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Arerti tvet collage

Web development and database administration for level one

Department of ICT


I. Say true if the statement is correct, unless say false if the statement is incorrect
1. Computer is an electronic device that used to input, edit data under the control of a
set of instructions.
2. The term hardware is a physical component that seen our necked eye.
3. Scanner is an input device.
4. There are two types of storage devices.
5. Printer is an input device.
6. Mouse and scanner is an example of hardware components.
7. CRT stands for carry ray tube.
8. Floppy disk is an example of magnetic storage devices
9. CD-ROM is an example of optical storage devices
10. Memory card is an example of an optical storage devices
II. Match column “A” with column “B”
1. First generation computer A. transistor
2. 2 generation computer B. vacuum tube
3. 3 generation computer C. Large scale integrate circuit
4. 4 generation computer D. very large scale integrate circuit
5. 5 generation E. artificial intelligence

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