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® € English Courses / Course / Chapter Neoclassical Literature: Overview, Authors, and Elements Explore Neoclassicism in English literature, Study the time period, stages, and characteristics of the Neoclassical era, and find the Neoclassical period authors. Updated: 05/11/2022 Neoclassical literature was written between 1660 and 1798. This time period is broken down into three parts: the Restoration period, the Augustan period, and the Age of Johnson. Definition Writers of the Neoclassical period tried to imitate the style of the Romans and Greeks. Thus the combination of the terms ‘neo,' which means 'new,' and 'classical,' as in the day of the Roman and Greek classics. This was also the era of The Enlightenment, which emphasized logic and reason. It was preceded by The Renaissance and followed by the Romantic era. In fact, the Neoclassical period ended in 1798 when Wordsworth published the Romantic ‘Lyrical Ballads’. Practice Quiz Course 377K views Neoclassical Era Understanding the Neoclassical era helps us better understand its literature. This was a time of comfortableness in England, People would meet at coffee houses to chat about politics, among other topics, and sometimes drink a new, warm beverage made of chocolate! It was also the beginning of the British tradition of drinking afternoon tea. And it was the starting point of the middle class, and because of that, more people were literate. People were very interested in appearances, but not necessarily in being genuine. Men and women commonly wore wigs, and being clever and witty was in vogue. Having good manners and doing the right thing, particularly in public, was essential. It was a time, too, of British political upheaval as eight monarchs took the throne. Characteristics of Neoclassical Literature Neoclassical literature is characterized by order, accuracy, and structure. In direct opposition to Renaissance attitudes, where man was seen as basically good, the Neoclassical writers portrayed man as inherently flawed. They emphasized restraint, self-control, and common sense. This was a time when conservatism flourished in both politics and literature. itps1study.comlacadomylesson/neoclassial:itrature-dfinion-characteristes-movernent html 18 sania, 4:20 0M Neoclassical Literature | Aurs, Charaterses & Movement - Video & Lesson Transp | Stsycom Some popular types of literature included: = Parody + Essays * Satire * Letters * Fables * Melodrama, and © Rhyming with couplets Three Stages As I noted at the beginning, the Neoclassical period of literature can be divided into three distinct stages: the Restoration Period, the Augustan Period, and the Age of Johnson. We will take a look at some of the prominent writers in each of these stages. wf To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Create your account Activities FAQs Understanding Neoclassical Literature and Culture This lesson introduced you to an important time in British literature and culture: the Neoclassical period. Now it's time to take a closer look at Neoclassical literature and culture, and how both fit into a broader historical perspective. Reading Neoclassical Literature This lesson listed some of the most famous Neoclassical writers, who included John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, and Samuel Johnson. Have you read any work by these writers? If not, now is your chance. Many of them wrote relatively short works like poems and essays. For instance, check out Swift's A Modest Proposal, Pope's “Ode on Solitude," or Dryden's Marriage a-la-mode. Now that you've read some famous works of Neoclassical literature, write a short essay explaining how these works connect to the cultural elements of Neoclassicism that you learned about in this lesson. Neoclassicism and Colonialism itpsstudy.comlacademylesson/neoclassial:itrature-dfinion-characteristes-movernent html 26 2/270, 204M Neoclassical Literature | Aurs, Charaterses & Movement - Video & Lesson Transp | Stsycom As this lesson explained, the Neoclassical era was comfortable for many people living in Britain. It was a less happy time for many people in other countries, as Britain was in the process of colonizing many parts of the world. Racist ideas abounded, the slave trade was in full swing, and much of Britain's newfound wealth came from exploiting international resources, For example, writers like Daniel Defoe, particularly in his novel, Robinson Crusoe, embodied these racist and colonial ideas. How did colonialism contribute to Neoclassical literature and the conception of personhood in Britain? Explain your answer in an essay or paragraph. 