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Juan Arcaya

2º Cj. 19B

NO 17-20, Guayaquil-Ecuador

December 11, 2022

Mr. Alex Padilla

U.S Senator for California

255 E. Temple St.

Suite 1860

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Dear Mr. Padilla,

I am Juan Pablo Arcaya Garzón, a student of The Studies Center Espíritu Santo. After having revised
your current voting records, I found it relevant to give you my opinion about your vote on Bill No. S
4132 “Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022”. Its objective is to provide equal access to abortion
care besides prohibiting any governmental restrictions on abortion services. Though I am not in
favor of abortion, I am in favor of listening to the reason and circumstances that lead a person to
choose abortion. This issue is important to maintain the idea of equal rights and the restriction of
the government to decide what to do with our lives.

According to your voting record, you were in favor of the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022,
and so do I; that’s another reason why I’m writing this letter; to share my support with you
regarding this issue. People should have access to safe abortion everywhere as it is considered a
human right due to its relation to human well-being. The restriction of abortion obligates women
to travel to other countries where they can receive safe abortion treatment, but for financial and
logical reasons this is difficult for them. About 23.000 women in the U.S. die each year because of
the unsafe practice of abortion.

Unfortunately, I realized that the bill was not accepted. I want to share with you my ideas on how
to prevent this issue and reduce the risks of maternal deaths. The government needs to
implement an abortion system where the person who wants to abort is subjected to a
psychological test to determine whether it is fair or not. And depending on that information,
provide the abortion treatment. The other suggestion is that government must locate the places
where abortion is practiced illegally and close them up. I want to thank you for your time, Mr.
Padilla. I hope you are having a great day.

You can contact me via e-mail to talk:

Kind Regards,

Juan Arcaya


#Actforabortionaccess now! Act for Women. (2021, June 9). Retrieved December 11, 2022,

Q&A: Access to abortion is a human right. Human Rights Watch. (2022, July 5). Retrieved
December 11, 2022, from

The negative health implications of restricting abortion access. News. (2021, December
13). Retrieved December 11, 2022, from

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