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a rar SZKOLA 3 SLOWNICTWO, SPRAWNOSC! JEZYKOWE PRZECZYTAJ DEFINICJE | WPISZ OBOK NAZWY PRZEDMIOTOW SZKOLNYCH. 4. You learn to draw and to paint. You get to know about famous pictures and sculptures, 2. You learn about famous composers and sing a lot. 3. You find out about different parts of the world and learn to use a map and a compass... 4,You get to know how the world looked like in the past and you need to learn many dates. ws... e CO TO ZA PRZEDMIOTY? Przyurzvu SIE ZDJECIOM | PODPISZ JE. oe s a a Jezyk angielski, Repetytorium ucznia szkoly podstawowe] @ NA JAKICH LEKCJACH UZYWAHY TYCH PRZEDMIOTOW? Zarisz 060k NICH NAZWY SZKOLNYCH ZAJEC. 1. ruler, rubber, calculator Bee 2. crayons, paints, brushes 3. map, globe, compass 4. trainers, T-shirt, shorts @ DWUKROTNIE POSLUCHAJ ROZMOWY | UZUPEENIJ PLAN LEKCJI. ( MONDAY TUESDAY } maths 1 French break break English maths English maths lunch time lunch time ‘ 2 biology @ DWUKROTNIE POSLUCHAJ DIALOGU. ZnakieH V ZAZNACZ W KRATKACH TO, CO CHLOPIEC MA W SWOIM PLECAKU. WSTAW X PRZY TYM, CZEGO NIE MA. raperetcase LJ —aecrayons )—saticesutecr t-anctebook () — s.atuncnbox J aisoryboor C) ronatt OJ stsss Oo sms O Jezyk angielski, Repetytorium ucznia szkaly podstawowe| PRZECZYTAJ TEKST | zpEcybuy, CZY PONIZSZE ZDANIA SA PRAWDZIWE (TAK) czy Faeszywe (NIE). Pezy KAzDYH ZazNacz TAK Lus NIE. St Martin's Primary School is one of the best schools in the city, It's not very big. There are only one hundred and twenty students and ten teachers in the school. Lessons start at half past eight and finish at quarter past three. There's a small playground and quite a large gum. There's even a little garden just behind the school building, Year 5 and 6 students take care of it. The biggest problem is that there's no canteen. All the students have to bring packed lunches to school. 41. St Martin's Primary School is a big school TAK NIE 2. The lessons start at 8:30. TAK NIE 3. There's a garden in front of the school. TAK NIE 4. The canteen offers lunches for all the students. TAK NIE W KAZDYM RZEDZIE ZAKRESL StOWO, KTORE NIE PASUJE DO POZOSTALYCH. 4, teacher headmaster policeman student 2. whiteboard computer mirror desk 3. bedroom classroom corridor library 4. pen crayons ruler pencil 6 CO TO ZA MIEJSCA? PODPISZ ZDJECIA. DLA ULATWIENIA PODANE ‘ ZOSTALY PIERWSZE LITERY SLOW. \ i Jezyk angielski, Repetytorium ucznia szkoly podstawowe| 8 PRZECZYTAJ ZDANIA | W KAZDYM ZAKRESL WLASCIWE StOWO. 41. Ilearn two foreign languages, England / English and France / French. 2. Mary is so happy today, She passed / failed her exams 3. It's a new word. I don’t know what it means. Ineed to look it up in my dictionary | diary. 4, I'm 11 years old, I start primary / secondary schoo! this year. 5, My favourite time of the school day is lunchtime / dinner time, 6. The secretary / secretarian works in the school office. 7. Tim sure that our library / librarian will help you find the book you need for your music class. @ PRZECZYTAJ TEKST | UZUPEtNIJ PODPISY NA PLANIE SZKOLY. I really like my school. It's quite small. There are three classrooms and a computer room. Next to the computer room on the right there is a library. On the left of the computer room thereis a science lab. In front of the school, right next to the entrance, we have a small school garden. The playground is behind the school building, CLOAKROOM ENTRANCE CLASSROOM COMPUTER CLASSROOM CORRIDOR, ROOM Jezyk angielski. Repetytorium ucznia szkoly podstawowe| GRAHATYKA, SRODKI | FUNKCJE JEZYKOWE @ W KAZDYM ZDANIU ZAKRESL WEASCIWE StOWO. 41. Tom is very good in | at maths. 2, [have art class twice in / a week. 3, My lessons start at / on 8:30. 4, Our class is having an English test in Jon Tuesday, 5, Summer holidays begin in / at June. @ wreierz weasciwe ZAKONCZENIE KAZDEGO ZDANIA (A LUB 8). 