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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


A New Geological Map of Formation Distribution on Southern Part of

South China Sea:; Natuna Island, Indonesia
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IC-STAR 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 532 (2019) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/532/1/012020

A New Geological Map of Formation Distribution on

Southern Part of South China Sea:; Natuna Island, Indonesia

H Kausarian1,*, S Lei2, G T Lai3, Y Cui2, A Suryadi1

Geological Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau,
Jalan Kaharuddin Nasution no. 113 Pekanbaru, Riau 28284, Indonesia
Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai
200092, China
School of Environment and Natural Resource Sciences, Faculty of Science and
Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia


Abstract. Natuna Island is located at the outer part of the Indonesian territory and also as the
end part of South China Sea at the south. Natuna consists of the islands that are surrounded by
coral reefs and composed by sedimentary rock and sediment surface (alluvium). Natuna is a part
of the Sunda group (Sundaland) which evolved through tectonic events (on the east) and volcanic
activity, the formation of this island occurred in late Triassic time. Survey (field observation)
applied for geological mapping by sample analyzing and tracking using handheld GPS. This
research uses Natuna geological map from geological research and development center of
Indonesia in 1994 with the scale of 1: 250,000 and interpretation of satellite imagery from the
year 2015 with scale 1: 50,000 as reference material. The new spreading of formation distribution
is seen in the Raharjapura Formation which has the lithology of alternating sandstone and
repeating limestone spread across the north to the southwest and dominates the arrangement of
formations in this island. Another new spreading occurs in the Eastern for Pengadah Formation,
this formation has conglomerate lithology, sandstone aligned with Raharjapura's formation.
Hydrocarbon outcrop also found in the northeastern region of Natuna, this is a common thing
because the Natuna islands are famous for its natural wealth of oil and gas. The final result is an
updated geological map showing significant changes to the distribution of rock formations and
alluvium and also propose the idea for developing this island as the vital area for Indonesian
territory border.

1. Introduction
Study area located in Natuna Island, Riau Island Province [1] is the outer part of Indonesian territory
and also as the end part of South China at the south and connected to the Melaka Strait at the south [2].
Natuna island is configured by two tertiary basins, namely West Natuna Basin and East Natuna Basin,
Separated by Natuna Arch with trend north-south (Figure 1). Natuna Area is part of the Sundaland,
consequently the evolution of this area can be traced back to the forming of Sundaland. Sundaland was
formed and cratonised in Late Triassic time that caused Sundaland to become a stable continent of South
East Asia [3]. Natuna Island surrounded by an active subduction zone, its actions resulted in the forming
mélange complex, as is found in parts of Natuna Island in the Natuna Arch [4]. West Natuna Basin is
related with spreading of South China Sea. The collision of Pacific plate with Eurasia resulting in the

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IC-STAR 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 532 (2019) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/532/1/012020

stop of subduction activity during Eocene. Then that plate collapse because of the gravity effect. The
final result of those events is spreading which form South China Sea [5]. Meanwhile, East Natuna Basin
in past is forearc basin encounter shallow sediment deposit and deep marine facies during Oligocene
subduction activity desist [6]. The oldest sediment at East Natuna Basin is Late Oligocene which are
deposits from alluvium and delta plain.
Geological information of Natuna Island is mostly from exploration in oil and gas industry (offshore).
The Geological information for Natuna Island is very least. The study area is focused onshore on Natuna
Island which has a very complex geological condition. An updated research is needed to improve the
information on Natuna Island to increase the accuracy of geological condition at Natuna Island. The
objective of this study is trying to provide the information for the border of Indonesian territory in term
of the location of Natuna Island as the outer part of Indonesian territory. another objective is for
proposing as the Geopark by its resource of geo-diversity.

Figure 1. Structural elements of West Natuna Basin, East Natuna Basin and Natuna Arch (Natuna

2. Material and methodology

This research conducted in 3 steps, literature study, field observation and laboratory analysis. The first
step is literature study to get information of regional geology at study area which consists of some
formations namely Alluvium, Raharjapura Formation, Pengadah Formation, Ranai Granite, Bunguran
Formation and Mafic/Ultramafic Rock.

