isthe trees The ickerng light and soft sounds they say in the sun and wind is almost overwhelming. ‘They surround a brautiflly rendered 1880s Gothic Revival wth | sass: Great. My bay walking out she door gue in the top porch step. sing the doorbell. Ica ata fel iy hand seat, ltching my carpeting. pek trough a windove tu spy figures inthe Syer—an impacably dreseed man stoking ‘the fce af one ofthe cre, a ite giel— ss: They. Are not Chileon wos: [gues that depends on context, Me. Sims. Or should {call you—Tapa? SCENE? INTERROGATION ROOM, [over sits cross the able from oan, hed is ds] ons: Mr Doyle? Morais: Me Dayle ones: Me Doyle, we have ne tal your wie Ipores mites his hod AL this pone we ave merely detaining you. We need information hour this man called Papa in exchange, we will pote your ‘entity, [consulting a report Care Doyle. You ae a vacher at Franklin ‘Mudie Sehool You won a Distinguished Teaching Award in Ss fence, You are one year away from rotrmen wit fll peesion for fosty yeas service inthe school distri. Your wife a senior vestry member of St Thomas Episcopal Church, where you used to wach Sunday shoo! unl about four years ago. You have one aught, junio a Hino Stat, Looking up] oocing the bil fr an in-world olege. That's» huge expense, Mr Doyle. Mos tudes now getter higher education st online intttions in the Nether You daim to moonlight as & profesor sone of thes inaitutions—the [oosuling the report, ‘Univesity of Metaphysial Cerstude yor lke, this erste story about whe you ae may remain ita. ‘We've even made arrangements with UMC co actualy hice you. All those hours at your termina, plus the boos in your bank ae ‘count wil conte ro make perfect sense pores: May Theep her? worst: Keep who? owt Iris oss: No, Mr Doyle, Once we have what we need on Papa, hat fe porte: have nothing 10s. SCENES INTERROGATION ROOM, [btonnis and snes} ss: What authority do you have, yanking me from my garden? onus: We thought face-to-face interaction woud be «goo change for you ses: You should’ even know who am. 1 hav dhe ight 0 remain ‘anonym onns: Were able totrckinost of ur wsers but your entity enceyp+ tion s ke nosing weve ever sen, Once you login, yo disappee sts: Are you psted you can range me for advertising? ‘ons: We don't eae about you, Me: Sms, l' yar real. The Hide aay. Have you head of obscenity laws sinc: My realm is properly sestered and most all ves requirements onus: Whet about your sever? ss: My server? ‘a oxsis: The physical machine whore you store the code for the Hideway sss: You [now what oun: We want to know its locaton sins: Ldon'thavet ell you that. ors: suggest tht you do sins: My servers notin this country So's not any of your business moa: Your conten ishere Your content i everywhere, ss: le nin your jurisdiction, conti Mr Sing, wherever your content appear i my rst, worn: Your real i not only popular, but Ducaive. I's afforded ‘you [consding a report] two hundred square fet of real gras Furrounding your brownstone. A garden of snap peas and sis Chard. Your wife's cates ae made from cotton, Wy, with such jewotl abundance, do you choose the life of shade? sis: Fm nota shade worn: Your login ror indlate you spend a great del of time ‘line sis: You havea lot of work on your hands that’s Become a crime ‘Monat: So you've never considered cossing over? ‘ss: Funintin my in-world if, [tend ny garden onus: But reilly, Mr Sims an average of teen hours «day in she ‘Nether? What can be gine by spending so much time i some- hing that eal? sis: Jast beste is virtel doesn't mean i in’ el. Eighty per enc of the population workin ofc eas chien atend school fn edocational realina There's a rain for anything you want to now or do or think you might want to try. As the Nether Becomes ‘our contertalfemework for being don’t you think it’ bi out of der sayin el? ‘Monns: Ie your wife aware of your tendencies? ‘ss: She asks no questions as Tong as the winesmade-from-grapes ives a the doo, sonst: Your tendencies toward children, Me Sims. sas [ligt pons] Like everyone, she's as aware a she wants tobe Momus: What f we made her very aware? ss: Lexpect she would resent yo "wonnts: Or brought it the attention of your neighbors? sus I dont spend enough ime in-world to worry about my’ stand- fing inthe comunity. And ny record ie whistle cen, Real cil dren are har to comehy these days. not ike they pay outside anymore Monat: Are yout ing tobe dell Me Sims? sas: Yon Yas uying very hard tobe very fucking del ‘Mons: Ie won’ lec well on your ase sa: Do Ihave a cate here A cas sound egal which this deficitely sonats: We need you to give us the location of your server. When we ave confiscated your hardware and deleted your realm, youl be feet go withou prosecution — ss: This i against the Lat » Be ons: Roan, Me Sion. sus My calm is dleuely designated Adult. There are adits tehind the childeen and adits bend the guests. My background checks fare thorough in the extreme to male sare we don't involve users who ae underage. Thi is in accordance wit the statute on con senealroleplay— mons: You sem o be quite up on laws and start, sas: This is my business— sons; This sour business, to, The Nether is home to many bus- ‘nesses with an obligation to protect the needs of our comma. ‘And or comaaunity has decided that resims such a8 yours are Iimpermissable— sts oacusics Wh there a wate? onsas: Yes here wos I suggest you pay greater atenion tothe es- ‘age boards ss: This is shit You'e foding me shit onnis: Would you caret login vight now and heck? sms: So you can trace me tomy Server? No, I would not worn: Then youl jst have to trust 'm ling the eath ss: Trust you? Who are you?! nai The Nether is no longer some great Wild West. We have 2 poli body thai just os real a anything in-world. And we'e snaking our own lw, wich cur own form of prosection. You ask ‘what suhority 1 have! Look around. There's ao Hideaway here Now I sgest you sit down. sss: Look, Detective, Lam sik am sick and have always been sick ‘and thete iso cure. No stnount of cognitive behavioral therapy or relape determent or even chemical castration wil ay ane fom ry urges toward children am sce and no mater how much 1 loved him or her wold make my own cid sik nd sc thi sce thie~notal of us se thibut [have ben cursed with both ‘compulsion and insight have taken responablley for my sick ness Tam protecting my neighbor's children and my brthers culdren and the children {won't allow myself to have, and the ‘only way ean do his becuse ve rested place where an be ry fucking self SCENES ‘THE HIDEAWAY FOYER, THE NETHER [A ray of sunlight beams through a tll window nur enters as mis runs, Breathless. He catches her spins her arownd te light She rok with laughter He puts ar down, ad sh wobbles tls] sms Whoa! Tima top! sna: Was that fan nae: Yost [fk diez! ara I chought you'd lke that. new mis: Have you given it mame? ‘nea: Nor yt. Any ideas? ‘nas lithe Spinning Top. ana: The Spinning Top it ia snis: Dd you ty ton Barnaby? ane: You's the int, ams: am? 6 ann: Fnew you'd appresint i he most. need am cry auence to ‘give me bart. tats sugges: Are you saying Im exey? ‘ana: Now lie... that joke i to ald for you [she giggles ond reassumes innocence) shed you for anything, have Papa? arn: No, you haven't rms: Tas dlaking might want bithday party ara Abuthday party? ms Yo Puna: Are you tying to row up? You're already nine yeas od tis: Limajned she yard dessed in streamers, And birthday cake We ‘could invite our Favorite Hideaway gusts. rapa Involve the guest So this ie an entrepreneurial idea? sms: Somewhat asx: Somewhat? us: Not alogether, ava: Then what? You must ell me wha'son your mind. snus: wan day tha’ about me ans: Come hee [She mroves to i] ‘We haves besusifal hme hers, ris We haves bentiflfamay, of ‘which you area important member Its dis beausy which draws fur guess, And of course a eympathetic community. But do you leno wha s dhe most important sing we offer [She shakes her Jos] An opportunity lve outside of eansequence [Se thinks ‘hisover] Nothing here can change, Which eabessifel rection ofthe way we are changes. ss Like the way God aes ark God? as [lost guy ve Been thinking about Gad ara 66 ‘nts: Not asin a person But a inthe way Weare with each other Do you think bout God thar way? [he sound ofa grand doorbelis hen] rapt: Wehave guest You'd best go othe paler. ras: Yes Pape [She rust 501 av is I'm sorry we cannot havea birthday Te would upser 2 bale ‘nce here to suggest youre growing older vais: | understand ana: [know you do. You're my darting gel. a Inara put is hand to her chsh, woomnrr eters, and ara quickly ‘hops his hand Me gives is a gentle push, aed she exits ran tur fo woopwer] ava: My god sr! Welcome co the Hideaway! woopser: Thank you! yea: Your Bist time? WoODNUT: Asa matter of fat yer. Ist obvious? rari Nott worry: Keep coming bac and youl i sight in, \woopnur: You're confident I'L wish to return? nes I guaeantee ity Mr ‘woot: Woodnut, amas Woodnut. And yo are... 7 ears: You may cll me Popo. 9 SCENES INTERROGATION ROOM [bonns and nove] owns [reading fom a report: Paps score me tthe parlor where find three of che chien. A gel who looks tobe twelve years ol laying a pefely rendered vintage Steinway pianoforte A five ‘yard boy dancing with a dantied guest. And the lle gel ‘saw nthe foyer—the one whore chek Pap was stcldng—siting Ja window sat. What your name? Lack She replies My ame Isr Without archer discussion, she takes my handand leads me ‘pa grand sire to te second Boor. ‘We move down a darkened hallway, doors on both sides and the wall covered with weapons From behind one door eome he ow sounds of what must bea fourth cid, whimpering, es leads me to he last door off the hallway Hanging above it, covered in dark red stains isan ae ‘We enter budroom with lowered wallpaper and a white lace bed. Ali i's dream. sae th joint franeamzement, the det of rendering—dovn tothe smell of mulch rising from a garden beneath her window—hrowing one into a state of plesure and ‘onson Is beckons to me... Why don't you come her? Pon’ Bite... She then cles her fingers around the buon’ it stoke ing from base to tip— ports: Okay oan: Olay what, Me Doyle? porte: Do you think you're going to shame me int helping you? Vn pst shame ‘ons Then why ae you finding i ard tise? bovee: Because Im sick of your voice, How old are you? swonnts: Why do you ask? over: You remind 1 of my students. So fall of themselves So sure they knove what he hells ging on, ‘monn: shut p if you give me the information [need on Pap, owt: [ don't have information. We are sronymosst to each other | have no des eho hes ether that how he presents imelf nthe Fidesway ‘orn: Does your wife know about him? sonst: Why dont we login igh now and contact her. vores Fine sonst: Fine? Dover: My wife won’ lave me onus: Your daughter? porte Ive saved enough money for her 0 inish college An T dat ‘care what she thinks of me. She's an adult now, She can tink cy ‘hanights ae wants owns: Your jo? Dowie: Pah I was considered one ofthe top teacher in the eountey, ‘an inspiration to fre sient. arned down professorship 0 stay inthe pubic system. [ won awards, Then came che Single School Act, whch consigned al essons to educational games in the Nether became no more than « monitor making ete the srudents weren't hacking through the school firewall o engage in pom. sous: Is shat how you disovered he Hideaway? ‘ovis: The advertising was compelling co sy the last. 1 wanted to se if they gotten ight with Vicorian-ena inventions. ‘Monn: When you entered were you aware of your proclivity? ovae: What prociviy? sworn: Lite gil vores: The image of tle gi ‘ona: 14S more than that, Mr Doyle Ie’ sound, smell, couch. The Hideaway is the most advanced real cheres when comes tothe eof sensation, over: Our bodies areinety-nine percent space Physi sensation is inconsequential ‘Mounts: Asa cent, how can yousey dat” Sensation isour gateway. ovee: Yer? Gateway to what? onus: To understanding the rule of the world ports: The world we walk upon. But what about the world of our ‘maginaion? worn: Exsllythe same Peoplemst ar physical ings in the Nother ‘pow: But there are no Tanger physic busiest that contac, Now ‘we may communi with anyone trough any frm we choose ‘And ths eamunicsien~this experience ofeach others the root of consciousness Ite the universe wanting to know ite, Can't yousce what wonder it that we may interact ute out bodies? Is ap revolutionary as—discverng re! ‘Monn: Andjust as dangerous. Who are we when we “interact” with- ourconsequence? Whatis revealed by feeling an axeside through the Hesh ofall gil? Doves: The revelation is when she resurtscts and comes to stand be fore you apun. Images, sensations—zhose are leving 1 the = Ianonships that mater oun: You intend to crossover. thought your affairs were in x ‘marlable order Of couse