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The Tempest q&a

How did Antonio the false brother of Prospero banish him from his )1

As Prospero was busy with his books and left the government of his people -
to his brother Antonio. The king of Naples and Antonio conspired against
Prospero and put him and his little baby daughter at sea in a small boat
.without any means of survival hoping they would die

?How did Prospero command the spirits on the island )2

After the death of the wicked witch, who had imprisoned the good spirit -
Ariel in the trunk of a tree, Prospero through his learned Art of magic,
freed Ariel and put him to his service

?Why did Prospero raise a storm )3

To damage the ship on which Antonio, the king of Naples and his son were -
travelling and throw them onto the shores of the island. Upon his order
Ariel dispersed them and Ferdinand was left alone, And Antonio and the
.king of Naples were under the magic

?How did Ariel use to tease Caliban )4

When Caliban was lazy and neglected his work, Ariel would come and pinch -
him and sometimes tumble him in the mud, and then Ariel, in the likeness of
.an ape, would make mouths of him

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