IC-STAR 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 532 (2019) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/532/1/012020

The next step is fieldwork or field observation to get geological authentic data of study area. Field
observation performs with tracking the road using handheld GPS [7] – [11]. Geological data collected
focused on identification of lithology at the outcrop to determine the rock formation of it.
The final step is laboratory analysis done by comparing the result of field observation with geological
maps of Natuna Island which has existed. In this case the map that made as references are Geological
Map of The Teluk Butun & Ranai Sheet, Sumatera [12] with scale 1:250.000 and Geological Map from
interpretation of Satellite Imagery [13], [14] X Sheet Riau Island Province [15] with scale 1:50.000.
From the comparing field data and a geological map will result in a new updated geological map of
Natuna Island.

Figure 2. Comparing references maps with field observation, clockwise; Geological Map of The
Teluk Butun & Ranai Sheet, Sumatera (scale 1:250.000); Geological Map from interpretation of
Satellite Imagery X Sheet Riau Island Province scale 1:50.000 (combined); Map of field observation
at Natuna Island modified from Google Earth.

3. Result and discussion

The result of 36 field station and compartment with reference maps show some changes to the boundary
between some formations of the study area. An updated geological map of formation distribution on
Natuna Island can be seen in Figure 3.

3.1. The update distribution of Alluvium (Qa)

IC-STAR 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 532 (2019) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/532/1/012020

Alluvium deposit in the study area consists of gravel, sand, silt and peat deposits. Alluvium spreads on
west and south part of Natuna Island. Silica sand is easy to find along the coastline on the east part of
Natuna Island which closed with the downtown of Ranai until the Alif Stone tourism area. The age of
alluvium is Quaternary Holocene.

3.2. The update distribution of Raharjapura formation (Tpr)

Raharjapura formation (Figure 4) widespread from northern to southern part of Natuna Island. Lithology
that dominated in this formation consists of the alternation of sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone. The
various sandstone is yellowish-white sandstone, well sorted with few of organic material (STN11 and
STN14), sandstone with rock fragment and traces fossil (STN12), and sandstone with pure white color
(ST15). Besides that, an outcrop of black sandstone also found with high TOC (Total Organic Carbon)
that allegedly as seeping of hydrocarbon outcrop (STN10). In others hand, mudstone and siltstone
mostly blackish gray with the high organic material.
Stratigraphically, Raharjapura Formation and Pengadah Formation have unconformable contact. It was
shown at STN14 and STN15 outcrops where sandstone of Raharjapura Formation overlies
unconformable sandstone of Pengadah Formation with the angle (angular unconformity). The age of
Raharjapura Formation is correlated with the Udang Formation (Pliocene) exposed in the West Natuna
Basin [16].

3.3. The update distribution of Pengadah formation (Tomp)

Distribution of Pengadah Formation (Figure 5) is from the northeast until the east part of Natuna Island.
Pengadah Formation dominated by coarse grain lithology such as conglomerate (STN23), coarse grain
sandstone (STN6) with some siltstones. Clast of conglomerate has various clasts (polymictic) with
different size ranging from 2 cm to 20 cm. furthermore, interbedded of red sandstone, conglomerate and
siltstone found at STN21. Trace fossil easily found in mudstone of this formation (STN32) with some
lenses of sandstone. In others hand, unconformity contact between Pengadah Formation and Bunguran
Formation can be seen at STN23 where the conglomerate of Pengadah Formation overlying the chert
layer of Bunguran Formation. Unconformity contact between both marked by an erosional surface. The
age of Pengadah Formation estimated from Oligocene to Miocene in the West Natuna Basin [16].

Figure 3. Geological map of formation distribution on Natuna Island resulting from this study.

IC-STAR 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 532 (2019) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/532/1/012020

Figure 4. Raharjapura Formation outcrop; A. yellowish sandstone STN11; B. Sandstone with few
organic materials STN14; C. Yellowish sandstone with rock fragment STN12; D. sandstone with trace
fossil STN12; D. High TOC sandstone as seeping layer of hydrocarbon outcrop STN10; E. Angular
unconformity between Raharja Formation and Pengadah Formation.

Figure 5. Pengadah Formation outcrop; A. coarse grain sandstone with gravels; B. unconformity
contact between conglomerate of Pengadah Formation and chert of Bunguran formation; C.
Interbedded of conglomerate, mudstone, and sandstone STN21; D. mudstone with trace fossil and
sandstone lenses; E. coarse grain sandstone with few organic materials STN25.

