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Embong, Morthiza.

February 7, 2023
Activity 3: Look for/research on a sample copy of: Criminal Law, Civil Code, Remedial
Procedure, Labor Law, Taxation Code, Philippine Constitution and a commercial law.
Take “selfie” on each book and briefly describe the following in 6-10 sentences.

Criminal Law is the body of law that applies to criminal acts. This determine the crime,
reforms the perpetrator, providing retribution for the act and preventing further crimes. It
defines criminal offenses, regulates the apprehension, charging, and trial of suspected
persons, and fixes penalties and modes of treatment applicable to convicted offenders. It is
only one of the devices by which organized societies protect the security of individual
interests and ensure the survival of the group. It is the system of law that provides guidance
on how to punish criminals. Breaking the law is one of the criminal acts. Criminal law
penalties involve the forfeiture of one’s rights and imprisonment. An example of this criminal
law is an assault to someone. This law treats assault as an offense against society and it is the
state which initiates prosecution against the offender and imposes the punishment. If a fine is
imposed, it will be paid to the state or the offender may be imprisoned in a state institution.
A body of law in which applied to such matters employment, remuneration, conditions of
work, trade unions, and industrial relations. Labor law has won recognition as a distinctive
branch of the law within the academic legal community. The labor law deals with the
statutory requirements and collective relationships that are increasingly important in mass-
production societies. In the early phases of development the scope of labor law is often
limited to the most developed and important industries, to undertakings above a certain size,
and to wage earners. As a general rule, these limitations are gradually eliminated and the
scope of the law extended to include handicrafts, rural industries and agriculture, small
undertakings, office workers, and, in some countries, public employees. Body of law
originally intended for the protection of manual workers in industrial enterprises is gradually
transformed into a broader body of legal principles and standards. Labor Law help protect
employees and employers. There are set of rules when it comes to working hours. Example of
working rules in the Philippines is that no employee in the Philippines must work for over 8
hours a day, he is worthy of a 1-hour lunch break daily, without fail however, a worker is
only required to work for a maximum of 8 hours per day from the office. There are no laws
that mandate his working hours from home.
The body of law which is consist of the of rules, doctrines, and practices that govern the
operation of political communities. Modern constitutional law is the offspring of nationalism
as well as of the idea that the state must protect certain fundamental rights of the individual.
As the number of states has multiplied, so have constitutions and with them the body of
constitutional law, though sometimes such law originates from sources outside the state. The
protection of individual rights, meanwhile, has become the concern of supranational
institutions, particularly since the mid-20th century. In the broadest sense, constitution is a
body of rules governing the affairs of an organized group. But not all bodies of the rules are
in the constitution. There are also many rules that exists. The rules mentioned in the
constitution are considered to be basic. One example of Constitutional Law is that the First
Amendment to the U.S Constitution that establishes freedom of speech, religion, press,
petition and assembly. Constitutional law usually refers to rights granted by the U.S.
Also known as mercantile or trade law. It is a body of law that applies to the rights, relations,
and conduct of persons and business engaged in commerce, merchandising, trade and sales.
This is a branch of private law that regulates the juridical relations arising from commercial
acts. It is also often considered as a branch of civil law that talks or deals about the issues of
public and private law. An example of this is the IP( Intellectual Property) the IP right is
crucial for creative industries and manufacturers to profit from innovation, sales on domestic
and international basis that needs contracts and agency or distribution agreements that can be
made to sell the good or services more widely. This law contains the whole set of laws in
relation with trade and sales. This includes lass on business contracts, sale of goods, banking,
insurance, finances, partnership, bankruptcy and taxation. This regulates the conduct of
persons, merchants and business in relation with trade. Specific law has developed in a
number of commercial fields. It governs business transactions, which regularly become the
subject of disputes.
Civil law talks about governing the property relations and contract relations as a citizen on a
state. This book is a basis and also used for civil code information. This law talks about the
legal system of an individual in relation to that of personal matters like contracts and
property. This is the compilation of all existing civil laws. This law fixes disputes between
private individuals over civil and property relations. Some of the civil cases are about land
issues, contracts and many more.
This law gives protection of rights of a person when it comes to cases or situations in the
supreme courts. This book contains the rights and procedurals happening in a legal system.
This establishes how lawsuit are being filed, heard and are being processed as the case has
been sent to the Supreme Court. Cases should undergo further investigations to make sure
that remedial procedure is being followed. This book contains the procedural system that
prescribe the rules and decisions by the courts. No one is proven guilty unless they undergo
investigation that processed legally.
This is a code that shows how much people pay base on their incomes. This law shows the
power of government in collecting taxes in people. It shows fees being payed by the people
through their incomes. There are different kinds of taxes that are directly payed. Examples
are corporate tax, wealth, sales tax, inheritance and others. But non-profitable organizations
are not included in paying tax especially those that are for fund-raising which helps people in
the society.

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