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1. How effective is contemporary media regulation?

● Introduction Sentence: Contemporary media regulation is considered (barely)

effective. Can you add a theory?
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about the effectiveness of media regulation
○ Case study about past media and past media regulation
○ Case study about new media and contemporary media regulation
○ Compare & contrast between their effectiveness
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, contemporary media regulation is (barely)
effective due to …

2. Evaluate the arguments for stricter regulation of the media.

● Introduction Sentence: There is a need for stricter regulation of the media,

considering the pros and cons.
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about “for” stricter regulation of the media
○ Case study about pros of stricter regulation of the media
○ Case study about cons of stricter regulation of the media
○ Compare & contrast between the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, the arguments for stricter regulation media
tend to revolve around … which I (disagree) with.

3. How far do changes to the regulation of the media reflect broader

social changes?

● Introduction Sentence: Changes to the regulation of the media (prominently)

reflect broader social changes.
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about media regulation reflecting broader social changes ○
Case study about past media regulation & the social conditions then
○ Case study about contemporary media regulation & the social conditions now
○ Compare & contrast the social changes between the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, changes to the regulation of the media reflect
broader social changes (prominently) because of …

4. “Technological change in the media requires changes in media

regulation.” Discuss.
● Introduction Sentence: Technological change in the media requires changes
in media regulation because… Can you add a theory?
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about technological change and media regulation change
○ Case study about past technology & past media regulation
○ Case study about new technology & contemporary media regulation
○ Compare & contrast the changes between the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, technological changes in the media (does)
require changes in media regulation, mainly due to …

5. How far should contemporary media regulation differ from that of

the past?

● Introduction Sentence: Contemporary media regulation should differ

(considerably) from that of the past, as an effect to the ever changing
technological landscape of the world. Add a theory to supplement your point.
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about contemporary media regulation
○ Case study about past technology & the nature of past media forms ○ Case
study about new technology & the nature of contemporary media forms ○
Compare & contrast between the media regulation needed for the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, contemporary media regulation should differ
from that of the past (as far as the advancement of media technologies), due to …

7. Why is regulation of the media such a complex issue?

● Introduction Sentence: Regulation of the media is such a complex issue because of

(the many interests of different parties, all of which have the power
to influence media regulation, that needs to be accommodated by media regulation
to its best extent).
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about media regulation and different parties
○ Case study about the authority, their interests, and how they could influence
media regulation
○ Case study about media companies, their interests, and how they could
influence media regulation
○ Case study about the audiences, their interests, and how they could influence
media regulation
○ Compare & contrast between the three and their clashes which add
complexities to the issue of media regulation
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, regulation of media is considered to be such a
complex issue because of (the different parties, each with their own interests, that could
influence media regulation to make sure that their needs are fulfilled).
8. “Contemporary media regulation needs to be different from that in
the past.” How far do you agree with this statement?

● Introduction Sentence: Contemporary media regulation needs to be different

from that in the past.

● Content Planning:
○ General argument about contemporary media regulation
○ Case study about past technology & the nature of past media forms
○ Case study about new technology & the nature of contemporary media forms
○ Compare & contrast between the media regulation needed for the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, the statement which states that contemporary
media regulation needs to be different from that in the past (holds true) to me,
because of …

9. To what extent is effective regulation of the media possible?

● Introduction Sentence: Effective regulation of the media is possible only to a

(certain) extent.
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about the effectiveness of media regulation
○ Case study about technological advancement & its impact on the
effectiveness of media regulation
○ Case study about changing social issues & its impact on the effectiveness of
media regulation
○ Compare & contrast between the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, effective regulation of the media is possible
only to a (certain) extent, considering …

10. Evaluate the arguments for and against stricter media regulation.

● Introduction Sentence: Stricter media regulation instead of the arguments for stricter
media regulation. To what extent do you agree?

● Content Planning:
○ General argument about “for” and “against” more media regulation ○ Case
study about pros of each “for” and “against” more media regulation
○ Case study about cons of each “for” and “against” more media regulation
○ Compare & contrast between the two
● Conclusion Sentence: After considering the pros and cons of the two, I would have
to say that I (agree) with the arguments against stricter media regulation, because of

11. How far can media regulation be effective?

● Introduction Sentence: Media regulation can only be somewhat effective…

● Content Planning:
○ General argument about the effectiveness of media regulation
○ Case study about technological advancement & its impact on the
effectiveness of media regulation
○ Case study about changing social issues & its impact on the effectiveness of
media regulation
○ Compare & contrast between the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, media regulation can only be (somewhat)
effective after seeing all the facts above, due to …

12. To what extent do issues of media regulation reflect wider issues in


● Introduction Sentence: Issues of media regulation (significantly) reflect

wider issues in society.
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about media regulation reflecting wider issues in society ○
Case study about past media regulation issues & the social issues then
○ Case study about contemporary media regulation issues & the social issues
○ Compare & contrast the changes between the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, I can say that the issues of media regulation
(significantly) reflect wider issues in society, on account of …

13. “The enforcement of media regulation has become impossible in

contemporary society.” How far do you agree with this view?