3.4. The update distribution of Ranai granite (Kgr)

Ranai Granite (Figure 6) exposed at Ranai mountain and tourism area of Alif Stone located at the western
eastern part of Natuna Island. Characteristic of Ranai Granite is white with porphyritic and aphanitic
texture. From field observation, minerals contain that identified are quartz, feldspar, plagioclase, biotite,
and muscovite. There are 3 periods of granite at STN33 which shown in Figure 6 (C). The relative ages
of those granite determined by stratigraphy law (Inclusion and cross-cutting). Granite 1 is the oldest

IC-STAR 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 532 (2019) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/532/1/012020

granite because it trapped in granite 2. Meanwhile, granite 2 intruded by aplite 3 (fine grain of granite)
that indicate granite 2 is older than aplite. The age of Ranai Granite around Cretaceous [17].

3.5. The update distribution of Bunguran formation (Jkb)

Bunguran Formation (Figure 7) mostly exposed at the eastern part of Natuna Island. Lithology that
found is chert interbedded with siltstone and tuff. Some kinds of chert were found at the field like
massive chert (STN3) with white color, reddish chert interbedded with graded bedding sandstone and
mudstone (STN24), and black chert with pyrite contain. Tuff deposit characterized by loose material
which interbedded with chert shown at an outcrop of STN23. Chert and graded bedding sandstone
indicate that environment of depositional this formation is deep sea deposit.
Contact between Bunguran Formation and Ultramafic Rock found at STN17. Chert of Bunguran
Formation overlies unconformably on weathered and eroded basalt with reddish brown. The age of
Bunguran formation is late Jurassic up to mid-Cretaceous [18]-[19].

3.6. The update distribution of Mafic / Ultramafic rock (Jum)

The Mafic/Ultramafic rock (Figure 8) exposed randomly on the western and southern part of Natuna
Island. Some field stations that expose mafic/ultramafic rock namely STN5, STN17, STN22, and
STN30. From reference map, mafic/ultramafic rock did not expose at the eastern part of Natuna Island
but from field observation basalt outcrop (fresh and weathered) found at STN5, STN17, and STN24
which located at eastern part of Natuna Island. STN5 near Kelanga Village basalt outcrop found with
aphanitic texture and blackish green in color. At Akar Island (STN22), basalt found in pillow basalt
structure that only exposed when low tide. At Mekar Jaya Village, the complex outcrop of
mafic/ultramafic rock exposed where in that outcrop consist of some kinds of mafic/ultramafic rock.
Based on field observation, mafic/ultramafic rock that identified were Peridotite, Gabbro, and Basalt.

Figure 6. Ranai Granite outcrop; A. white granite STN1; B. Granite outcrop at tourism area Alif
Stone; C. three periods of granite intrusion (STN33).

IC-STAR 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 532 (2019) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/532/1/012020

Figure 7. Bunguran Formation outcrop; A. Massive white chert STN3; B. reddish chert interbedded
with graded bedding sandstone and mudstone STN24; C. Graded bedding sandstone; D. layered chert
STN27; E. Contact between chert of Bunguran Formation and mafic rock (weathered basalt) STN17;
F. Black Chert STN20.

Figure 8. Mafic/ultramafic rock outcrop; A. basalt at Kelanga Village STN5; B. Contact between
weathered basalt and chert (Bunguran Formation) STN17; C. Basalt at Akar Island STN22; D.
complex mafic/ultramafic rock at Mekar Jaya Village STN30.

IC-STAR 2018 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 532 (2019) 012020 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/532/1/012020

4. Conclusion
Generally, this study shows significant changes in the boundary for some formation. On the western and
southern part of Natuna Island covered by Alluvium. Raharjapura Formation exposed from northern
until southern part of Natuna Island. Pengadah Formation commonly found on the northeast to the center
part of Natuna Island. The angular unconformity contact between Raharjapura formation and Pengadah
Formation clearly shown on the field. Ranai granite boundary extends to southwest from the previous
map produced. There are three periods of intrusion Ranai Granite in the study area. Bunguran Formation
(late Jurassic up to mid-Cretaceous) consists of chert, graded bedding sandstone, siltstone, and tuff is
well distributed mostly at the eastern part of Natuna Island. Meanwhile, mafic/ultramafic rock from
references map used only exposed randomly at south and west of the study area. However, the outcrop
of mafic/ultramafic rock (Basalt) also found at the eastern part of Natuna Island from this study. This
study also propose a clear information for the border concern of Indonesian territory, because Natuna
Island is the outer part of Indonesian territory, beside this Island is very suitable for proposing as the
Geopark by its resource of geo-diversity.

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