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8. Work in groups and discuss. “ation? a. What do you do when you don't feel well about a situation? b. Do you like to ask for advice? Explain why yes oF N0- c. Do you like to give advice to other people? Explain why yes or no or when. d. What would you do if you were in Samantha's situation with 16 mice? Read: Social Customs: A Dinner Party * Dear Etly Kit My roommate’s family wants me to celebrate Thanksgiving with them in their home. I accepted the invitation, and I’m excited about going, but ’'ma little nervous about it, too. The social customs in my country are very different from here, so I’m a little worried about making mistakes. Should 1 bring a gift, such as candy or flowers? Should I arrive on time ora little late? At the dinner table, how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know that I’m grateful for their kindness? i Confused Escaneado con CamScanner * Dear Confused TPS a good idea to bring a small gift when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always nice, or you might bring a bottle of wine if you know that the family drinks, You should atrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don’t get there carly. If you're going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them. Try to relax at the dinner table. If you're confused about choosing the Correct fork, knife, or Spoon, just watch the other guests and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, don’t be shy about asking the person next to you; it’s better to ask than to be silently uncomfortable and nervous. ; If you like the food, say so. Of Course, you’ll thank the host and hostess for the meal and for their Kindness. It’s also a good idea to send a card or thank you note the day after. Etty Kit * Dear Ms. Kit. T'm going to give a dinner party next month for some Canadian friends. 1 want my guests to enjoy themselves and to feel comfortable. What’s the secret of giving a successful party? Worried * Dear Worried Cook something that lets you spend time with your guests. If a guest offers to help you in the Kitchen, accept the offer. It often makes people feel more comfortable when they can help. Before serving dinner, while your guests make small talk in the living room, offer them drinks. Those who drink alcohol might like liquor or wine, but be sure to provide soft drinks and fruit juice for people who don’t. At the dinner table, let your guests serve themselves. Offer them a second serving after they finish, but don’t ask more than once or twice. Most guests will take more if they want it. Perhaps the most important rule of all is to be natural, ‘Treat your guests as you want them to treat you when you're in their home: that is, act naturally toward them, and don’t try too hard to be polite. Have a good time ina pleasant atmosphere, Eny Kir Escaneado con CamScanner 4. Answer the following questions according to the reading selection. Write T (true), F (false), or | (impossible to know from the reading) on the lines. Do not look back at the reading. a. People write letters to Etty Kit and she gives advice about social rules and customs. b. There are no social rules for dinner parties in the United States and Canada. c. It’s very important to leave a party on time. d. When you give a party, you should spend all your time in the kitchen. e. ___ You should always make enough food for your guests to serve twice. f. ___ For both the guests and the hosts, it’s important to feel comfortable and not try too hard to be polite. g. Americans and Canadians have a lot of dinner parties. 2. Circle the words in each of the following sentences that give clues to the meaning of the underlined words. Then circle the letter of the answer. a. My roommate's family wants me to celebrate Thanksgiving with them in their home on November 23rd. | accepted the dinner invitation, but I'm feeling a little nervous about it. a. A special day for a dinner party b. A thank you note c. Acelebration for roommates b. Should | bring a gift such as candy or flowers? a. Something to eat b. Something to give another person c. Plants Escaneado con CamScanner i } | c. You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don't get there early. Ontime: a. early b. not late pala Get there: a. come toaplace b. have something c. leave d. Don't be shy about asking; it’s better to ask than to feel uncomfortable and nervous. a. comfortable b. loud c. not comfortable ©. After a dinner party, of course you'll thank the host and hostess for the meal and for their kindness. Host and hostess a. guests b. people who give a party c. cooks Meal: a. party b. gift c. dinner f. Be sure to provide soft drinks and fruit juice for people who don't drink alcohol. Soft drinks: a. juice b. fruit drinks c. carbonated beverages g. At the dinner table, let your guests serve themselves. Offer them a second serving after they finish. a. give food to b. talk to c. begin eating 3. Read the selection again carefully. Try to guess the meanings of the new words from the context. Use your dictionary only when absolutely necessary. 