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Low-Temperature Ferromagnetic Relaxation in Yttrium Iron Garnet

Bell Telephone Laboratories, MNrray Hill, Nez Jersey
(Received May 1, 1961)

The ferromagnetic spin lattice relaxation time, v p, has been obtained from 4.2' to 3004K in single-crystal
yttrium iron garnet in which considerable care was taken to reduce both the extraneous rare earth and
ferrous impurity ions. The measurements are shown to be indicative of the purely ferric ion lattice at tem-
peratures considerably lower than we previously had been able to attain. A new feature brought out in these
data is the observation that below approximately 150 K, vp vs T is steeper than proportional to T, which
implies an extremely low value at 4.2 K. As a result of this, the nature of the ferric ion relaxation is more
clearly de6ned over the low-temperature region.

PREVIOUS measurements on low-temperature ferro- urements. As can be seen in Fig. 1 of reference 3, the
magnetic relaxation in yttrium iron garnet (YIG) inverse relaxation time, r~ ', of long-wavelength spin
led us to conclude' ' that the inverse spin lattice relaxa- waves (4&10') is approximately equal to the inverse
tion of the ferric ion lattice is proportional to tempera- spin lattice relaxation time, 7-p, of the uniform preces-
ture below 300'K. The data presented in this paper have sion. Since the spin waves involved here have wave
brought out a new characteristic in the temperature numbers k& 1.04, it is convenient to present the data in
dependence of the ferric ion relaxation. Below approxi- terms of the linewidths of these spin waves denoted by
mately 150'K the inverse spin lattice relaxation time, AHI, p. The linewidth is related to the relaxation time
rp ', is no longer proportion to temperature but be- by, AHI, p=& 'v-p '.
comes a steeper function of temperature. This implies Figure 1 gives the values of AH~ p vs 1' for two
that a much lower value exists for v-p ' in the liquid particular samples. The upper curve (open circles) rep-
helium temperature range than would be expected by resents measurements taken on a sphere of single-crystal
extrapolating from the room temperature data. YIG, grown using yttrium oxide purified to eliminate
Kasuya and I.eCraw' have shown that spin lattice the fast relaxing rare earth ions. ' It became clear that
relaxation mechanisms are available in the room tem- the dH~ p maximum must be identified and, if not
perature region in which Tp ' is proportional to T. This intrinsic, eliminated to obtain relaxation times of the
theory was originally developed to explain room tem- purely ferric lattice below about 150'K. The combined
perature data. At that time it was recognized that in- yttrium, iron, arid lead oxides, however, were found to
formation in the low-temperature region was obscured contain as much as 100 parts per million of silicon.
by unidenti6ed mechanisms. These mechanisms per-
sisted even after considerable efforts to remove rare 250
earth impurities which cause high relaxation rates in
this temperature region. We have now determined that
extraneous ferrous ions are also strong contributors to 200
'Tp in YIG in the temperature range below approxi- V)

mately 150'K.

By increasing the number of ferrous ions in a pre- O

viously measured sample, the character of rp ' vs T
due to ferrous ions in YIG was obtained. Then, by using IOO

YIG grown from materials such that the ferrous ion O

content was reduced over our best previous samples, the

data of this paper were obtained. From the measured
curve the remaining normalized ferrous ion contribution
was subtracted. As a result the nature of the ferric ion I I

relaxation has become more clearly defined in the low- 0 50 IOO l50 200 250 300
temperature region.
The parallel pump technique4 was used for the meas- FIG. 1. Upper curve (open circles) is AH~p vs T for a sphere
of YIG grown from Y203 purihed by ion exchange. Bottom curve
' E. G. Spencer and R. C. LeCraw, Phys. Rev. Letters 4, 130 (solid circles) is hHq p vs T for a sphere of YIG grown from the
same materials but in which silicon has been reduced. Dashed
(1960); Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 5, 297 (1960). line A shows that from high temperatures AHI, p extrapolates to
2 M. Sparks and C.
Kittel, Phys. Rev. Letters 232 (1960).
'T. Kasuya and R. C. LeCraw, Phys. Rev. 4,Letters 6, 223 the origin; B indicates Fe'+ mechanism; and C indicates trend
of ferric ion relaxation at low temperatures. The frequency of
(1961). pump is 16 450 Mc/sec, the spin waves k are at 8225 Mc/sec. All
' E. Schlomann, S. S. Green, and U. Milano, J, Appl. Phys. 31, measurements are along $111jaxes.
386S (1960); F. R. Morganthaler, same issue p. 95. Also Doctoral
thesis proposal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ca m- ' E. G. Spencer, R. C. LeCraw and A. M. Clogston, Phys. Rev.
bridge, Massachusetts, 1959 (unpublished). Letters 3, 32 (1959).
There is the other possibility that the ferrous ion
eGect involves the fast relaxing mechanism suggested
" "
by White, based on the theory of Kittel et al. In this
case, Kittel's equations indicate that the magnitude of

