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Make 5 if statements
1.) If I am thirsty I will drink water.
2.) If I am short I have to drink milk.
3.) If you are low on sugar you have to eat khagur and
something sweet.
4.) If I am hungry I will eat food.
5.) If it rains outside I will stay indoors.

Make 5 if else statements.

1.) I will go to the party if my driver is free or else I won’t.
2.) I will eat food if it is cooked or else I will stay hungry.
3.) I will go buy Nutella if it us in stock at Imtiaz or else I will find
an alternative.
4.) I will go to school if I am not sick or else I will miss it.
5.) I have to play video games with my friends if I don’t have to
go anywhere or else I will play later.

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