4. Circle the letter that contains the main idea of the reading from the choices below. s. Remember: a. Always bring a nice gift when you go to a dinner party. b. Watch the guests at a party and follow them, and do not be shy about asking questions. c. There are no secrets to giving a successful party. d. If you follow a few simple rules for dinner parties, you can have a good time in a pleasant atmosphere. Escaneado con CamScanner ding 6. Following the organization of topics in the reading selection, write in the missing words; choose from the words “quest” oF “host”. a. Letter from a guest whois going to a dinner party b. Answer fromthe c. Letterfroma_ whois going to give a party d. Answer fromthe 7. The following ideas are from the reading. On the lines next to each idea, write the letter of the section that the idea is from. B_ It’s a good idea to bring the host or hostess a gift. _____ You should arrive at a party on time or a few minutes late. ____ I'mailittle nervous about going to a dinner party. _ | want my guests to enjoy themselves at a party that I'm going to give. _____ Spend as much time with your guests as possible. When should | arrive at a dinner party? __ How do | choose the correct knife, fork, or spoon? Offer your guests drinks before dinner. ___ How should | thank my host and hostess? ____ Watch the other guests at the table to find out what to do. Escaneado con CamScanner (© FIFTH AVENUE PUBLISHERS 8. Read: Zulma White loves adventure but her brother, Guillermo, writes about her secret fear, The first was when she Was six years old. She was alone in the garden at home and ouf neighbor's dog bit her three times. Six months later we had a holiday on a faim in Boyaca and the farmer's dog attacked her. Zulma was very frightened both times and now she hates dogs. She can’t go near them, She ° isn’t usually frightened and she loves adventure. She has worked in some very lonely places. She has traveled alone many times. She has visited about twenty different towns in Boyaca. She does a lot of dangerous sports, She has broken her legs three times. Zulma hasn’t told many of her friends about her fear of dogs because she doesn’t like talking about it. Guillermo White, Bogota. Underline the unknown words in the previous text. a. Work in groups. b. Ask and answer five questions about the reading. Escaneado con CamScanner Hello Dad. It's me, Dorothy Hello! How are you? It’s lovely to hear from you. How ’s the new course going? The computer course is OK, | think. I'm just... $0... Tired? You sound tired. What have you been doing? I'm tired, really tired. I've been working so hard and everything is so new to me. I'm in the institute till nine o'clock every night. Nine o'clock! Every night? That's terrible. And when do you eat? Have you been eating well? Yes, I've been eating OK. After class | prepare something with Martha. Martha? Who's Martha? Martha is the owner of the house where | live. I'm sure I've told you about her. Martha studies with me. She has been studying here for a long time and she has been helping me with my lessons. Maybe you told your mother about Martha, but not me. I’ve certainly never heard you talk about Martha before, Yes, | remember | was talking to Mom last week. And what have you been doing? ''ve been working hard, too, and with you mother. We have been visiting our friends and trying to have a good time. a Escaneado con CamScanner (© FIFTH AVENUE PUBLISHERS 10. Underline the sentences j A: Dear Dad, | want you know I've been thinking about all of you. | just called to say | love you very much B: Darling, you're so ‘sweet. We have been thinking about you, too. Have a good day. A: Thank you, bye, bye. 5 in present perfect continuous in the:-"—— Previous dialogue. : Read ana Study the following information: The present perfect continuous is used. To express an activity ly which began in the past and continues in the present. They have been waiting here for two hours. It's has been raining the last few days. To refer to an activity with a result in the present. They haven't gotten any money because they have been shopping. Sometimes there is little or no difference in meaning between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous. How long have you studied here? How long have you been studying here? The verbs, that give us an idea of a long time, are used with the present perfect continuous. Examples: Wait, work, learn, travel, study, play The verbs, that don't give us an idea of a long time, are unusual and hard to find in the present perfect continuous. Examples: Find, start, buy, die, lose, break, and stop Escaneado con CamScanner * The verbs that express a state-like, love, know, have-are not found in present perfect continuous, Examples: + [have had many things to do these days. 11.Reading They've been bullying me. Charlotte’s. Story Last year I'moved to a new town and I started’at a new school. At first I was really happy about the school and I made friends with the popular girls 5 in my class. But soon they started to pick on me because I was too posh. I think they were jealous of me because I had nice clothes: Whenever I walked past them, they called me names, tripped me, and sometimes hit me. They even wrote nasty things about me on the desktops. Nobody did anything about it. It was horrible. They made my life miserable. In the end I felt really sad and lonely. 12. ANSWer these questions. a. What is a bully? b. Does bullying only happen at school? c. When did Charlotte become a victim of bullying? d. Why did the girls bully her? e. What sort of things did they do? f. Did anyone help Charlotte? g. How did Charlotte feel? Escaneado con CamScanner Sharer © FIFTH AVENUE PUBLISHERS. 13. Discussion. a. Look at two reasons why bullies pick on other people. b. They are from a different race or background. c. They don’t have any brothers, sisters or friends to defend them. d. What other reasons are there? 14. How can you recognize a bully? He or she: * Tries to find your weak point - perhaps you are shy, nervous or easily upset. Makes fun of you in front of your friends. Tries to make you do somethin 9 wrong, like steal something or miss school. Borrows money then won't pay you back, Says nasty things about you for no reason. Bullying: * 85% of children in England have been victim: is of bullying at least once. Bullies are more likely to commit crimes when they are older. 15. Write three sentences in present perfect continuous: Escaneado con CamScanner

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