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Mendoza, Jullienne Andrea A.

February 9, 2023
First Phase: “Futureless”

Second Phase: Some of our neighbors and relatives tend to judge me us a

futureless teenager.

Third Phase: One of the most painful words that I have heard form others is
that I am futureless. It really hurts a lot to me to the point that I am always
crying at night because of them, and questioning myself for being what I am. I
know the reason why they have said that just because at my early age I have a
boyfriend already and I am not meeting their standards in accordance during
their time. Those kind of people are just trash in our society and we don’t
need to pay attention since they have no contribution in our life at all. I knew
in myself that I am responsible enough knowing what is right and what is
wrong. They serves us a motivation for me to pursue my studies and achieve
my goals in life to prove that they are wrong about all the accusations they
have thrown.

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