you're not eneernel with anything ‘wodd. You were ging to bscome a permanent shade, ‘Morn: That ian egregious step, Me Doyle. And stl highly experi- ‘mental, You've probably looked into life-support systems, an tell {you fom expenence they're not lf a ond as they're advertise, {ve scen bodies after only one year that are unrceogaizble. owes: This ag of os i unsecognzable mona: We tet shades hee. clang bate to get them to acspe heaelies agai. The sii ati high We have programe— a ee porte don want your programs, oss: Their tives someone ele ea symptom of depression over im no depressed. ms !Morsis: What abou your in-world relationships? What about your ughter? Dovel her where fd me onus: So she can come vist? A nice lide family visit in che Hideway? ‘ores: We cold trol arm in aon down a county lane ‘Monat: Do you think Papa would allow that? ‘ove She would necd to bey the rules of che eal, bu absolutely ‘Monat: Our agent didn find Tapa 0 magnanimous. In fst he 16> ore righ behavioral pesxpion— ‘ovis: Your agent iste facts nis report But the next ime you have sacha by the water colt dont ask him, What did you see? What ‘id you do? Ask him, How fre id you fel? SCENES IRIS'S BEDROOM lis stands with hor fed rabbit ax WOODNUT inspects the ror] ‘wooDnur: This bedroom, les bonufl ice gits dream, ‘nas Ym glad yo ike it, Me, Wood [He goee othe inden] woo: Suashine Warmth that garden dawn there? sms: Snap pos Swiss chard, Lemon basil ‘wooDwur: lit seasonal? snis: Absolutly You are freunateto ist sin lat spring. ‘woot: Four seasons... adding xp year? nas: We don think oft as “adding up.” Nothing here way changes ‘woop: And whose idea wa all of his? mts: Paps of couse ‘woonsvr: Papa? Hels not merely chaperone? 2s DM mss: Ohno he created the Hideaway. ‘wooo: He came up with the ix? And did he programming? ans: We dont use chat word here, Me Woodeut. vwoopwor: apoogie nis Iti your Bis time Lins: Why don’t you comme here? won bite [She ciels the Bunny's ear with he inges strokes it from base to ip. swoon clas his throat. He approaches er] ms: Hs okay tobe nervous ‘woop not nerwos nis: Goshead then, Toh me Iwooosur pats her sefy om the head She cakes his hand and moves ‘over her face He jerks his hand ea} nis Perhaps you'd like to start with the axe. ‘woopsur: beg your pardon? ass: That wualy somos afer but if youtre mor inlined that way— swoopiter: No. No.1 donot wish t start with he axe ‘mis Al \woopwar: it expected? as: Pap prefers it for eetuning guests, but we dn’ have todo it the fit time. I there something ae you'd ike play? I've got marbles jacks, pick-up sticks 6 ‘woopwer: Whit ae thove? ‘nis: They are games. can show you. How about jacks? ums pulls ug of acs out of her dress pocket and kneels down om the floor She motions woooxr aber] sass: Fist in going to drop all the jacks [Ske does] Now, Pm going to bounce he ball pice up aac, and etch the bal again with che same hand. [She does] See? [Agni Would you like tty? [bvoopsv: keke s hands him te ball woopstr cumsily bounces the ball, ycks ata ack The ball goes Bouncing off mis retrieves laughing) sms: You were dose Try again! [inrigued, wooonur ses the task hie ful atention, He snags jack fd athe the ball] ‘wooDwer: Abs! ans: Very god My tart ts Scoops up te jacks catches the Ball] woopNur: You tok we of them! sms: Fuse you take one then to, then tree woot; Let me ry. [beoopwur scoops ap uo jacks, catches the Ball ms claps Wooster laughs pleased with himself] sis: You di it! ” Me 1 woop iit [Pe aedenly stops dogs the bal stands} sts Is something wrong? ‘woopwor: Ihave git... forgotten mys, Lite gost the windstar nthe sunlight and shadows of leaves} tas: Its okay t do that here, Me Woodnut. e's olay to forget who you think you ae sent? INTERROGATION ROOM Iosif her es ver hor head ad standin he sicker] foun nd And dacover who you might be E swoonnn: nas [reading froma report Lappooach the ile gil nd fold her | into my arms Her skin i covered in goosebumps, which quickly ms | fade in my embrace. [Looking up) The next section ofthe report, | Sar lid sa i cle ha iw lo is cate He confessed tome in person this experiense eft hin traumatized || sus: Your agent Who was he? ‘Monn: Ths not important. Whats important is—we know every= thing that oes on in your “establishment” And Thave been eager for this encounter Mr. Sims, so I could ask ow can you, in goad ‘conscience infec peopl with this conse? ‘ss: People come to my realm oftheir ow ee wil -wonnis: Theyre ened by its benuty By sensations they can no fon- ger experience in che real word ‘sis: Ist my problem che eal world ne longer measures uy? 8 9 eo mons: woul say Wall ofour problem. Bue who's going todo any: thing about it when they're busy molesting hldren? ss: Whit are you afraid of? Violence? Porn? Di yo krone porn ves ecology? The first photographs? Porn, The fst movies? Poon. The moet popular content when the Nether was eile the Internet? Porn, The urge, Detetive—the urges ong as we are 9 out. You mat have spent tie in che collegiate fantary realms... questing... ling wicked demons and wil boars, And the sex... Tvebsen there... Ive seen the cock blge.I-world men are no eamparison wih thei sft incerface ands. Don’ tell me you never fucked an el sentins, you wll ever stamp owas: No, Mr Sims, never fuckedan olf ss: Come on, you'e missing oat. The point it doesn’t mater ‘whether you kill boar ora demon: Whether you have sex with a dhildoranef l’snothing butimages And here iso consequence Dons: Inages—ioar—arsate reality, Everything around soar oases ur bridges, our wars, our peace trates—began a6 fg- ‘ents in somone’ mind before becoming physi or ssi fat ‘vs: Are you acusing me of crcating pedophiles? If anything, Vin ving ther a plice wo blow off teas, onus: You foster culture of legtimization, telling them their de- sires re not only acceptable bur eomamendable Do you know what yo gusts ane doing in-world? suns: Do you? Ive ead she studies No nelas been ableto daw acon- ‘sive correlation betwen vera behavior and aca offense — oss: There won't be a distinction when everyone desis they'd rather coss over We ae at the edge of wha could becomea mass migration into the Nether, sos Tethat my fl, 00? 