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Submitted to


Arpita Deb
William Gingunhao Misao
Manas Pratim Gogoi
GM DC2022MCA0032
Naorem Vivek Singh
Mazzalin Nongtdu
in partial fulfilment for completion of SRS Report
BATCH (2022- 2024)

1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1-2
1.1 Objective
1.2 Intended Use
1.3 Working
1.4 Definitions and Acronyms

2. General Overview…………………………………………………………………………………………………..2-3
2.1 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

3. Overall Description………………………………………………………………………………………………..3-4
3.1 Customer Needs

4. System Features and Requirements……………………………………………………………………….4-6

4.1 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements
4.2 Tech Stack

5. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6


This document contains the user requirements business goals, intend to use, scope, user needs,
system features, and requirements, functional requirements, non-functional requirements of
Garbage “Pickerlaza”.

Garbage collection is an essential service in any society, since it is important for “protection” of
the “environment and health” of the “population”. The software is a website that will be
“tracking” all the information regarding the collection of the garbage in a particular location. With
the help of this website the P.W.D department and the public can view the collection of garbage
in a particular location with the help of geo tagged images uploaded by the truck driver. We have
decided to create a website that better organizes and streamlines the garbage collection system
using IOT sensors technology.

1.1. Objective

This software streamlines the waste disposal and management system. This software
indicates that effective garbage collection system would help avert the attitude of garbage
collectors for waste disposal and management in the area.

1.2. Intended Use

This software allows the users to monitor the garbage bins and informs about the level of
garbage collected in the garbage bins via a web page. By monitoring the availability of
bins, it is possible to plan routes of the vehicles for discharging full bins without
unnecessarily going to places of empty or half – empty bins, which would reduce fuel
consumption and vehicles depreciation and increase the effective work of workers and

1.3. Working

➢ To optimize the garbage collection system, we will be assigning an admin to each area.
The role of the admin is to assign all new drivers with username and password so that
they are able to login to their personal account.

➢ The driver’s role is to go about in particular area collecting garbage. Also, a driver will
be assigned to collect a bin by the admin, if any of the bins gets full.

➢ Public can get a view of their area by visiting the website and checking whether the
garbage in their area has been collected or not.

➢ Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect the level of the garbage in the bin.

➢ Whenever the garbage bin gets filled up, the ultrasonic sensor will sense it and send an
update to the admin of the area, through the website.

1.4. Definitions and Acronyms

waste generation and management: Waste generation refers to the production of waste or
discarded materials, such as solid waste, hazardous waste, and medical waste, by households,
businesses, industries, and other activities. Waste management refers to the collection,
transportation, processing, and disposal of this waste in a manner that minimizes its impact on
the environment and public health. Effective waste management requires a comprehensive and
integrated approach that includes reducing the amount of waste generated, reusing and recycling
materials whenever possible, and properly disposing of waste that cannot be recycled. The goal
of waste management is to ensure that waste is handled and disposed of in a safe, efficient, and
environmentally responsible manner, while protecting public health and the environment..

solid waste: Solid waste refers to any discarded material that is not liquid or gas, including
garbage and refuse, as well as other discarded materials such as sludge from wastewater
treatment plants, street sweepings, and demolition debris. Solid waste can be generated by
households, commercial and industrial operations, and agricultural and construction activities. It
can include items such as food waste, paper products, plastics, metal and glass containers, textiles,
wood, and yard trimmings.

garbage collection system: The garbage collection system refers to the process of collecting,
transporting, and disposing of solid waste generated by households and businesses. This process
typically involves the use of specialized vehicles, such as garbage trucks, to collect and transport
waste to a landfill or waste processing facility, where it is either processed into compost or other
usable materials, or disposed of in an environmentally safe manner. The goal of the garbage
collection system is to effectively and efficiently manage the waste generated by a community,
while minimizing its impact on the environment and public health.

waste disposal: Waste disposal refers to the process of getting rid of unwanted or discarded
materials, such as solid waste, hazardous waste, and medical waste. This process typically involves
collecting and transporting waste to a designated facility, such as a landfill or waste-to-energy
plant, where it is either processed for further use, such as recycling or composting, or disposed of
in a manner that minimizes its impact on the environment and public health.

2. General Overview
A garbage management system with IoT smart bin is a project that aims to improve the
management and collection of waste using internet of things (IoT) technology.

The main features of this system include:

Smart Bin: The garbage management system uses smart bins that are equipped with sensors and
connected to the internet, allowing real-time monitoring of waste levels and other parameters.

Real-time Data Monitoring: The system collects real-time data on the waste levels, temperature,
and humidity of the smart bins, and uses this information to optimize waste collection and

Automatic Waste Collection: The system can automatically schedule waste collection based on
the fill level of the smart bin, reducing the need for manual waste collection.

Mobile Application: The system includes a mobile application that allows users to locate and
navigate to the nearest smart bin, report any issues with the bin, and track their waste disposal

Data Analytics: The system uses data analytics to generate insights into waste management
patterns and identify areas for improvement in the waste management process.

Driver Picture Upload: The system includes a feature that requires drivers to take pictures of the
waste collection process and upload them to the system, which can provide proof of service and
ensure accountability.

GPS Tracking: The system uses GPS tracking to monitor the location of the garbage trucks and
ensure that they are following the most efficient routes to collect waste from the smart bins.

A garbage management system with IoT smart bin has the potential to improve the efficiency and
sustainability of waste management by reducing manual labor, optimizing waste collection and
disposal, and providing valuable data insights.

These features enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of the garbage management system,
ensuring that waste is collected and disposed of in a timely and sustainable manner.