AII, is proportional to frequency which is in opposi-
tion to the results of Fig. 2. Thus we are unable to
hJ 4 reconcile Kittel's equations with the experimental
K results on ferrous ions in YIG.
O By avoiding growth conditions favorable to magnetite
x inclusions and by purifying the oxides with respect to
silicon, results have been obtained as shown in the
bottom curve (solid circles) of Fig. 1. AHq s vs T again
is proportional to T in the room temperature region.
This further confirms that the two magnon —
one phonon
process or the three magnon process, both associated

IOO I50 200


250 500 with the uniaxial anisotropy, of reference 3, hold above

T4K 150'K. Although the calculations are not complete,
Fro. 2. AH(T) along the (111jaxis for YIGin which Fe'+ions Kasuya has stated that the deviation from proportional-
have been created by an oxygen defect method. The lowest curve ity to T below 150'K is contained in the theory. The
is ~H(T) at 9340 Mcjsec taken on the sphere before removing dashed line, A, is a straight line through the origin and
the high-temperature points. Curve 8 is an estimate of
the Fe'+ ion contribution, which is subtracted from the
Verweel and Roovers' have studied conductivity in measured curve to give curve C. (The temperature de-
ceramic YIG concluding that, because of valence com- pendence of curve 8 is obtained from the data of Fig. 2.)
pensation, each Si4+ ion gives rise to one Fe'+ ion. From the measured curves on the two samples of Fig. 1,
Gellerr has shown that the Fe'+ ions in YJG (associated
it appears that even if all Fe'+ ions were eliminated
with the Si'+ ions) have a strong prderence for octa- 15 moe at 4.2'K.
AII& 0 would still be approximately
hedral sites. Dillon' has studied the eAects of Si'+ The above two mechanisms, described by Kasuya and
impurities on the resonance properties of YIG by work- LeCraw, are expected to vanish at O'K. If curve C is a
ing with crystals intentionally doped with silicon. measure of these mechanisms, then it will approach the
In order to identify the AII'& o maximum at 40'K origin asymptotically. The 15-moe value at 4.2 K ap-
as being caused by Fe'+ ions, we were able to create ad-
pears to be caused by an additional unidentified
ditional Fe'+ ions in a previously measured YIG sphere mechanism.
by introducing oxygen defects. This was accomplished Mention may be made of the three magnon dipolar
by heating the sphere to 1025'C for 12 hr in a vacuum relaxation mechanism discussed by Sparks and Kittep
oven at a pressure of 10 'mm of Hg. Figure 2 shows
and by Schlomann. " For the spin waves involved here,
AH vs T before treatment (lowest curve) and after k(104, the contribution of this mechanism at 300'K is
treatment (upper curves). Measurements were taken less than 10 percent of that due to k independent
at two frequencies to determine the nature of the ferrous processes. At 4.2'K the contribution is less than 1
ion relaxation. These data, including the frequency in-
dependence of the maximum value of AH, are consistent
with the valence exchange mechanism as studied by
several investigators' in ferrites. We should like to thank T. Kasuya, S. Geller, J. F.
Dillon, Jr. , J. K. Gait, and E. D. Kolb for their helpful
J. Verweel and B. J. M. Roovers, International Conference on discussions and suggestions. The technical assistance
Solid-State Physics, Brussels, June, D'5h' (Academic Press, Inc. ,
New York, 1960), Vol. 3, p. 475. See also H. P, J. Wijn and H. van of P. V. Lenzo on the microwave measurements is
der Heide, Revs. Modern Phys. 25, 98 (1953). greatly appreciated.
7 S. Geller (private communication).
' J. F. Dillon, Jr. , Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 6, 160 (1961). '0 L. White, Phys. Rev. Letters 2, 465 (1959).
W. P. J. Wijn and H. van der Heide, Revs. Modern Phys. 25, "R.
C. Kittel, Phys. Rev. 115, 1587 (1959); P.-G. de Gennes, C.
99 (1953).J. K. Gait, W. A. Yager, and F. R. Merritt, Phys. Rev. Kittel, and A. M. Portis, ibid. 116, 323 (1959).
93, 1119 (1954). W. A. Yager, J. K. Gait, and F. R. Merritt, "We wish to express our appreciation to C. H, Love and M.
Phys. Rev. 26, 1203 (1955). A. M. Clogston, Bell System Tech. J. Huffman of the C. K. Williams Company for their puri6cation of
34, 739 (1955). J. K. Gait, Proc. Inst. Elect. Engrs. 104$, 189 the Fe20~ used in these experiments.
(1957). "E. Schlomann, Phys. Rev. 121, 1312 (1961).

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