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“vest RR See Thick wy ©. Mannitol a 23. 4 3-yearotd boy ‘paver ot PY Bresents in emeruency with hia, Pe re We eat HIMOFY of abdominal pein. somiting ent SD ‘ease, is ae ee we BY chow 8 wo tonue mage eg oa quadrant with A Colne RSAMNS. The mow ink ee Hirschprung disease e Lyperto phic pyloric stenosis © Meconium ileus Q4. A 45-year-old female w ith GOED of EARNERS presents in OPD with enue, . Ultrasound reveals a6 x 4 cm G9SHEIESRGA in body of panct most likely diagnosis is: a. Abscess (b. Pseudoeyst Ci Mucinous cystadenoma d. — Phlegmon e. Serous Cystadenoma Q5. StFR_OPGEAAT SIR on plain abdominal radiograph is suggestive of a. Crohn's disease b. Small bowel obstruction oO c. _ Large bowel obstruction d. — Ulcerative colit e. _ Inguinal Hernia 2.4.32 yeary hc 220 a ete er CX Patio presented in serpin pete abe a OF with conan enh ‘etiam: aetined here s EEO PAGAL KoMIK ENN With syn fan hat Anterior cardi se BANE SMM et apes ages Me me mnt en dimmRttht mide tipo OF Hope abe hel : ==ttaapueectnrns Lingutar SEMEN of lef upper lobe Q7. A 12 -yes as anfaehinnga .P2Y Presented with complains of alter one week, w showin Mie OX8 showed ae Abaaet, WhtIS the ikely interpretation? YEARS in size Mn fl mn © Plourl ellie @ Tumor © Pulmonary etema Q8.A 55 heme eee eld -male with know, sis for las ASSEMAEEATA pr senicd with weight : for last three to four months. tie chest Xray wae . Li degen la “fay Was reported to hv REEVE 2. Tree in buat pects Vhis pattern is deserbed we £ Ciliary nodules Pleural nodutes Solitary pulmonary nodule Q9. A well-delineated hor © mMogenous opacity in hung. with normal evidence of pleura oh ee surrounding parenchyma and no at “Huson is called solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN). Inclusion criteria regarding a Less than 3 em b. More than3 cm & 3Smm i) dad 2mm © Sem Q10. Pleural effusion is deposition of fluid in pleural cavity, Earliest sign of mild pleural effusion on. CXR PARVIEW is homogenous opacity with concave upper margin in : ‘a. Posterior costophrenic angle b. Anterior costophrenic angle ¢. _ Cardiophrenic angle d. — Retrocardiac area ec. Perihilar location investigation of QII. Which of following js not the advantage of computed tomography for investigath musculoskeletal pathology aut xcellent anatomic detatl 4 7 b pai ‘almost all pathology related so a Great for showing displacement or joint mvo We d. Multiplanar/surface rendering Q13. Paria Idee a eats OF contac bey 8 water & oD WEEN aricular & Dison SIRE OF « ont ea ~ Dislocation sites &Avutsion t Seperation O14, acu: «io SR, are called: ‘on, oe tenia emerwatatoniesterste z Spiral © Avulsion 4. Transverse o ‘ — \ QIS5. An elderly female presented with wrist pain and swelling after a fall on an outstretched hand with Pronated forearm. Radiologist labelled Colle's fracture on bet wrist rays Winch of following VHD a feature of Cole's fracture: a. Displacement ("Dinner Fork" Deformity) b. Dorsal Angulation Radial Deviation of hand c d. Ulnar styloid Injury often eo gency with complain of Vet flank pain rating to in sd QI6. 35 years old female presented in emey SSeS dysuria. X ray abdomen shows a diagnosis? a. Nephrocalcinosis b. Renal cyst c. Renal mass Ureteric stone jent te y Wi righ umoar pat ed to eMeZENC anh complain of severe eh Je patient present frequency- What woul 1 mate py Hale presented to emergency wit spi sr bits wo pans cris oh ee ‘ea mat PSE ra cen tng Y & Rectal pert a foration, Urethral injury Iretenie Feterie transeetion ner ted to OPI v3 Urinary liao Deming micturation and increased frequency of wine Hextion will you advise? AEE sy ava investi mplete loud o Ute blood count Q20. Which of f ich of following fractures 8. Base of skal eeactures |S Prevented as ping pon fracture sf infans ska © Growing fracture d. Linear skull fracture ©. Sutural diastasis Q21. A young male patient presented with history of head injury, his CT scan showed SIGE, collection along right paricial area, What is the likely Qiagnosis? b. — Intraparenchymal hemorthage ¢. Subdural hemorrhage d. Subarachnoid hemorrhage e. Ventricular hemorthage Q22. Which vessel is commonly the source of hemorrhage in cases of extradural emote: a. Anterior cerebral artery b. Anterior communicating artery c. Emissary veins Superficial temporal artery esented to emergency with history “ # oad ne Te ‘of vomiting. His GCS is yrs elt ice in this scenario? ality of choice In y = Contrast enhnaced CT brain e. of RTA. Hechad asingle epise however he is vitally stable c. MRI brain d. Xray C spine X ray skull

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