3 ‘fosnis: Your cole she dose anyone has comet perfecting the at of sensation — snus: My coe? ‘Monts: Spend enougi ie inthe Hideaway; and you frgst— sans: You wan my code monn: —you want to forge the world tele says: You want ta sell ito Disney. orn: No, Me Sins— ‘ss: Use i wo create some insipid rel where you can brainwash ses into buying rap they don't ee onns: We give our users more credit than that ‘ss: You track them like Moodounds, Now you want to tll ther ‘what co do. Or zacher what noe to do, What not think: What nt to feel rons: You sid yourselt—the Nether is becoming our context! ‘amework fr being. Fdhae happen, the are lws shoul apply — sins: I por the same way of being! Is imagination! People should be fcein ther own imagination! That is one place a Teast, where ‘hey should have otal privacy! I grant them that. The ideswny ‘lety encryption i 50 profound even I dot know who comes in. You couldn't have hacked ie without my bnowing ‘each dd you find me? how on ‘ows: Thee line even in one inainaton You don’t just offer images of eden, You provide the sound and she smell and the touch ofthe ‘ss: You found me dheough one of my users oan: Even the eyes lok ave ss: One of my guests one of my cilden conn: They bfive themes be rel sass Ins She started asking questions. After spending time with onnis: They even believe your love fr them it sine: Mr Woodt! He's your agent: He got to ix What di he do toher? swonns: Is what you did to her Me Sims. And Tassure you, ther boom cansoguence 2 SCENES IRIS'S BEDROOM, [use sils froma gramophone. wooowur it in his shrsoeves tis stands om is fed. Tey wt] ‘One so three, one two tee Left foot three Right foot three ‘Left fot thre, Right fot thee'e geting it ‘woonwer: Dont say that—youll mest me up! amis: You'e doing betes Me. Woodnet: Mach beter than lat time “And vastly impenved since we stared \woopNIE I's the dancing shoe I bought cern with my returning sve credit also you. You've starting fel it Catt you tll? woot: Yor. yee ais: do belive you're natal [The music ends won spins her around She sviks with delight He pute her doson and she wobbles » WM ‘nas: Whoa! feel Tel ‘woopner Dizzy? is Happy ‘woopier Me too! [They beum at eachother Then aaligh nervousness comes oer W000 no, He takes the record of the gramophone and holds twp sroopwor: Where docs the msc cme fom? tas: From the grooves. Can you fel them? woopser: Why yes Yes [can Bat hoe ae they tured into sound? tas You plase the needle athe edge and it follows what is acually ‘ingle groove that spirale all he way to the center ofthe recor Picking up vibrations ‘wooo: How do the wbration get these? tThe reverse process. sound i made and they ae etched into a meses second, ‘oops: And then how do we hear chem again? ws They go through the needle and hit a diaphragm athe base of the horn, which amplifies che sound ‘woonxtur: My goodness! Its all hardware Lams clear er throat pointy) swoon: Lheg your pardon mean ill mechan! Yes itis! Pa 7 woos: Fs incrdible what we Rave done using the materials of the earth. Nor only have we bul rads and ates, but we have crested too for ou imuginaton ms Is ike magi. \woopner: Exactly Alebough thik we mart be earful about Iting ‘the magic sweep us away, tothe point where we forget where it ‘ame from. personally Uke wo have dese. materials. hold tonto. Something tangle dons know wie happens when the nasi plays, but I ike beng able wo touch the grooves. Even when, itcomes to poope ms: People? \woooRT: Ys. Lay feel a certain way abou someone and think they feel the same way about me bochove do 1 know i's natal? 1s: Don’ you tus the feeling? \wooper: Not entirely Take Fap, fr example, ‘nis: What about Papa woomn: You ate for him a grest del rms: Edo \woonxe: Does he fel the sme way about you? mis: Ofcourse wooper: How do yo know? is: Bouse af what he shares with ns, \woonsuT; What he shares with you her, Buti easy here. Fonly bring this up Beause, you se, ny father was more interested in {the world of his imagination than he ws in e— mss: Me Woodnt! Sharing personal dete Woon: —ageins she rles—Ulenove. But sometines you go out of ‘bounds with somone you cae about. Let me just say, even if he Thad invited me ino is world, even if we had danced ogether in the beautiful mosie of aur minds, what | need most from him, ‘whet | fle would truly express his love, ws entrusting me with, omething--even a snl hing—shat was el (ams ll this ver, rouble rara enters] a0 Iris ave you forgotten our afternoon together? acs: Oh! Isitatenoon already? ana: Yes tis. Me Woods, you've uit gone over your time. want: Have no? els, yu shoul have told me mis org. ava You forgot? rns: We were having fur sea [flustered Well don’ let me interrupe— nas Whit, Papal [She goes tamara, pus er hand his] ass; Thank you, Mr Woodaue Tha wll conclude oar time 6 SCENES INTERROGATION ROOM omnis and porte. norte is weary resigned to the questioning] nn: gather fom our agent's report was forbidden for members ‘ofthe Hidesway to give out information about hee ral lives ove: Corre, ‘Monks: Did anyone. as fr as yo row break the rules? over: No, onns: Pepa Did he ever Break the rules? owes: No, ornis: Are you sure? owt im tre ‘onns: Mi Doyle must adh you tt sp. [porte stmighens ese] ons: So You first came tothe Hideaway asa guest” ” over: Corre. orm: How did you chose to appear? ‘ove: Younger Hh thick hai the color of wheat ora At what point did you Become dose Papa? porte: Almost immedaely. Sometimes !d goto the Hideway just to int with hi ons: What would the two of you do? porte: Play biliards, Dink ngnae Talk orn: What id you alk about? ‘povee ndustriaization. The amazing steam engine onus: So this wasall in character? ‘ove If that's how you ned to frame oxais: But inventions were popela tole? owe: Yes owes: And what dd the ro of yom deduce? bow: Abo what? worn: Human invention? Progress? over: That we ate trying to cs off the imitation of physically and become pure sit, MOH: dhat how you see rousing over? Becoming pure sii? ‘povse: Something ike tht Mons: Bu Paps rl demands form. A set of prescribed looks ovis; The guests may choose from a wide range of appearance selections mona: What about the children? Do they have a choice? porte: The children are exployee. swonts: What abot Ins? Was she there when you arsived? ports: No, Another hile gi. owns: Anosher Lil gil? porte: Henri, ‘owns: Did she look is? porte: Yes ‘ons: Even though someone else was behind her? or: Of ours ‘sous: Soal ofthe children, no mater who Behind them, look the Doves: The gests njay continuity ‘onus: Tht sounds lke something Pa fore Henrie? would say. Who was it be= over: don't how onns: And before er And before her Who ws the Sst litle gi? ports: never aked ows: I wonder if she was someone rl Dorie: That's pre speculation, ‘osx: Speculation is my job. What happened to Hendeta? Dorit: She went to boarding shoal, sons: Boarding shoal? » porte: That's what... Pap sai mons: n't that what happens wher children do something naughty? Ge sent aay? ppovts: Maybe er bebinder needed ro more on oun: Maybe she broke the rules Maybe she gt too dose to Paps ‘bovis: All af the children are cse to Pup, ‘Monn: Bus does he have a favorite? povte: Well, here ae always those beings to whom you are particu Tacky drawn ‘ona: Did you tel Pape about your tention ro cos over? ports: No wonns: Why not? From theloks of you iran documents, you've ben prepared for months pov: t's big declson ve nended wo delibrato— ona: Has anyone crated ito the Hideaway? Childrn o gusts? ovat I don’t now monn: Has Paps? porte: dont know Mons: Washe ever gone when you logged in? roves: He could have heen somewhere else in the Nether doing business ons: But wasn't che topic open for discussion? If you're pare of Pape’ big, happy family, woulda’ehe want haveat las some of you cere allthe tine? ‘porte: You weren't there You dont know how it works— ones: You've been there fr yars—ishy haven't you once brovght ‘top? Unless you're not so sure of his response, ales you're secretly afraid theif you afer youre 3p to him, hell put you off to boarding schoo! ports Look. you cn do the hard-boiled Bloney on me al you wat, ‘batt know-—I Lnow—what’ in is heart! SCENE 10 ASUNNYSPOT Ivars and nit neat walt of tres Th sound of leno fatring shear Beside nar sa huge bo] tats, and Barnaby said Antonis shoved him. And Donald wast ‘saying anything because is shors were diy to. The ding iit ‘wae Antonis ideal along, She wanted fndoutif the egg ee ‘warn when they've just ome out af the chicken, and Tsaid why did’ you ak eT could have told you they do. And she sid jst boone I'm Pape’ favorite does’ mean T should pat o as, ‘nd Iosid'm nor your favorite Look how after he spenking 700m yo kept stroking Donalds face and gave him that candy that's ‘only for guess! nea: Why do you getesour? sas: Not me Antonin ara; Leal of you, Don’t you believe there's enough affection to ‘goaround? rays Maybe ara Love snot ike sack of sen You don yo vey runout oft the more sas knoe ‘yrs: And you can believe everything she says. You ae to trusting, my de ‘us nt shat something you ik about me? ara: Lust want you to be cara mas know nea hummel: now, kw sass: know I must bea litle bic pec vo gett spend an afternoon with you you know everything dont you? ura: Well ofcourse you ae special. It soem one af our guests har noticed it 00 sms You mean Mr Woodnst? ara: You've been spending quitea bit of time with him. sms He's fascinated by what you've done here He aks all kinds of ‘questions sna: What does he ask? tase: About you and how everything works. ana: About me? sav: [sansa I dont encourage him, ara ae Mr Woodnut availed himself of the axe? sa: on think he’s inclined in chat dnetion. ara He's retuming guest Perhaps you should give im a nudge o DO rns: Should ot guests come to things on ther ovr time? avs I kspethem from geting to dase Tha omethng you should "atch, wel: mes you vlerable and could user alae snus Are you jslous? ans ist ‘m just tearing, Page. You know you'r my favorit. sas: Did you bring me something? ara: Maybe ra: Iie birthday cake? ann Lev ell ca Is Day ake sais Ean ee [ie ifthe oven The cake ie Beal, mitered It Tooks tik glass] sms Qooaa00000! ara IS made ofc tha wil never mee tn; Teas ear e's the sound of resing and nfreeing ann The cake forms is eystal pterns mas And theres anther sound. The sour ofiay dwarves who ive snowy mountains singing flserto.Can you hear it? sna: No, Lean. tm be only freien to hear as: shat why you dont wane me to grow up? ara: Why? tai: Resause I no longer hear the singing? qT aos: Besse I dont want to ose yo. sms: Ie wouldnt be good for busines, ana: Tha’ nt wit. You know why. Don’t you? sms: felt but 1d sometimes wonder if i ea. ura: Come here is Day Gi [she seots closer] ana Did you know these trees are called poplars? mis Yes pana: No you didn't sms Yes id? [He Wels her. Overapning "No you di'¥!/"Yes 1 ill” as they sisal) sais promise! 1 did? ara: Olay, belive you! Sa her's sere: hive a garden, snus: Our garden? ann: No my own garden, wis What's init? arn: The same things that are growingin ours And guess wha Ijast planted? ve scoured the world for rats: What? 6 ann: Asapling A polar. amis Ths ral? nna: Real val nis [moved Thank you, ara: Donel the ochers [she sakes her head emphatically They si fora moment listening to the ind the laces] stn: There were poplars growing by aur vacation cortage I was she Tus grove in the eountsy. [would wakes to my bedroom wal pit ter with sunshine the ound of wind washing through the leaves, and my mother a the window She wi, The aly way you hear the tein is if 1 has eaves to low trough ns: Tis the 0s ape do oo ws: Love you (rare hestates) 6 SCENEIL INTERROGATION ROOM, (otoxare and ss ona: You culate a parade olde ils ach looking like the ne before You let them get coe bt not 0 dose When they sar ‘expresing real emotion, i’ of te boarding schoo “The guests choose from a staf looks tht you provide. The chil- ron lnk the same no matter who's behind teen. The way every ‘thing appears ie completely under your cots ‘You cesta realm irresistible anyone with longing for beauty, a0 ther ech day play the musi pall he rings and force every fone ele to dance 9 our nightmare ss: I doe fore anyone 1 do anything, Your agent-—Woodaut— now that. ‘ons: I's ere in the report. What you made htm do, ‘ns: He got close to ade gi. He had sex with her That’ highly ‘legal ct fora member flaw enforcement bt perhaps the Nether ‘community has deemed it permissible? nas: the interes of collecting evidence— ss: He could have collected evidene in one visit He kept coming tac sronns: Heeoded more information sins: He came Back beause he hiked i worms: He followed protocol and conducted a successful operation "Your presence here is proof of tht. ss: thik he even fn love with re He brought her Bowers sorsis: Why do the girs lok the same? sis: And then she stared asking about the other lise ils ‘Monws: Iris Henvita, They‘ elways the same and always your favor, ss: She was gone for thre days. he came bade and