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Service and Installation Rules of New South Wales

Mainly for the ASP 2
This reflects rules outlined un Electricity Supply Act 1995 and Chapter 5A of the National Electricity Rules
The Rules set out the minimum standards for providing safe, reliable and efficient connection services to
customer premises
Compliance with these Rules does not necessarily ensure satisfactory operation of electrical installations
or installation work.
General Requirement
Purpose of the document
To ensure that the electrical installation of a customer can be connected to the distribution system, the electricity distributor can
describe the requirements of the connection to its system (Service Rules) and compatible requirements of the electrical
installation (Installation Rules).

Following the introduction of metering contestability arrangements (Power of Choice) under the National
Electricity Rules (NER), changes to the New South Wales (NSW) contestability framework were made to
reflect the transfer of responsibility for new and replacement metering installations from the electricity
distributor to the Metering Coordinator. As a consequence of these changes, requirements for metering
are no longer addressed by the Service and Installation Rules (Rules), other than for some aspects relating
to the maintenance of existing Type 5 and 6 metering installations owned by electricity distributors.
Requirements for new and replacement metering installations are specified by the attached as an
Annexure. Some references to metering have been retained in the body of the Service and Installation
Rules for completeness and information.
Electricity distributors have adopted these Rules through their customer connection contracts.
Alternative Methods
Where the customer proposes an alternative method that is not specifically contained in these Rules, the
proposal must deliver the same or better level of safety, reliability and efficiency.
The electricity distributor must deal with proposals for alternative methods using the following procedure
Non- compliance
Where the customer does not comply with these Rules or an accepted alternative method the electricity
distributor may:
i)Refuse, suspend or discontinue supply, or
ii)Require the customer to rectify the service work or comply with the conditions of connection ofsupply.
The electricity distributor may require the customer to pay for a

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