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Case Study Skills

Time management:
15 mins to read the sources
10 mins for A
20 mins for B
45 mins for C

- 4-5 sources that are
● Contextual
● Non-contextual: maps, pictures, statistics, and cartoons
And show a range of viewpoints

Reading sources:
- topic-> on-> sources
- Highlight important arguments and note elaborations and evidence
- Annotate
- When ask for CK
● Contextual information, statistical knowledge, supporting evidence and case
● Amount needed depends on the question and sources (if already rich in CK,
explanation and links are more i,pregnant)
● CK is used to support your argument instead of enriching what the source is
● Give details that are apt, accurate and relevant (always link CK back to the
● Signpost usage
● CK may later be used to challenge and to evaluate
● Don't repeat information that can be found in sources

Question types
*can cross infer if there are common ideas

a) Identity and explain

‘With reference to Source A (only), explain the reasons for CHina’s economic development in
the 1990s.’
- Two distinct points

- T.S that answers the question directly
- Identify relevant quote(1-2 sentences)
- Explain in relations to the question
- Link back to ATQ

b) Analyze and assess in context

‘ with reference to Source D and E and your own knowledge, assess the progress China has
made in improving its human rights record.’
- Note it is to build up a two-sided argument instead of comparing the two reference
- Requires balance to look at different perspectives
If both sources have the same perspective, then the balance comes from CK
- Tease out and development different points of view, supported by some CK
- Typically requires an evaluation, reconciliation , the final judgment with insight(3-5
● Quote sources if possible
● Use Ck to challenge a side and support your stance
● No need to assess reliability but if the biases inform your stance, may mention it
● (Address the opposing side)
Instead of a mere summary of the two sides

- Assess
● Progress: good vs. inadequate
● Significance: significant vs. insignificant OR positive significance vs. concerns

- Point of side A
- Quote (1-2 sentences) and explanation
- CK(1-2 pieces, thus, be selective and relevant)

- Point of side B
- Quote and expansion
- CK

- Reconciliation with CK

c) Evaluation and postulation

‘ Using information from the sources and your own knowledge, evaluate China's current
responses to the economic challenges it faces and make recommendations on how the
government can sustain China’s economic development. “

- Evaluate can be broad (with reference to other sources)

Can be 2-3 points for each
● Solutions/policies:
○ Adequacy
○ Efficiency
○ Root cause
● Challenges
○ seriousness/significance
○ Impactful
○ Success of the government in overcoming it
○ Root cause
*criteria for the two may not need to be consistent unless it asks for comparison
- Recommendation:
● Beyond description, must link the recommendation to how and why the actions
will help in China’s context
● should align with the first part of the question
● can be modify/reinforce/ expand/reduce/reform current solutions that are already
in place
● best if supported by current examples or CK of current situations
● Can have a few sub-points under the one big overall idea
● If asked for ‘critical evaluation’, can say
○ It is limited but still a good policy
○ It is very feasible and relevant
○ Best to end on a positive note

Structure 1 (for general evaluation)

- Response 1 identified and quote
- Explain and link
- Corroborate with CK (3 pieces)
- Evaluation with CK(4 pieces)
- X2
- Two recommendation or
- Recommendation right after each response if it asks ‘to overcome these challenges’

Structure 2(for comparative evaluation)

- Response 1 identified and quote
- Explain and link
- Corroborate with CK (3 pieces)
- Response 2 identified and quote
- Explain and link
- Corroborate with CK (3 pieces)
- Evaluation using same criteria to say which is a bigger challenge
- Two recommendations specific to the biggest challenge you identified or
Essay Writing Guide:

- Marked according to band and quality instead of quantity of points

- Policy alignment of the problem/challenge should be aligned

General Structure:

- Context of the question/significance/underlying assumption which should not be
- Definition
Interpretation of keywords, adj, technical term
- Scope and your reason
- Overall stand to the question

Body (3 points)
- T.S
● directly answers and addresses every part of the question
● Signpsitung using the words in the question
- explanation
● 2-3 sentences
- Examples
● At least two
● Better to be source-year-statistics
- Link back to the issue
● no new ideas
● May include evaluation here
● Should be a consistent effort throughout the body
- Stand and reasons
- Suammrise points
- Extra analysis to show insights
Intro Practice
How successful has China been in pursuing Green Development?
Assumptions: government want to/ they have been promoting/ they need GD
Context: China has been suffering from heavy pollution, thus the government has been putting
effort in GD to ensure economic sustainability. However, the extent of success is still debatable
Scope/definition(what is success): in this essay, it will discuss success in implementing green
tech/ development of renewable energy. Promoting energy efficiency/reducing pollution/green
finance/reducing reliance on fossil fuel.