she was— eying orn; Who wae he first ite giel? Was she someone seal? [sts suddenly moves tavard her} ss: Teme what happened tris Monn Give me the location of your server sis: What dd you do to her? ons: Give me the lotion and VL ell you what your psychosis hs wrought, sss: My paychose? What i ll ofthis to you? You dearly abhor shades Maybe Mummy and Daddy spent to much time online snd dia’ pay enough tention to you? Personal insecurity draws ‘you ta law enforcement. Rookie detective, finds «home with“ " investigative unit ofthe Nethee”—whatever the hell ht i Sone shadow group tha’ goe afew thags an interrogation falls and the ene popalasin hy thee short and curly legis Ad so pre you never even fucked an elf Have you ever fuskedongthing, De- sective In-world or otherwise? [reaches for her) Have you ever ben Mounts: Don touch me [He stops ownts: You don't know what Ive done And dont position yourslfas someone who's protecting li Ida’ nov who the fist deg was or what you did to he but sing heritage reves hee ‘over and over again, Your concern san act. Like Papa's Kinda Bs an act. Thre i n love in your realm, Thee is only your eg Yow even look lke yourself che Hideaway. And if people don’ dowhet you want you ss: How do you know wha ook ike in the Hideway? ouns: Our agent made piive ID. snus: You made «positive 1D, Monn: No, Me Sims— ss: Oh yes. We had achat ver cog. Lesognize you * ScENEL ‘THE HIDEAWAY FOYER [Latesftemcon sim pours iowgh the aindow woonxcr enters ‘ohising He soarea fancy ew joker and aries bougue! of flowers “He preens ina wall mivor 404 ener caring an axe. wODNOT soviaityecoportes] \woonier: Pas ara: Good afternoon, Me Woedaut \woopsur Thave visit with I ara She's eon delayed by another gucst. ‘woopwer: Lee. ara Ieseems you'e not the only one who favors hee nea: Cognac? ‘woopwer: Um, Certainly, se Inara casually pats down the avs, gost debe pours wo slasee of eogae hand one to woooNt | ara: Cheers hey drink] woooxvr: Oh my: This strong apa Aged fey yeas woooxr: How do you doit? ara Pesfcing this world is my obsession, ‘wooBNUT: Do you think obsession eregived? aes: For perfection? \woopwur: For making the word as you think it shouldbe ans: Oh yes ‘wooowur: Trend ro apse To what do Towe the honr of drink? ara: You've taken shiner ri. ve taken shin to ou, wooontr: Shes winsome Pura She's the best Ive found ‘woobwer: Thebet...of what? ara Suffice to say that all of one's children are cherished, but some- times there is afore ‘woopwer: Im trating he alee well that’s wht you'r concerned shout ‘ana: Tes my concern, You should be careful about geting aached \woopxur: This is merely diversion, avs You vst ite bit fora mere diversion. And Tve noticed you've not yet [inating che ae] proceeded wath the rlaonship. woos [shat entirely necessary? raya Fr oturing gucets it shoves «dese to parake fly of what we offer here wooostr: And what is that? ara A life outside of consequence apa hae no something you can subscribe to, Mi: Wood? ‘woonwer: I something Hind hand to bsliveis posible, You se, iy father wae shade. bap your pardon. The cognac shaving, anellec, ap Teluts hard if you're unacestomed tit But goon ‘woos: Fm afraid Tay break the ules. ara Thione time I give you eve wooowr: He never looked at me when Iwas old. He never touched me He never tok me outside. Il remembers his bay ‘on life suppor, curing up When he ded, he sted me as thebene- fica of his login, Lentered the Nether shim ad found single reat small oom with an amnchair and a fire. Over the mane ‘eas + round mitrr with my rection a wizened gargoyle. On 2 table nex to the chair was «Book of poems by Theodore Roethke, with one pangs highlighted Dark, dark my light and darker my dese My so ie some heat maddened rammer By Keeps buzing at the sil. Which Lis 17 A fallen man, Leib out of my fae 2 ‘The mind enters itself, an God the mind And one s One, fre inthe rearing win, [challenge ara Tce wy es kes you [Pe downs theres of he egra] ‘Mz Woodnus, you have been aking questions about me. Imus re quest you desist. And unless you want me to consider your acti hes here suspect, suggest yo... move along wth the propa, {He pusone handon woonwer’s arms father aed holds the axe ont to him with the oer] 4p: Maybe this wl help you climb out of your feat 3 SCENE I3 IRIS'S BEDROOM Evening now woos sta bafore ms with axe and flowers) 1s W's ay, Me Wood. Lalways resurrect, ‘woopser: [don want 9 do this sas: What are you afd of? ‘woopwer: Wilt hur you? nisl only a¢ mach pain ae wae ‘woopwer: How much pain shat? rave Tha rather personal question ‘woomntur I's so ben here: Why do we have to being in some- thing tere? aos: Best. Tersble és kei swoon: Except thai sms I’san opportunity todo something youcould never do otherwise ‘woo: Thave already been with you in ways tha sno: Thats one side This the other. Creation. Destruction. You begin to sealize they're n the same wheel ‘woonwer: [ve inesced with some ofthe other guest. This tech: nigue does na sem to have st them on pth enlightenment. rns: People come 1 things on their own ine, We offer lace where ‘you may dismantle everything the world has told you abou ight nd seronganddicover pare lationship |woopwor: I don’ think hiss Papas plan chink e's yours nis: That not ros He crested thi plise— |woopwor: Papa didnot erwate tis plac to foster pure relationship. ‘think you've made that upto justify wanting ta stay here. das: Mz Wed \woopstur He docs not ove yo amos Hedoest woopxur: You think because yu follow, so docs everyone est — sms: Is no just feeling He gave me something. Iwoowner jerks} \woopwr: What did he give you? 1: Jus ke you sid He to me something el, swoops: Something fom is real life? sms Yes asked him and he tld me. wooo: What wae it? snes Lcannor el you wooo: You must. You mnt ell me what he sid Oe i ‘mrs: Feannot rel a soul woopw: Dan you trust me? nas: Ofcourse fd, And Papa trusts me, woopwor: He doesnt trast you he controls you, He conto very thing! He sits at his trminal and makes you dance a she end of his stvings! tas Thats ot ue! And must remind you of he-— woopwur: —ules! Ye ll of the rules here! Rules about sing t00 ‘mack! Rules about goting foo clove! 