17th Century World Literature Britain was not the only nation with a thriving literary tradition in the 17th and 18th centuries. Research some other countries’ literary traditions at the time, and compare and contrast two or more countries’ literary works during the Neoclassical era in a paragraph or essay. Examples: Qing Dynasty literature in China; Indian poets like Mah Laqa Bai; Icelandic sagas that were largely written down in the 1600s. Bryce S. Student United States [_ceseanscon | A textbook can only get you so far. The video aid provided by really helps connect the dots for a much deeper understanding. Additional Information Neoclassicism in English Literature Neoclassicism in English literature refers to a movement which flourished between 1660 and 1798, The term refers to a style that is based on, but different from, the classic structures of the Roman and Greek writers of old. "Neo" means "new," so the term literally means the "old classic.” However, neoclassicism was a unique style with its own themes and works. Neoclassicismn began after the Renaissance. Whereas the Renaissance focused on lifting the individual and making people larger than life and limitless in their potential, neoclassicism placed the individual in the context of society. The individual became flawed, and passion needed to be curved by reason. itpssistudy.comlacadomylesson/neoclassial:itorature-dfiniton-characteristes-moverent html 38 sap129e2, 1:20 AN Neoclassical Literature | Authors, Characteristics & Movement - Video & Lesson Transcript | When was the Neoclassical Period? Neoclassicism started in 1660 when the Stuarts returned to the throne and the Enlightenment was in full swing, When the neoclassical period was the predominant style, artists like Daniel Defoe and Samuel Johnson flourished. The publication of Wordsworth’ Lyrical Ballads in 1798, however, marked the end of the neoclassical time period. These poems ended Neoclassicism and began the Romantic Age. Whereas Neoclassicism looked to the beauty of order, Romanticism later emphasized the individual and put more weight on the imaginative and personal Stages of the Neoclassical Era ‘The Neoclassical era can be broken down into three general eras: the Restoration Period, the Augustan Period, and the Age of Johnson. The Restoration Period The first period in the Neoclassical Period was the Restoration Period. The name comes from the restoration of the monarchy after the return of Charles Il after Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth. Artists of the time first looked bback to the old Greek and Roman plays and works and emulated their general style. These works followed the same basic guidelines but relied far more on satire. (Odes and pastorals also became popular, and people looked to fight back against the Enlightenment. The Protestant aesthetics became more widespread as writers looked to be somber and more pious than the previous generation. Writing genres like travel writing, the biography, and journalism took on greater importance. The Augustan Period ‘The Augustan Period was named after the Roman emperor Augustus. The name gives credit to his drive to bring order and prosperity to the Roman Empire. In a similar way, artists of this period embraced rationalist and realistic styles and a more dominant tone. Fiction novels and journalism developed into forms similar to their modern counterparts and satire became a major genre. Writing also started to move away from the courtly writing of the past and began to move towards a more emotional and romantic style. The Age of Johnson ‘The Age of Johnson is named after Samuel Johnson, one of the most prominent artists during this time, He wrote The Dictionary of the English Language between 1745 and 1755. Comedies remained popular, though poetry was slowly embracing a more sentimental style, something the Romantics would build on later. The novel of sensibility, a work that touches a reader’s compassion or sympathy, also grew during this time and would be the precursor to the gothic novels of the 19th century. itpsistudy.comlacademylleson/neoclassial:itorature-dfinion-characteristis-movernent hin 46 sap129e2, 1:20 AN Neoclassical Literature | Authors, Characteristics & Movement - Video & Lesson Transcript | Characteristics of Neoclassical Literature The Enlightenment saw a rise in scientific inquiry and the desire to expand individual freedom, reason, and tolerance. The individual became the focus of inquiries and philosophy. When the Neoclassical Period dominated art, artists and readers instead saw themselves as above society. The artists of the time saw social institutions as corrupt. Paradoxically, individuals who rebelled against social institutions were also seen as misguided. The imaginative and the fantastic were seen as antithetical to a well-functioning society. Reason, moderation, and structure were essential to maintain order. New forms of literature like pamphlets and essays allowed information to be brought to the masses, especially to the lower classes. More importantly, works needed to have didactic intention. In other words, the work needed to teach something and be more than frivolous entertainment. wf To unlock this lesson you must be a Member. Create your account Neoclassical Literature | Authors, Characteristics & Movement Related Study Materials Create an account to start this course today Used by over 30 million students worldwide | itpsiistudy.comiacadamyesson/nooclassicalite ure-defntion-characterites-movemen. hint 515

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