4. John likes.. A. learning new words. B. learn new words. r 2. Lwant, A, start studying French this year. _B. to start studying French this year. 3. Mary doesn’t mind. help me with my homework. _B. helping me with my homework. 4. They hate A. writing tests. B. write tests @ KTORE CZASOWNIK! PASUJA DO LUK W ZDANIACH? Wrisz w PUSTE } MIEJSCA ODPOWIEDNIE LITERY A-E. 4.It's Saturday tomorrow. You ___ go to school 2, Remember! You ___runin the classroom. 3. Do you ___ change shoes in your school? 4,1 ___ get a good grade for that homework! oa 5.Kelly___ speak two foreign languages. Jezyk angielski. Repetytorium ucznia szkoly podstawowej @ _doPasws opPowieDz! DO PYTAN. Uwaca! JeDna opromtEDé Jest DODATKOWA | NIE PASUJE DO ZADNEGO PYTANIA. 1. Does he have to do his homework now? 2. Does she like science? 3. Can they count to a hundred? 4. Can you speak English? 5. Would you like to learn for the test with me? KTORE WYRAZY PASUJA DO LUK W TEKSCIE? Weisz oDPOWIEDNIE LITERY A-I. Uwaca! DWA SLOWA SA DODATKOWE | NIE PASUJA, DO ZADNEJ LUKI. Treally 1. ___ school, 12. ___ mind doing homework or working on a project. I love 3.___ books and finding interesting facts 4.___ the Internet. But I really hate music lessons. I'm very shy and 15. ___ sing, It's so difficult for me 6.___ play any musical instrument. I wish there were 7. ___ music lessons in my school @ POPATRZ NA ZNAKI. CzeGo Nie HoZNA RoBIC W CZASIE EGZAMINU? NapPisz ZDANIA Z UZYCIEM ,MUSTN'T”, Jezyk angielski. Repetytorium ucznia szkoly podstawowe) @® vosieR2 WeASCIWE REAKCJE DO OPISANYCH SYTUACUI. Zaznacz A, B us C. 4, NIE WIES2, JAK ODROBIC PRACE DOHOWA, PopROS KOLEGE 0 POHOC. 4, Can you do my homework? B. Can you help me with my homework? C. Can I help you with my homework? A. Can you explain that, please? B. Can you speak up, please? C. Can you repeat that, please? ) | 3. Zarrras xovece, czv Musise PazrHie8é JUTRO bo S2KOLY K A. Do I have to bring crayons to school tomorrow? B. Can I bring crayons to school tomorrow? C. Have to I bring crayons to school tomorrow? @ ovrowieDz Na PYTANIA ZGODNIE Z PRAWDA, 4. How many subjects do you study? 2. What is your favourite subject? 3. How often do you have a music class? 4, What foreign languages do you learn? 25 Jezyk angielski. Repetytorium ucznia szkoly podstawowe] ee i | | PRZEDHIOTY SZKOLNE art — pLstvKa biology ~ piotocia break - eezeewn chemistry ~ cheHia English — aNcieLsk French ~ FRancusk! geography - ceoararia German - NigHieckt history ~ HisToRIA IT (Information Technology) ~ inroxHaryKa lesson ~ Lexcua maths ~ MATEHATYKA music ~ Muzyka PE (Physical Education) - wr. Polish - Potski RE (Religious Education) ~ reusia science — razveopa Spanish — wiszraNski technology ~ TecHNiKA PRZYBORY SZKOLNE ea. bag - Toren blackboard/whiteboard - Tastica czARNA/ BIALA book — KSiAzKA brush ~ pgozet calculator ~ katKuLator coloured pencils ~ kREDK! oLdWKOWE compass ~ KoHPas Crayons ~ KREDKI WosKOWE ff dictionary - stownik globe — ctoaus ¥ notebook ~ zeszvt ~ glue - Kies paint — Faron pencil - oLdwex Jezyk angielski Repetytorium ucznia szkoly podstawowe} pencil case ~ ridenik rubber ~ GuHka ruler unuka school bag — PLecak scissors ~ Nozvczxi timetable ~ rozxian zasge MIEJSCA W SZKOLE = SSS cafeteria/canteen ~ sToLowka classroom — SALA LEKCYINA cloakroom ~ szatnia computer room ~ Sata KOHPUTEROWA corridor ~ KorytaRz entrance — wesécit GUM ~ SALA GIHNASTYCZNA headteacher's office ~ casiner orRexToRA library ~ sieuoTeKa playground ~ PLac ZaBaw school office ~ sexreTariar science lab ~ Sava bo PRzrRODY sports field — soisko teachers’ room — PoKés NaUCZYCIELSK! LUDZIE W SZKOLE ee coach — TeeneR headteacher ~ orgekror librarian ~ e1puoTeKagz Secretary ~ SeKRETARKA student - uczew teacher ~ nauczvcie. BRYTYJSKIE SZKOLY ee nursery school ~ przepszKotr (ota pzieci w wieku 3-5 LaT) primary school ~ s2Kota PopsTAWOWA (ota pziect w wieku 6~14 LAT) secondary school ~ s2KotA PoNADPODSTAWOWA (ota DziEci W WieKU 12-16 LAT)

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