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I will share my opinion on the statement Internet Brings More Harm Than Good.

I agree with this statement, Currently, many new types of crime have emerged due
to technological developments, especially the internet. for example fraud,
defamation, hate speech, pornography, and distribution of problematic content.

it is proven by the statement of the Indonesian media that the number of cyber
crimes from year to year continues to show an increasing trend. In 2015 the
number of crimes was recorded at 2,609 cases, an increase of 75.73 percent in
2019 to 4,585 cases. Meanwhile, until June 2020 there were 2,259 cases with a
problem resolution level of 527 cases.

With the high level of crime, it is evident that the influence of the internet is doing
more harm than good.

but why internet users are increasing. this is because the times are increasingly
advanced and require every community to use the internet. especially during the
pandemic, now the internet is very much needed to support daily activities. so even
though it brings many bad effects the internet is not even abandoned but use the
internet properly and correctly.

I hope my opinion can be accepted






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