Different Question Types

i) factor question: to what extent do you agree that air pollution is the biggest environmental
problem facing China today?
Assumptions: China has environmental problems. Air pollution is a problem. China also faces
other environmental problems
Scope: Land, water, soil, wildlife protection
Definition(biggest problem): most damaging(scale? Extent? Aspects-multifaceted
consequence?), hardest to tackle(still struggling), root cause of everything, urgency
*no need to stick to one unless it is a comparison question

Bring 3 factors
Two approaches
-what is the greatest challenge
-argue that it is not the largest
agree Given factor

Another factor+ compare why is GF more impt

Another factor+ compare why is GF more impt

disagree AF1
Compare, downplay GF

downplay AF2

AF1 is not because AF2>AF1
However, AF3 is the biggest
ii) yes/no or agree/disagree question: Assess the view that the Chinese government has been
effective in coping with the challenges arising from environmental damage

Y-N + Y-N + N =STANCE: N(each a separate PEEL)(can be used the other way around)

iii)criteria question: how successful has Chinese government been in achieving its
environmental goals?
No need for counter, but the question is answered based on different criteria

-what are the goals(criteria 1,2,3,4 ) , are they successful-overall judgement

seems Y, but actually N NNN
NNYY(weightage consideration)

iv) hybrid: how far can China's environmental problems be blame on its quest for economic
v)extreme type:’ China’s efforts at combating environmental degradation has been a complete
failure. How far do you agree?


Level Marks Quality of the answer

5 21–25 Responses show very good understanding of issues and developments which relate to the question and contain a relevant, focused and balanced
argument based on a consistently analytical approach. This is fully supported by relevant dimensions considered in a sustained manner as well as
the use of appropriate factual material.

Towards the top of the level, responses are expected to be analytical, focused, and balanced throughout. The argument will be coherent and will
reach a supported judgement in response to the question. Candidates will demonstrate a critical approach and evaluate different views as
appropriate. Towards the lower end of the level, responses might typically be analytical, consistent and balanced, but the argument might not be fully

4 16–20 Responses show a good understanding of issues and developments which relate to the question and contain a relevant argument based on a
largely analytical approach. This is supported by some consideration of relevant dimensions and use of appropriate factual material.

Towards the top of the level, responses are likely to be analytical, balanced and effectively supported. There may be some attempt to reach a
judgement but this may be partial or unsupported. Candidates may show some critical awareness and are likely to appreciate that there are different
views. Towards the lower end of the level, responses are likely to contain detailed factual material with some focused analysis, but the argument will
be less coherent in places.

3 11–15 Responses show understanding of issues and developments which relate to the question and contain an argument based on some analytical points.
This may not be highly developed or consistently supported by consideration of relevant dimensions and factual material may lack depth.

Towards the top of the level, responses contain detailed factual material. However attempts to argue relevantly are implicit or confined to
introductions and conclusions. Candidates may be aware that there are different views on issues but the approach will be descriptive rather than
evaluative. Alternatively, responses may offer an analytical framework which contains some supporting material. Towards the lower end of the level,
responses might offer some narrative or description relating to the topic, but are less likely to address the question directly.

2 6–10 Responses show some understanding of issues and developments which relate to the question. They may contain some description of dimension(s)
with few links to the question or may be analytical with limited relevant factual support.

Towards the top of the level, responses might contain relevant commentaries which lack adequate factual support. The responses may contain
some unsupported assertions. Towards the lower end of the level, responses are likely to contain some information which is relevant to the topic but
will not demonstrate full understanding of the implications of the question.

1 0–5 Responses show limited understanding of issues and developments which relate to the question. They may contain some description of
dimension(s) which is linked to the topic or only addresses part of the question.

Towards the top of the level, responses show some awareness of relevant material but this may be presented as a list. Towards the lower end of the
level, answers may provide a little relevant material but are likely to be characterised by irrelevance.


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