3. Overall Description
The garbage management system with IoT smart bin is an integrated waste management solution
that aims to optimize the waste collection process and promote efficient waste disposal. The
system includes a network of smart bins equipped with ultrasonic sensors and wireless
communication modules that measure the fill level of the bins in real-time. The waste
management platform collects and processes the data from the smart bins and uses it to optimize
waste collection scheduling and route planning using GPS tracking. The mobile application allows
end-users to locate the nearest smart bin, track their waste disposal history, and report any issues
with the smart bin. The system also generates insights into waste management patterns and
identifies areas for improvement in the waste management process. The primary objective of the
garbage management system with IoT smart bin is to reduce the environmental impact of waste
disposal by promoting efficient waste collection and promoting responsible waste disposal
practices among end-users.

3.1 Customer Needs

Customer needs for the garbage management system with IoT smart bin are:

i) Reliable waste collection: The system should provide reliable and timely waste collection
services to ensure that the bins are not overflowing, reducing the risk of littering and
environmental pollution.
ii) Efficient waste collection: The system to optimize waste collection routes and schedules
based on the fill level of the smart bins, ensuring that waste collection is done in the most
efficient and cost-effective manner possible.

iii) Easy waste disposal: The mobile application should make it easy for me to locate and
navigate to the nearest smart bin, and to provide real-time information on the fill level of
the bin.
iv) User-friendly interface: The mobile application should have a user-friendly interface that
is easy to navigate and understand, making it easy for me to report any issues with the
smart bin or track my waste disposal history.
v) Data privacy and security: The system must ensure the privacy and security of customer’s
personal data, such as my location and waste disposal history, and to comply with all
relevant data protection regulations and would be stored in our own servers.
vi) Environmental sustainability: The system should promote environmentally sustainable
waste management practices, such as recycling and composting, and to reduce the
environmental impact of waste disposal.

4. System Features and Requirements

System Features
Smart bin monitoring:

• The system shall include a network of IoT smart bins equipped with ultrasonic sensors to
measure the fill level of the bins in real-time.
• The system shall provide real-time data on the fill level of each smart bin to the waste
management platform.

Waste collection scheduling:

• The system shall optimize waste collection routes and schedules based on the fill level of the
smart bins.
• The system shall provide waste collection drivers with real-time information on the optimal
route for waste collection.

User management:

• The system shall allow end-users to create and manage their accounts on the mobile
• The system shall allow end-users to report any issues with the smart bin and track their waste
disposal history.

Data analytics:

• The system shall collect and process data from the smart bins and generate insights into waste
management patterns.
• The system shall provide waste management administrators with real-time data on the fill
level of each smart bin, as well as other key waste management metrics.

Mobile application:

• The mobile application shall provide end-users with real-time information on the fill level of
the nearest smart bin.

• The mobile application shall allow end-users to report any issues with the smart bin and track
their waste disposal history.

GPS tracking:

• The system shall include a GPS tracking system for waste collection vehicles to optimize waste
collection routes and schedules.

• The system shall be able to collect and process data from the smart bins in real-time.
• The system shall have a reliable wireless communication network between the smart bins and
the waste management platform.
• The system shall comply with all relevant data protection regulations to ensure the privacy
and security of end-users' personal data.
• The system shall be scalable to accommodate additional smart bins and end-users as the
system expands.
• The system shall have a user-friendly interface for both end-users and waste management

4.1 Functional and Non-Functional Requirements

Functional Requirements:
Smart Bin: The system should be able to detect and monitor the fill level of the smart bin, and
send notifications to the waste management team for collection when the bin reaches a certain

Automatic Waste Collection: The system should be able to automatically schedule waste
collection based on the fill level of the smart bin.

Mobile Application: The system should have a mobile application that allows users to locate and
navigate to the nearest smart bin, report any issues with the bin, and track their waste disposal

Real-time Data Monitoring: The system should be able to collect real-time data on the waste
levels, temperature, and humidity of the smart bins, and use this information to optimize waste
collection and disposal.

Data Analytics: The system should be able to use data analytics to generate insights into waste
management patterns and identify areas for improvement in the waste management process.

Non-functional Requirements:
Scalability: The system should be scalable to accommodate additional smart bins and waste
collection teams.

Reliability: The system should be reliable, with minimal downtime and data loss.

Security: The system should be secure, with proper measures in place to protect the sensitive
information and prevent unauthorized access.

Usability: The system should be easy to use, with a user-friendly interface that is accessible to
people with varying levels of technical expertise.

Performance: The system should perform efficiently, with fast response times and low latency.

4.2 Tech Stack


• Intel Pentium 4 Processor to run the browser

• Internet Connection
• GPS devices for waste collection vehicles.


• Installed Browser
• Windows/Android

In conclusion, this Software Requirements Specification (SRS) has outlined the key features, functions,
and requirements for a garbage management system with IoT as a smart dustbin. The system is
designed to efficiently manage the disposal of garbage and promote sustainable waste management
practices. The SRS includes detailed specifications for the smart dustbin with ultrasonic sensors, live
tracking of vans, and a website for public access. Specific goals and objectives have been identified to
ensure that the system is effective in meeting the needs of users and stakeholders.

In addition to the functional and non-functional requirements, this SRS has also addressed important
considerations such as security and privacy. By following the requirements and specifications
outlined in this SRS, we can ensure that the garbage management system will be built to a high
standard and effectively manage waste in a sustainable and efficient manner.

We believe that the garbage management system with IoT as a smart dustbin has the potential to
revolutionize waste management practices and promote a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable
environment. With careful planning and development, this system can be a valuable asset to waste
management companies, local governments, and the Citizens.

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