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No.1 RAD vs Agile R*Focused on building a working model of an app in the shortest time possible. A*Focused on breaking down the development cycle into smaller ‘sprints’. R*May demonstrate a working model to clients in the middle of development. A*Waits till the product or feature is completely built before showcasing it to the client. R*Build the easiest parts of the product first so as to showcase the working model as soon as possible. A*Addresses the most difficult feature/ part of the product first. R*Prioritizes functionality over UI/UX. A*Considers UI/UX while the product is being built. No.2 Iterative waterfall model vs RAD: 1-lterative waterfall model: 1. All product functionalities are developed together. 2. It does not facilitate accommodating requirement change requests. 3. The uses of the iterative waterfall model lead to the production of good documentation. 4. Also, the developed software usually has better quality and reliability than that developed using RAD. Rapid model Application Development: 1. Product functionalities are developed incrementally through heavy code and design reuse. 2. Customer feedback is obtained on the developed prototype after each iteration, based on this prototype is redefined. No.3 code Review: code Review is good Since it helps to Detect and correct problems Most Efficient. Testing: Testing code helps to Remove bugs and Improves its reliability. Incremental Development: Incremental Development is good. Since it helps to get customer Feedback. Simplicity: Simplicity leads "good Quality code Design: Since having a good Quality Design. is Important to Develop a good Quality solution" Integration testing: Integration testing is Important since it helps to Identify the bugs at the Interface of Different Functionalities.

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