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Learning Objective

After reading this chapter you should be able to:

1. define the concept of peace in a holıstic way;

2. explain the contribution or importance of pcae education In the quest for positive
social change ot transformation;

3. identify and explan the key themes of peace education;

4. describe the attrbutes of a peaccable classroom; and

5. discuss some of the most important peacable teaching-learning approaches used in

peace education.


The greatest resource for building a culture of pcace are the people themselves, for it is
through them that peaceful relationships and structures are created. Hence, educating
people toward becoming peace agents is central to the task of peace building. Peace
building refers generally to the long-term project of building peaceful communities, a
desirable goal. One can readily see how peace cducation is both a significant pcace
building strategy (as in the Case of a post-conflict situation) and an effective way of
preventing violent conflict.

The Philippines and the whole world as well have many problems and challenges that
arise from many forns of violence. An cducation that responds to these challenges
should be cncouraged and supported. Our young people in particular nced new
perspectives, skills and value orientations that will enable them to build elationships and
structures that lead to positive change and human well-being A culture of peace must
replace the current culture of violence if we and our common home, planet Earth, are to

The succeeding discussion will explain the holistic concept of peace and the various
facets of peace education, including its key themes and its teaching-leamíng process.
The importance of having a peaccable teacher, classroom and school will also be

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