● Introduction Sentence: The enforcement of media regulation has become

impossible in contemporary society…
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about media the enforcement of media regulation in
contemporary society
○ Case study about past society and their nature
○ Case study about contemporary society and their nature
○ Compare & contrast the enforcement of media regulation among the two ●
Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, the view which states that the enforcement of
media regulation has become impossible in contemporary society holds (particularly)
true to me, based on …

14. How far can contemporary media regulation continue with the
practices of the past?

● Introduction Sentence: Contemporary media regulation can continue with the

practices of the past to a (limited) extent only.
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about contemporary media regulation
○ Case study about past technology & the nature of past media forms
○ Case study about new technology & the nature of contemporary media forms
○ Compare & contrast between the media regulation needed for the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, I believe that contemporary media regulation
can continue with the practices of the past to a (limited) extent only, due to …

15. How effective are current regulatory practices?

● Introduction Sentence: Current regulatory practices are considered (barely)

effective because…
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about the effectiveness of media regulation
○ Case study about past media and past media regulation
○ Case study about new media and contemporary media regulation
○ Compare & contrast between their effectiveness
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, the current regulatory practices are
considered (barely) effective after taking … into consideration.

16. What are the arguments against more regulation of the media?

● Introduction Sentence: The arguments against more regulation of the media

include but are not limited to …
● Content Planning:
○ General arguments about more regulation of the media
○ Case study about freedom of speech and expression
○ Case study about competitive media industry and profit
○ How the two become the basis for the arguments against more regulation of
the media
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, the main arguments against more regulation
of the media involve around … for the most part.
17. ‘Changes in technology have made media regulation impossible.’

● Introduction Sentence: Changes in technology have made media regulation

impossible because…

● Content Planning:
○ General argument about the struggle of formulating and implementing media
○ Case study about past technology and the simplicity of past media regulation ○
Case study about new technology and the complexity of contemporary media
○ Compare & contrast between the factors which affect the formulation and
implementation of two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, I would agree with the statement, “changes in
technology have made media regulation impossible,” (up to a certain point),
especially after factoring the fact that …

18. How does media regulation today compare with that of the past?

● Introduction Sentence: Media regulation today is (both more complex and more
socially inclusive) than that of the past…
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about the difference between contemporary and past
media regulation
○ Case study about past media regulation in terms of technology and social
○ Case study about contemporary media regulation of technology and social
○ Compare & contrast between the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, based on the comparisons above I can say
that media regulation today is (both more complex and more inclusive) than that of
the past, as a result of …

19. To what extent does media regulation reflect its period?

● Introduction Sentence: Media regulation (greatly) reflects its period…

● Content Planning:
○ General argument about media regulation reflecting its period
○ Case study about past media regulation and the technologies & social
issues/beliefs/norms then
○ Case study about contemporary media regulation and the technologies &
social issues/beliefs/norms now
○ Compare & contrast the changes between the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, I can say that media regulation (greatly)
reflects its period, by reasons of …

20. ‘It is impossible to regulate the media effectively.’ Discuss this view.

● Introduction Sentence: It is impossible to regulate media effectively, as there are

many factors in regards to media regulation’s formulation and implementation that
would decide its effectiveness, that it would be impossible to regulate the media to the
effective point.

● Content Planning:
○ General argument about impossibility to regulate the media effectively
○ Case study about the media company’s interest to seek profit
○ Case study about the impossibly fast-growing media technologies
○ Case study about the nature of anonymity on the internet
○ Connect the three to emphasise the struggle to regulate the media effectively ●
Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, I found myself (in agreement) with the view, “it is
impossible to regulate media effectively,” after looking at the facts that … are some of
the many factors that decide media regulation’s formulation and implementation; these
factors make it virtually impossible for the authority to regulate the media effectively.

21. How far do wider social issues impact upon media regulation?

● Introduction Sentence: Wider social issues (significantly) impact media regulation.

● Content Planning:
○ General argument about wider social issues impact media regulation ○ Case
study about past social issues and the media regulation then ○ Case study
about contemporary social issues and the media regulation now ○ Compare &
contrast the changes between the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, I believe that wider social issues do
(significantly) impact media regulation based on …

22. ‘Media regulation must adapt to technological change.’ How far do

you agree with this view?

● Introduction Sentence: Media regulation must adapt to technological change.

● Content Planning:
○ General argument about media regulation and technological change ○ Case
study about past technology & the nature of past media forms
○ Case study about new technology & the nature of contemporary media forms
○ Compare & contrast between the media regulation needed for the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, within the statement, “media regulation must
adapt to technological change,” after considering …

24. To what extent can today’s media regulation be the same as that of
the past?

● Introduction Sentence: Media regulation in contemporary society can be the

same as that of the past to a (relatively small) extent only…
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about contemporary media regulation
○ Case study about past technology & the nature of past media forms ○ Case
study about new technology & the nature of contemporary media forms ○
Compare & contrast between the media regulation needed for the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, today’s media regulation can be the same as
that of the past to a (relatively small) extent only, especially considering the fact that

25. ‘Changes in society have been reflected by changes in media

regulation’. Discuss this view.

● Introduction Sentence: Changes in society have been reflected by changes in

media regulation.
● Content Planning:
○ General argument about media regulation reflecting changes in society
○ Case study about past media regulation and the social beliefs/norms then
○ Case study about contemporary media regulation and the social
beliefs/norms now
○ Compare & contrast the changes between the two
● Conclusion Sentence: In conclusion, changes in society have always been
reflected by changes in media regulation, through looking at …

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