1s aupposed 0 be about freeing yours and yer nothing is rly free— rao; Mi, Wood | wold il ngs if [betrayed mt \woopn: Okay: Okay Iannot make you 6 [He figs himself ont the window eat and sulk. sis lls Finally tas: [earnot give you Paps offering Bor Tan give you one of mine swoop: lant that gaint che rales? as Yeu woot: Alright. sass: [won a Distinguished Teaching Awvae in Theoretial Physics. wooo [eartest: Congratulations. sats: Thank you ‘wooper: Thankyou 56 [She sies him a long hug, He touches bis eyes Startled to fd there swe. He jumps up) wooo [think [understand why Papa want this 1s we dont ‘et wosttachd. And maybe he'sright. Maybe I should no get 00 tached. [Pe rercoe the an, tr m8) wooDNur: Come hers a SCENES INTERROGATION ROOM Iovoxnis and Dowie] owns; And in those moments standing inthe camage of hers ‘poly, the hot smell of everything we have inside xing around ms, nae atthe blood on my bands and think, my god ook st she brightness oft, ook at she bright beauty, ow does this exis tate how docs tess in anyway any code can understand? Took dwn to find hee body gone What have I doe, have I done something, have I done nothings this all nothing, s everything nothing? A giggle at she door, and she reappears coming toward tne with het aris open-and I if he axe and doi again And tho eagnin. An Id gui, [wane hee to stop coming 4 koe ve dane something, Bu se keeps coming, and now i noe jus ‘my hands covers in blood, 57s my face, i's my body, Fam taste icin my mouth, ifs 40 exaust Tam ering Thave never fet so rach with every nerve elt so much, felt so much... feeling, Uae Yn spent And she comes fo meagan, eye wide. Buf there has been no consequence, there his been no meaning—no meaning between her and nyself between myselfand myselt—and if there hae been saning then Tama monster. 8 [owt look ther hard His mouth drops) ports It wis you bovee:..the Physics Award Monts: We invengate previous winners untl we found someone with an excesive login time and an of shore hank account, Doves: How cold you do this to me After everything we— orns: nn doing this for you ports: You're deeply disturbed if you think this helping— onus: Deeply diturbed docen't begin to cover my state of ein afeer what [= bowie: You didnt have to doit Any of You could have lef slons onus: The Hideway i wrong. Dont: draws people who are—Broken—I know tha, but dot ndgethem-—they ae art of us, oo they ae pat ofthe world Go doesnot judge thom—why should we? oats: You fell into a relationships emosional—I understand — Dborte: Do you? Do you understand? owns: Ths man you cll Papa des no fel for youas yo do fo him. one: Thnowhe does ons: He's obsessed with an image e reste, over: i's more than that. ‘onus: Whot idea wast that you transition fram guest ile gil? 2 cr over: Paps omnis; Hie could only become intimate with you in that form. porte: No! Thad—spentall ofr money: Iwasa way for meto sty i in the Hideaway. ots: He'd boon grooming you. He doesnt want a relationship he ‘want contol. was there—Tlknow this—murdering ciren does nor keep you detached, i maker you complicit! ‘ovie: You don’t know anything! He gave me something el owas: What wast? bovie 'notelling you! You may have me, but you won't get Pape wonts: Fis had something rea to give you! Something from his real life He dows live in the Hideaway—he’ no eossng over— ‘why would you? ore: Ida’ want to be here anymore oes: Whatsbout your daughter? Haveyourealy old your daughter? bovte: She isan adult now—Lam nt eesponsible worms: You are? You are responsbl wo her forever! over Ill her wheter find me— tons: Inthe Hideaway? My father was a shade, and what L wanted ‘ost fam him war a tlationship here on eis earth bpover: Lewsed you onus: Mr Doyle you have been the grstet surprise of my pro- fessional if. You are my... fist lowe. you can imagine tha ‘Thalieve what Pap's doing is weong W's hurting you—but Fm wiling to pi 0a test. wl le you ee hmm agin. Hf be foves, you~you-and wants you to eros, et you stay in the Hie away together. fot, you wil give me wht you have oni, ‘This she offer Im allowed to make IT stake my creer on ‘Take or you'll never se him agin. Aad then how will you ow that’ his heart? ‘Monn: Come, Mr Doyle, et ag in [tons and vovte been... a SCENES IRIS BEDROOM (wooo and ans Sie is shivering] ‘woopvr: Ase yo cold? Would you ik me to— nis: No, Dont touch me Detective woopser Hes coming. IIe right here [beoomwer hes ey eters] aon: There you ee, my did! Where have you Been? sas: have hada fever ears: For thece dys? ‘mas aad so ara: Why did't you send me wordt sn: Pap have task you 2 question nes: Of course snus: The gle before me, Like Henrie ura: What of them’? ras: Did you feel about thers the way you do me? an dont understand ns: Why do weal ook alike? nna: You know the guests enjoy contin, ‘mas The guests Papa? Or you? ara: Are you Being impertinent? sms: Who was the Best? anu: The fst what? tas The se ine gel? Was che someone you knew? avs Ins Ina moment of afecion, gave you a small lee of vome- ‘hing cel bat asking this of me—you g to0 fst, sms: sorry, Popa rare: You Know we have rales here snis: respect the rules. woul lve with them etirely wane cose ears: You want to oss? ns Wouldn't you ike to have me here al the ime? rar: I nwo remind you this i busier tne shall iis? aon No, bu objectivity sroeird to keep uel sms: But an [spel you? 4“ Be ars: Ofcourse Havent Iamade shat lear? sais: Am [spel nt just a is? nna: You ee Ii tis: No, [am more than that! ars more than something you've mae! Do you lve ee? ava I dow’ think you should cross Take fee days off come bak, “and wel forget hi conversation ever happened IFyou find your. ‘elf unable ro forget it may betime for boarding school {is starts weeping} ‘ans rs Irie stop tht. top it right now id noe build she crying function fr this purpose. ri! Theis exaly whac Fam talking stout! Tai isthe problem with geting too cose! Tig das Tsay! (He lps her. Long pause] nis: Mz Woorint one ashed me if fee pain. And Tsaidto hm, only ‘mach ae want, But ae mow tha'snoe quite the pan he meant ans anguished: le heze anything Lea do to make it upto you? tn [soy You could tll me ane more time about your sett ana: Thavea geen, with «poplar. One ofthe asin the world sais; Thank you sea: Cents, ‘mas: Ya sory, % ava You don’ need to apologie. sss Yes, Papa td, [She sues pulls herself together] 1s: Now if you don't mind ats: OF out lesen reaches 0 tuck her affectionately, but she only puts ent ber fond bien They shake a "am: tego a have you bd and working [An heard pause ran exits woooner emerges} ‘woos (gen: You did very well fs stand nan tdeofdeton} \woopst: know that was hard sn srry really am, {ms stn wooontr moves te wade) DNF On sting eh ammo feng eld wt win Teal ot ont hart se he on og ‘hep hin ie oes alee ued me nyo torent es Andi ot urea ere Tae thamemony op Bethe ay ant ge eo [Pe urs os.) Ima tre yous yo fla ed fe Even said, back in the room, was rea. * . {ams only movement i srt of mechanical breath] swoopxvr: Are you alright? [no reponse, He gest her] woos: rie? [ee touches fer No response] swoopr Me Doyle Mr Doyle Iswonnts returns fea to herself and finds nonce missing from the verogaton room] swoopwr/sonais: Me Doyle! 66 SCENES INTERROGATION ROOM [neonnas an sts.) snes; Wha id you dow her? Monn: Is what you dd sins: The ste Isa he she was crying orns: Why was she eying? ss: She was erying because. he poplar oni: Soplingsare exceedingly ae twas exy to tackthe shipment ss: You used her to ge hat ou of me MORN: Me Sims Iris wa e sity five-year-old man, SIMs: Stop. We have the right o remain anonsmous owns: He was « middechool scene teacher with «wife and 2 daughter, ss: eis unethical for you to neve — ‘oun: His name wa Cedric Doyle snes —to revel her entity tome! ‘oxns What are you afraid off Are you unable to acop him a ie ‘ue fort ss: Thats not he ve frm — ‘Monn: Iris Me Sim Fes, ‘ss: What do you mean—it was? ‘onms: We brought him here for questioning. After three dys we ‘sen hm back to the Hideaway 4 get the information we newde. ‘And then... before we knew what he was dang... he disengaged feom our terminal and banged himeele sons: What? onnis: With his bele-The day before we bought you here sins: You ile ee oust: Ne, you dd ss: You had sex with her. You hiked it ‘worn You brainwashed im. sas: made place where she was happy: worn His happiness wae’ about che pce. Ie was about you. He ‘thought you loved him, so: And you tld her Tdi’. | owns: Tet you do thi. sis: You dont know whats in my hear! ounis:Da you? sins: Lean everything sid to Iris eared — ‘ons: Would you have eared abo him asn old man? suns: That wasn who dhe was Donn: Yes: tha’ who he was He was in the body Ga gave im, ‘sims: God? You standin this oom and speak of Gol? ‘Monn: Asin whit we are given, What we are made af The materials ‘ofthe earth, sus: Aren't we more than thit? Irs sid she believed God is how we sre with eachother monn: And how would you have Ben with Me Daye if you at with hi in his com? sins: I don't know, bras this room, tht word, has een 30 pee verted by other people's ideas of whet it shouldbe You and your speehes on images creating reality and why dont we make abet ter realty—Look around! Look at this room, Lola whet yee ‘seated. place o twist people. place wo terzorize them. What id you do to Mr, Doyle? Did you snake him see the trath? Did you bring hr othe igh? Did you save im? No, sell, what you id was bray his trust, dng him frm apace where he fl safe and submit him to psychologicl torture nthe led hse [sonns fooks around the ons.) 6 ss: The server isin an anchored sub off he cost of Malaysia, Lat ‘ude 4.795417, Longitde 18 567871, The rerver sier's name i [erry He has no ea wha’s runing ont. Dont hut hi. orn: Thankyou, Me Sims sas: I doesnt snatter anymore. ‘ons: did't lke the Hideaway. Hove iT wanted to stay there forever I waned 0 tay nt that hentia home wih Ins Buti Ina, who would Ihave been? ss: Detective Morris fs that your real name? [she begins to pack up] s+ You're not going tortura my log, ae you? ss: Insworld banishment. How approprae, [Shestarts lease] ss: There was areal ite gil. The daughter of my neighbor down the soet We would ge together in person then, Allo the neigh- bots This was a ong une ago. couldn top thinking abot her Sie had ir he sen payed in. And laugh that came out of her Iike magi. I wanted to. ge inside. pretended 1 be het friend, Tposed to her family a a young, harmless ance-type. One night 1 gocher alone in her ow room. We were lnughing, and I etched overand grabbed het andshe looked ae me—aostarled—and found itin myself o let her go. went home to my compe, td ‘has where I've stayed. You don't know what you do, Detective, puting me out into the world onus The world isl he pee we have tolearn tobe. You are fee to g0, MeSins You are free [She exits leaving sts alone EPILOGUE {sms and pote] pow: Did you bring me something? sams: Maybe porte Isiea birthday cae? ‘sos: Le’ allt an Iris Day cake J's made of ce hat will never met, ‘porte: can hear it i's the sound of frovzing and wnfresing, sus: The cake sors it crystal pattems porte: And shee’ another sound The sound of tiny dwarvee who live in nowy mountains singing flsewo. Can you hea it? srs: No. Itmst be ony for cizen to hea. ports Is that why you dont want me to grow up? Becnse Tl Tonge hea the singing? sis: Becaute I don want to lose you, ‘port: ft wouldnt be good fr business ‘1s: Tha’ not why: You know why: Don't you? ovis: fest but... dosomtines wonder it real ‘ss Come here, es Day Girl Did you know these tess ae called poplars? ove: Yes sins: Noyou dit ‘oves: Ye il [Overly “No you ddn't!"/Yoe Ai” a they gigle Doves I promise! di sus: Olay, I blleve you! So here's «secret: Ihave a garden. And geen wha jut planed? A sapling. poplar, pore: That's el?” ssn: Real el ovkts Liss the rs sos do too ports ove you [sis hesitates sis: You cannot knowhow mach Hhve you END a PRODUCTION NoTES Irie recommended to cas is with an acres who will appear on tage 5a prepubescent gil. The ehld aor takes the sues out ofthe phy (Bere Stcos, Great Reckoning i Little Rooms: On the Phenom ‘nology of Theater [etkeley: University of Caforia Pres, 1987), ‘which is desirable considering the contents of her scenes The audience fs assured nothing atl wil e enacted po the child, whezeas they have no such confidence with an adult posing asa il A young 2 tyes also adds warmth, which ciel tthe chemistry ofthe play. ‘Ther are thre references that place the play inthe United States of America. However prodacer: should fe rset make the locaton po- silo ther countsy “Franklin Middle Scho!” should refer ta public school for children around ages eleven to thisten “kino State Uni versity” should refer wo a modest, well-established pubhe university. “Brownstone” shoul eer wo an historical urban dling, built before 1830, possibly as mass housing during the Industial Revolution, and now typically inkated by wealthy urbanites who can afford homes rade of natal materi ike stone an wo,

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